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Amyris Essential Oil: "Time Healing"

Amyris Essential Oil: "Time Healing"

Amyris Balsamifera which is sometimes sold as "Sandalwood" is the essence of choice for people who have lost something of themselves in the past, buried things deep, forgotten who they really are, carry secrets and old burdens. Soothing and gentle resolution, evolutionary, no shocks, time healing.

Angelica Essential Oil: "Good Vibrations"

Angelica Essential Oil: "Good Vibrations"

Angelica is a good choice for feeling displaced, unhappy, tired, flat, "in bits", ragged. Lifts vibration, repairs the outer layers of the energy system and helps to attract positive entities and events.

Aniseed China Star Essential Oil: "Triple Warmer"

Aniseed China Star Essential Oil: "Triple Warmer"

Aniseed China Star is good for people who have abandoned their bodies; builds compassion for the body, rekindles good body feelings, helps with eating disorders and sexual problems. A major component of romantic love potions.

Australian Sandalwood Essential Oil: "Peace"

Australian Sandalwood Essential Oil: "Peace"

Australian Sandalwood is the perfect essence for those who desire true peace above all - a cessation of war, a state of being where everyone does their thing and can be single minded in doing so because there are no conflicts left and you don't have to constantly look over your shoulder and worry for your life. This is a very beautiful, very meditative essence that is profoundly healing and stimulates compassion, love and brotherhood across the systems.

Basil Essential Oil: "Sanctuary"

Basil Essential Oil: "Sanctuary"

For people in need of taking a break, finding a safe place to recover, letting go of burdens and building inner strength so they can carry on.

Bay Essential Oil: "The Father"

Bay Essential Oil: "The Father"

Bay builds inner trust and self love in a powerful circle of protective safety. Good for feeling lost, fatherless, alone, not enough to face a situation, not strong enough.

Benzoin Essential Oil: "The Ancient One"

Benzoin Essential Oil: "The Ancient One"

This is for people who feel cold and lonely, far from home, unloved even though they are surrounded by many. Benzoin brings an old love, a very primal form of love and protection that lies at the foundation of a person's strength in life.

Bergamot Essential Oil: "Spheres"

Bergamot Essential Oil: "Spheres"

Bergamot is great reminder of the lighter sides of life, very uplifting and practically healing; raises the spirit and brings a lightness to weary days and weary travellers.

Birch Essential Oil: "The Truth Sayer"

Birch Essential Oil: "The Truth Sayer"

Birch is good for people who are afraid of the truth, can't handle the truth, can't face the truth and this is holding them back from achievement and enjoyment in life.

Bitter Orange Essential Oil: "The Tonic"

Bitter Orange Essential Oil: "The Tonic"

When people feel low and their defences are down, it is not just colds we attract - there are all kinds of astral cooties that begin to nest in the energy system and thrive there. As Vitamin C is to colds, Bitter Orange is to the energy system - cleansing and stimulates our natural defences.

Black Pepper Essential Oil: "The Motivator"

Black Pepper Essential Oil: "The Motivator"

Black Pepper is an excellent antidote to negative thinking, protection from negative energy, dissolving negative energy in and around the body, directing attention towards a positive outcome.

Bog Myrtle Essential Oil: "Circle Of Safety"

Bog Myrtle Essential Oil: "Circle Of Safety"

Bog Myrtle is very useful for people who let the wild horses of their imagination run riot; people who think in stress circles and get wound up easily; people who leap before they think. Grounding, stabilising and a great protection from psychic attacks and self doubts.

Cade Essential Oil: "The Foundations"

Cade Essential Oil: "The Foundations"

Cade is a strongly compelling remedy for any situation where good decisions are required or when the problems stem from a lack of security. Going back to basics and building from the ground up. Good for people who have suffered from major life changes, divorce, bereavement, business failure to help start over.

Cajuput Essential Oil: "The Escape"

Cajuput Essential Oil: "The Escape"

Cajuput is great for people who are afraid and stuck, to help them "accelerate out of danger" and take swift and decisive action to escape from their current predicaments.

Camphor Essential Oil: "Body Love"

Camphor Essential Oil: "Body Love"

Camphor helps bring people back who have fled their bodies because of pain and trauma, who have rejected the body because of experiences or what they have been taught. Helps re-awaken the physical senses and encourages the seeking of good feeling about and for the body which is extremely important in all mental, spiritual and physical healing.

Cardamom Essential Oil: "The Ocean Wave"

Cardamom Essential Oil: "The Ocean Wave"

Cardamom is perfect to help you wake up, come back to your senses and feel instantly re-charged and refreshed. Very good for negative thinking and tired, worn out states of being.

Carnation Essential Oil: "Bright & Breezy"

Carnation Essential Oil: "Bright & Breezy"

Carnation is a good choice for people who get too dour, intense, sarcastic or take the weight of the world on their shoulders and themselves far too seriously. Can be helpful when a light touch of inspiration is required to resolve a problem or a situation.

Carrot Seed Essential Oil: "The Hard Worker"

Carrot Seed Essential Oil: "The Hard Worker"

Carrot Seed is good for people who have a tendency to "go off with the fairies", dream their days away, shy away from hard work, think they don't have any willpower, and feel generally weak and inefficient in their daily dealings with themselves and others.

Cassia Essential Oil: "The Exotic Dancer"

Cassia Essential Oil: "The Exotic Dancer"

Cassia is good for people who have few emotions, are very stuck and rigid in their thinking or beliefs, and rigid and inflexible in their bodies. Generally, Cassia has a tendency to catapult consciousness out and away so that completely different conclusions on existing situations can be reached by this shift in altitude.

Cedarwood Atlas Essential Oil: "Cathedral Forest"

Cedarwood Atlas Essential Oil: "Cathedral Forest"

Cedarwood Atlas is for people who need to be swept off their feet and taken straight to a place of power and of beauty, where both become one and the same, and that is holy.

Celery Essential Oil: "Apium Graveolens: Infiltrating, invigorating, refreshing, compelling, bringing back and down, herbal, homely, returning to the center of peace."

Celery Essential Oil: "Apium Graveolens: Infiltrating, invigorating, refreshing, compelling, bringing back and down, herbal, homely, returning to the center of peace."

Celery is excellent for people who need something to bring them back down to Earth, but not in a negative way; in the contrary, landing back in actual reality is often far, far better than living in an illusion of all manner of fears.

Chamomile Maroc Essential Oil: "The Path"

Chamomile Maroc Essential Oil: "The Path"

Chamomile Maroc is perfect for people need respite from their worldly troubles, invites you take a break, walk in the gardens, lose yourself and come to your senses!

Champaka Essential Oil: "Loving Life"

Champaka Essential Oil: "Loving Life"

Champaka is wonderful for people in need of comfort, luxury, a blissful state of being free from fear and burdens of responsibility, being free to enjoy life, to come to life on every level and in every way. The perfect antidote to poverty consciousness - in money terms, in terms of pleasures and their availability, and including all spiritual, mental and physical pleasures on offer.

Cinnamon Essential Oil: "The Inquisitor"

Cinnamon Essential Oil: "The Inquisitor"

Cinnamon draws out deep issues, asks deep questions, won't take "No!" for an answer. It affects many levels and acts strongly on the astral body. Past life questions and unresolved challenges are brought to our attention, and moved on towards full healing and resolution.

Citronella Essential Oil: "The Lucky Charm"

Citronella Essential Oil: "The Lucky Charm"

Citronella attracts all kinds of helpful spirits and raises the vibrations of a person to be more repellent to psychic attacks and all manner of gremlins, and including unpleasant people. As such, it has the very real side effect of making a person luckier although a lot of that has to do with having more access to basic common sense - and the rest is pure magic.

Clary Sage Essential Oil: "A Loving Blanket"

Clary Sage Essential Oil: "A Loving Blanket"

Clary Sage protects and soothes the spirit, calms the over-active mind, puts its arms around you and holds you close. Very resonant, very powerful against distress and fear. Hides the wearer from spiritual attacks.

Clove Essential Oil: "The Fire"

Clove Essential Oil: "The Fire"

Clove is good for heart healing; helps with family problems and to get warring aspects of the self to start working together for a common goal.

Coriander Essential Oil: "Sigh Of Relief"

Coriander Essential Oil: "Sigh Of Relief"

Coriander is a multi-level action, penetrating rapidly deeply into the energy system and cleansing it, refreshing it and banishing the blues. This leads to a deep sigh of relief which likewise, draws in the refreshing and revitalising air we breathe deeply into our systems, so we can start again, with new questions and new solutions.

Cumin Essential Oil: "A New Perspective"

Cumin Essential Oil: "A New Perspective"

Cumin is the perfect choice for people who have been repeatedly told that they must change their attitude - which is exactly what this essence does. It shifts a person away from their present attitude and into a different one, so they can observe old problems from a totally different perspective and gain much more information, clarity, and find new courses of action.

Cypress Essential Oil: "Nature Cure"

Cypress Essential Oil: "Nature Cure"

Cypress is a wonderful natural healer for all kinds of maladies of the spirit, because it is powerfully old, and the systems within us that responds at this level are likewise, the oldest and most primal systems that power our survival, drive us towards healing and health, and they never stop as long as we remain alive.

Damiana Essential Oil: "Friends In High Places"

Damiana Essential Oil: "Friends In High Places"

Damiana is a great essence for people who have meditation and self discovery mixed up with endless navel gazing. We may learn how bad the problem is by going inside, but only by going outside do we see the bigger picture and find the solutions. With the strong forward and upward lifting action of Damiana, it is very good for vision quests and to contact the higher forces.

Dill Essential Oil: "The Renewer"

Dill Essential Oil: "The Renewer"

Dill is an outstanding remedy for people who have lost faith in their bodies or their minds; very healing, tapping into nature's strength inside a person, reminding them of a time of green.

Elemi Essential Oil: "Coloured Lights"

Elemi Essential Oil: "Coloured Lights"

Elemi is perfect for people who need a reminder that life is not just about making it through from weary day to another, but that there is more to life - it reminds them, but also lifts and pulls the vibrations forward and up so that there is the energy there to awaken to this fact, and to actively seek out better things, brighter experiences.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil: "The Faithful"

Eucalyptus Essential Oil: "The Faithful"

Eucalyptus leaves absolutely no room for doubt - this is about life, about never giving up, stripping away doubts, finding the strength to go on, a bright wind that blows negativity away and lets you see the way ahead.

Fennel Essential Oil: "The Harvest Festival"

Fennel Essential Oil: "The Harvest Festival"

Fennel is great for people who feel they don't have enough - enough good food, enough love, enough money, enough health. Heals poverty consciousness and allows abundance to become recognised and manifest.

Fir Essential Oil: "Fountain of Youth"

Fir Essential Oil: "Fountain of Youth"

Fir is an excellent choice for someone who is starting on the road to recovery after a serious illness, be it an illness of the mind, body, or spirit. There is the power of great age about Fir, but it is also, always young - and that's the truth of life.

Frangipani Essential Oil: "The Silver Lining"

Frangipani Essential Oil: "The Silver Lining"

Frangipani is excellent for people who are feeling down, sad, defeated and creates a movement to look up and out, remember that the sun always shines, whether we can see it, or not.

Frankincense Essential Oil: "The Phoenix"

Frankincense Essential Oil: "The Phoenix"

Frankincense invites us to go forward into mystery, discovering the undiscovered, and allowing us to be reborn into joy. As such, Frankincense is the first choice antidote for people who are afraid of death or transformation; who are in bereavement or major life transitions.

Galangal Essential Oil: "Far Futures"

Galangal Essential Oil: "Far Futures"

Galangal has the power of time perspective; it stimulates especially the astral circuitry which can see through time. An excellent choice when the future is unclear or seems fearful; also for people who are trying to "find themselves", find their life's purpose or have lost faith in the future.

Galbanum Essential Oil: "Alien Messages"

Galbanum Essential Oil: "Alien Messages"

Galbanum is a wonderful tonic for people who think in ever decreasing circles, have run out of ideas, or believe that life has nothing new left to offer. Also useful to stimulate creativity, finding new solutions to old problems, and tapping into aspects of the self that may never have been discovered before.

Gardenia Essential Oil: "The White Angel"

Gardenia Essential Oil: "The White Angel"

For people who need to literally be propelled up into higher levels of vibration; the antidote to being ordinary and suffering from low self esteem and self belief. Makes you more attractive to other people and the angels and brings you closer to you soul.

Geranium Essential Oil: "The Clearing Wind"

Geranium Essential Oil: "The Clearing Wind"

Geranium is one of those essences that won't take no for an answer. Perfect for people who need to be swept up and away, clear out their thoughts and energy systems, have a tendency to brood or to get too negative. Also a great psychic defence and disinfectant with many uses around the body and the home.

German Chamomile Essential Oil: "True Blue"

German Chamomile Essential Oil: "True Blue"

German Chamomile builds a strong heart; for those who have lost their way, have lost faith or hope, or had their heart broken. Provides a clear and powerful vision for the future, an uncompromising call to action and the energy and will to succeed.

Ginger Essential Oil: "Burning Desire"

Ginger Essential Oil: "Burning Desire"

Ginger is good for pale, cold, lifeless people. Helps unlock frozen emotions, frozen bodies, rigid thoughts. Burns away illusions. De-stabilises constructs and forces the attention to the body, here and now.

Grapefruit Essential Oil: "The Bright Light"

Grapefruit Essential Oil: "The Bright Light"

Grapefruit is a powerful defender against negativity of all kinds, whether it is self generated, or inherited, or comes from outside sources; it matters not. Excellent for people who need a real blast of bright light to bring them out of their darkness.

Helichrysum Essential Oil: "Satisfaction"

Helichrysum Essential Oil: "Satisfaction"

Helichrysum or Immortelle is very useful as a remedy for people who can't seem to get satisfaction, in the metaphorical as well as in the very physical sense. Awakens deep desires and at the energetic level, fills hungers that might not be stilled in other ways. No love potions should be without it.

Hemp Essential Oil: "Success"

Hemp Essential Oil: "Success"

The essential oil of Hemp is immensely practical, expansive and fully grounding. Hemp brings a powerful movement towards prosperity, wealth, success and expansion – but this is a groundswell of success that takes everything with it, leaves nothing behind, all spiritual AND material needs are addressed at the same time.

Holy Basil Essential Oil: "Starry Night"

Holy Basil Essential Oil: "Starry Night"

Many people think of enlightenment only in terms of bright white light, fine high vibrations and orient themselves that way. But the universe is old, and rich, and deeply resonant - Holy Basil helps to re-connect to that side of spirituality.

Honeysuckle Essential Oil: "The Garden"

Honeysuckle Essential Oil: "The Garden"

Honeysuckle is the essence of choice for people who have been hurt too often and too much. Creates a space of remembrance of living in beauty, safety and wide eyed innocence.

Hop Essential Oil: "Tall And Strong"

Hop Essential Oil: "Tall And Strong"

Hop is for people in need of accessing male energies which are available to all humans by design. A good remedy for those who feel helpless and scared or in constant need of being rescued by someone from the outside. For times in your life when you feel you need to stand up and be tall and strong.

Hyacinth Essential Oil: "Laughter"

Hyacinth Essential Oil: "Laughter"

Hyacinth is for people who think they're ugly, worry about their appearance too much and need help to refocus on what's really important in life. Helps develop true beauty from the inside out. Raises vibrations strongly and draws in helpful spirits, brightness, laughter and joy.

Hyssop Essential Oil: "Wings"

Hyssop Essential Oil: "Wings"

Hyssop is very good for people who feel stuck in their lives and yearn for more freedom - freedom of self expression but also very practically, freedom of movement in the body as well as in its deepest metaphorical sense. Thus Hyssop is also helpful for goal setting, planning, and to discover strategies that get you from where you are to where you want to be.

Inula Essential Oil: "Mind Flight"

Inula Essential Oil: "Mind Flight"

Inula helps people to develop or restore mental faculties; will aid meditation, focused prayer, deep thought, creativity and lucid dreaming. Helps unlock psychic abilities.

Jasmine Essential Oil: "The Amazon"

Jasmine Essential Oil: "The Amazon"

Jasmine is good for women who want to find their strength without losing their feminine identity, sensuousness and sensitivity; and good for men who want to be strong and powerful yet be able to connect with other human beings.

Juniper Essential Oil: "The Harvest"

Juniper Essential Oil: "The Harvest"

Juniper is good for people who are afraid to grow up, or to grow old; people who don't know how to; and people who are clinging on to their "glory days".

Labdanum Essential Oil: "The Mother"

Labdanum Essential Oil: "The Mother"

Labdanum is advised for people who need to awaken the strong and powerfully enduring side of their feminine energies; to have enough strength so there is plenty to give to others, having the power to hold a household together and long term endurance. Very good against stress and fear, and to resolve the causes for feeling helpless and weak.

Laurel Essential Oil: "Holiday"

Laurel Essential Oil: "Holiday"

Laurel is a wonderful remedy for people who feel like they need the kind of holiday where you go to a beautiful place, no stress, good food, where the air is clear and you can see for miles, and all the worries and burdens simply seem to slip away. Our energy system regenerates under these conditions, and this is what Laurel does for us in the comfort of our own homes.

Lavender Essential Oil: "The Champion"

Lavender Essential Oil: "The Champion"

Lavender is truly, “the friend of the people”. It is the one great all round defender, champion and tonic for all reasons and for all seasons, always bright, always helpful, always uncompromisingly proactive, practical and helpful.

Lemon Verbena Essential Oil: "Fearless"

Lemon Verbena Essential Oil: "Fearless"

Lemon Verbena is good for people who are insecure in their dealings with reality and provides long lasting stimulation for the parts of the energy system which are required to be grounded, proactive and to feel safe inside one's own skin. Affects the mind. the body and the energy body positively.

Lemon Essential Oil: "The Mind Healer"

Lemon Essential Oil: "The Mind Healer"

The name says it all - Lemon helps regain clarity of the mind, that means clarity of thought, of logic, of connecting cause and effect again and putting things into their rightful order and sequence. Helps with study, attention, and problem solving.

Lemongrass Essential Oil: "Summer Rain"

Lemongrass Essential Oil: "Summer Rain"

Lemongrass blows the cobwebs from your mind and stale energies out of your energy system, makes room for new and better things to flow into these places. It is a particularly good cleanser after having been in negative situations or around negative people to brush up the aura and make it smooth and shiny again.

Lime Essential Oil: "The Child"

Lime Essential Oil: "The Child"

Lime is perfect for the world wary, world weary, and a beautiful antidote for feeling old, cynical, hard done by or being a martyr or a hypochondriac.

Linaloe Essential Oil: "The Adventurer"

Linaloe Essential Oil: "The Adventurer"

Linaloe helps to alleviate long term stress by compelling towards action - to sit down and give up means to die. Helps catalyse new reserves of strength, and directs attention outward bound towards adventure and the expectation of discovery and possibly, treasure ...

Linden Blossom Essential Oil: "Oldest Green"

Linden Blossom Essential Oil: "Oldest Green"

Good for people who feel disconnected from life, or who have lost their family, or who have never had a proper family. We are all related to Creation itself and Linden helps us remember that we are not orphans, but belong to the great family of life.

Litsea Essential Oil: "Ray Of Sunshine"

Litsea Essential Oil: "Ray Of Sunshine"

Litsea is a delightful essence for those who need a quick injection of joy, lightness of spirit and being young at heart, in every situation. Also great for inner child healing, and children like this one as it is close to their youthful vibrations.

Lotus Essential Oil: "Summerlands"

Lotus Essential Oil: "Summerlands"

Lotus sweeps you off your feet like a young bride and carries you far and away, to other dimensions, other realms, places of infinite beauty, places of the soul beyond the living. It is excellent for people who are afraid of life, or of death; brings respite to the sick and suffering; is a beautiful meditation and prayer lifting device as well as soothing on the most profound levels.

Mandarin Essential Oil: "The Innocent"

Mandarin Essential Oil: "The Innocent"

Mandarin is most gentle and supportive in bringing back movement and healing; it is a good choice for very young children, and those who are frail, recovering, old and sad.

Manuka Essential Oil: "Complex Unfoldments"

Manuka Essential Oil: "Complex Unfoldments"

Manuka is useful of specific tasks and aims that, in order to be undertaken, need a certain level of preparation and planning beforehand. It comes from a place of great complexity itself, so it helps to handle multiple simultaneous events with ease. Good for sorting out complicated people situations and systems that might have become overly convoluted.

Melissa Essential Oil: "The Song"

Melissa Essential Oil: "The Song"

Very uplifting; good for grief, bereavement, disappointment and if a person is not so afflicted, will lift them higher from where they already are.

Mimosa Essential Oil: "Light Angels"

Mimosa Essential Oil: "Light Angels"

Mimosa works on extremely high and fine frequencies and brings healing, hope and restoration to fine and unfolding parts of the energy system. This is a very good essence for the child within; also for children and young babies to support their young, fragile spirits.

Myrrh Essential Oil: "The Bridge"

Myrrh Essential Oil: "The Bridge"

Myrrh is special because it helps us open up to receive support from higher levels, without any effort or action having to be taken on our side. Thus it is especially good for people who are completely despondent, very ill or have nothing left to give to meet the angels halfway.

Myrtle Essential Oil: "Good Housekeeping"

Myrtle Essential Oil: "Good Housekeeping"

Excellent for people who have trouble with physical activities, getting things done, keeping a clean home, sorting out their finances, finding the right order and sequence to make the earthly life work and provide a safe and nourishing base for the spiritual adventures.

Neroli Essential Oil: "Hope"

Neroli Essential Oil: "Hope"

Neroli re-awakens passion, sexuality, sensitivity and desire for fulfilment on every level. Changes negative outlooks, affirms life and brings renewed hope which is the key to all healing endeavours, to all evolution.

Niaouli Essential Oil: "The Updraught"

Niaouli Essential Oil: "The Updraught"

Lifts vibrations powerfully, re-focusses a person on higher life values and goals, helps someone see the bigger picture. Also useful for contacting higher forces such as angels, out of body travel and focused meditation.

Nutmeg Essential Oil: "The Nurse"

Nutmeg Essential Oil: "The Nurse"

Nutmeg is good for people who are in chronic ill health or those in dire need of being taken care of on every level. Helps recovery from illness, accident and crisis. Combats loneliness and soothes the soul.

Oak Moss Essential Oil: "Beyond Words"

Oak Moss Essential Oil: "Beyond Words"

Oak Moss reaches the parts of us that are beyond words, soothes those places, hungers and desires that we can't even explain to others about, comforts deeply and profoundly, brings peace.

Opoponax Essential Oil: "Precision"

Opoponax Essential Oil: "Precision"

Opoponax is a clear cut remedy for any form of wooly thinking or confusion, fluffy daydreaming or living in cloud cuckoo's land. It is also a very good addition to potions where clarity, precision and attention to detail would help to bring about desired outcomes faster, clearer and more directly.

Orange Blossom Essential Oil: "Always Summer"

Orange Blossom Essential Oil: "Always Summer"

Orange blossom is a fabulous tonic for those who feel as though the years have passed them by or they have missed out on life in some fashion. This can happen at any age and this essence works strongly to restore contact with the powerful central systems in a person where it is always summer, where we are always young.

Orange Essential Oil: "A Taste For Life"

Orange Essential Oil: "A Taste For Life"

Orange is a great tonic for people who are struggling with life and need to find the tasty sides of life again. It is a very good remedy for eating disorders of all kinds, and helps making practical tasks flow easily and enjoyably.

Osmanthus Essential Oil: "New Beginnings"

Osmanthus Essential Oil: "New Beginnings"

This essence is excellent for calling brand new things into your life that were never there before; surprises, synchronicities, new opportunities. It is a great choice for real personal development and discovering new frontiers altogether.

Palmarosa Essential Oil: "Washing Day"

Palmarosa Essential Oil: "Washing Day"

Palmarosa is really excellent for purification of the energy system, washing away traces of shame, guilt, feeling dirty, feeling used, abused, old and stale, and leaves one in a state much like a freshly laundered and ironed bed sheet - bright, clean smelling and ready for more action.

Parsley Essential Oil: "Thriving"

Parsley Essential Oil: "Thriving"

Parsley is good for people who are constantly dissatisfied with how things really are and "wish it was all different ... then I could be happy ..." Good against time displacements of living in the past or future rather than the now. Not just surviving, but thriving, regardless of what life throws at you.

Patchhouli Essential Oil: "The Dreamer"

Patchhouli Essential Oil: "The Dreamer"

Patchouli reminds even the most downtrodden amongst us of exotic worlds, of otherness, of desires old and yet to come, and encourages us to dream towards new horizons. A "must have" ingredient in any prosperity potion.

Pennyroyal Essential Oil: "Spirit Cleansing"

Pennyroyal Essential Oil: "Spirit Cleansing"

Pennyroyal restores cleanliness, order, health and insists that everything must be in its rightful place and working as it should. Pennyroyal is good for people who want to remove disease thoughts, disease fields from their energy system; also to drive away fear of disease and to protect oneself whilst visiting sick people, hospitals, hospices or other places where disease congregates.

Peppermint Essential Oil: "The River"

Peppermint Essential Oil: "The River"

Peppermint is great for people who are afraid of the cold and dark, coiled up inside themselves, rigid and tight. It brings rushing fresh energy into the system. Very rejuvenating and re-hydrating to the energy system.

Perilla Essential Oil: "The Arbitrator"

Perilla Essential Oil: "The Arbitrator"

Perilla is good for people who have a lot of trouble with dichotomies - old vs young, fat vs thin, good vs evil and so forth. It is extremely complex, rich and deep whilst at the same time retaining lightness, freshness and curiosity; this stimulates looking at old conflicts with new eyes and coming up with creative, exciting solutions.

Peru Balsam Essential Oil: "Intimacy"

Peru Balsam Essential Oil: "Intimacy"

Peru Balsam is an excellent essence for those who feel stressed and unsafe about their sexuality or in sexual situations. This translates onto the wider energy levels, where great intimacy is often required to fully connect to higher powers and helpful angels and spirits. Repairs the outer layers of the energy system to help a person feel safer and less vulnerable which is the first step to more intimacy.

Petitgrain Essential Oil: "Young At Heart"

Petitgrain Essential Oil: "Young At Heart"

Petitgrain is about tomorrow and the new day unfolding before your eyes, inviting you to step into this with every breath you take, always new, always fresh, always young at heart.

Pine Essential Oil: "Wisdom"

Pine Essential Oil: "Wisdom"

Pine is a good remedy for people who feel Peter Pan like, as though they never properly grew up or stepped into their full powers as an adult to create your own reality, your own kingdom around you. It is also perfect for people who have acquiring more and more book learning confused with real knowledge or wisdom.

Ravensara Essential Oil: "Refreshing The Spirit"

Ravensara Essential Oil: "Refreshing The Spirit"

Ravensara is one of the very cleansing and refreshing essences - but this one has a backbone of caring in its very structure, of gentle support and help for those who feel weak or ill. This is a good spiritual disinfectant for people who are vulnerable, also useful for children. Encourages free flowing energies and might reveal secrets and revelations.

Red Thyme Essential Oil: "The Sargeant"

Red Thyme Essential Oil: "The Sargeant"

Red Thyme is perfect for people who feel they could do with a good kick up the ass or a slap around the head with a big fish to wake them up and knock some sense into them. It is not recommended for people who are weak, sick or vulnerable as it can be overpowering. If you're already strong, this will make you even stronger.

Rhododendron Essential Oil: "Flower Of Youth"

Rhododendron Essential Oil: "Flower Of Youth"

Rhododendron is goood for people who have cut themselves off from their own past, heritage, people of the past including who they once were. Helps heal broken lifelines; also across past lives. Excellent for loss, bereavement and to create reconciliation.

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil: "A Friend In Need"

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil: "A Friend In Need"

Roman Chamomile rebuilds trust broken, it invites growth and asks us to rally around to try again. Soothes anger, hurt and pain, clears the path for healing.

Rose Geranium Essential Oil: "Joy Of Work"

Rose Geranium Essential Oil: "Joy Of Work"

Rose Geranium is perfect for people who feel burdened down by too much work, too much hard work, or find themselves in a position where there seems never-ending work without break, pause or even reward. It causes a sideways shift that heals the “work VS play” divide and allows a person to act in a third way, that is better than either.

Rose Musk Essential Oil: "The Queen"

Rose Musk Essential Oil: "The Queen"

This is a fabulous reminder for women of all ages that they are all born to be a queen - the queen of their own lands, their own realities. For men, this essence stimulates desire for feminine energies - not to become effeminate, but to draw in energy forms that will balance and nourish their overall systems.

Rose Essential Oil: "The Future"

Rose Essential Oil: "The Future"

Rose is an outstanding remedy for people who feel trapped by their past and need help to move on, move forward and regain the rushing flow of life that carries us into the future with ease and in delight.

Rosemary Essential Oil: "The Messenger Bird"

Rosemary Essential Oil: "The Messenger Bird"

Where a lot of essences create a kind of cloak or circle of safety around a person, Rosemary goes straight out in all directions to find answers, bring light into dark places and give and receive information. Information is energy in essence – as is life ...

Rosewood Essential Oil: "Soul Love"

Rosewood Essential Oil: "Soul Love"

Rosewood helps you bring together the details so you can see the bigger picture. Helps with past lives, memories and grief healing on a deep and profound energetic level.

Saffron Essential Oil: "Acceleration"

Saffron Essential Oil: "Acceleration"

Saffron by itself is a good essence for people who feel sluggish and slow; to help add some acceleration to get something moving forward again; get the energy system, thoughts and thinking to speed up, and likewise, the resulting action to be dither-free and precise. Carries a strong forward momentum, and in potions, helps to catalyse and activate instant shifts and movements.

Sage Essential Oil: "The Ghost Hunter"

Sage Essential Oil: "The Ghost Hunter"

Sage is an excellent tonic for all manner of psychic circuitry activities, from soothsaying to divination, from out of body travel to psychometry and from intuitive healing to dreams. It also stabilises and calms psychic circuitry induced symptoms in the energy system, such as is often experienced by teenagers during puberty and women in menopause.

Sandalwood Mysore Essential Oil: "The Sands of Time"

Sandalwood Mysore Essential Oil: "The Sands of Time"

Although Sandalwood can be used as a wonderfully calming influence on those in distress, grief and bereavement, its true value is for those who are already calm and seek to expand their knowledge and experience of the higher levels through stimulating the astral system and creating a connection for the conscious mind to travel there. Furthers psychic skills including precognition.

Spike Lavender Essential Oil: "The Hero"

Spike Lavender Essential Oil: "The Hero"

Spike Lavender is good for people who need to be empowered and activate their own hero within. Drives away doubt and fear, makes the heart strong, helps with decision making and acting congruently without second guessing yourself.

Spikenard Essential Oil: "New Roads"

Spikenard Essential Oil: "New Roads"

Spikenard is helpful for people who are in the process of transitioning from one in-life incarnation to another; it a catalyst for transition and evolution. Not recommended for those who want to fix the situation they are in.

Spruce Essential Oil: "Grown Up"

Spruce Essential Oil: "Grown Up"

For people who get too involved in the fashions of art, worry too much about what other people think and generally have become detached from the actual truths of life. Good remedy against arrogance, vanity, pride and delusions of grandeur.

Sweet Majoram Essential Oil: "The Upward Spiral"

Sweet Majoram Essential Oil: "The Upward Spiral"

Sweet Marjoram is a subtle and gentle aid for people who are in a crisis and thinking all the wrong thoughts, making all the wrong judgements and decisions from a place of fear and confusion. This is an excellent remedy for children or adults who are being bullied or undermined by others; it is also an excellent remedy for people who have a tendency to be their own worst enemy and constantly undermine themselves.

Sweet Thyme Essential Oil: "Delicious"

Sweet Thyme Essential Oil: "Delicious"

Sweet Thyme is great for people who feel their energy system needs a boost of vitamins, of tasty, tempting spirit food to get the spirit person off their sickbed and back to full health and vigour. Very pleasant and even though it is strongly inviting, this essence is gentle enough for children and sick people too.

Tagetes Essential Oil: "The Enchantment"

Tagetes Essential Oil: "The Enchantment"

Tagetes or Marigold for is wonderful for people who are in need of some serious re-connection with the joy of life, with the delights of life, with the many, many ways in which our World can give us pleasure if only we stopped worrying and just opened up to the enchantments all around us.

Tansy Essential Oil: "Wild and Free"

Tansy Essential Oil: "Wild and Free"

For people who need not just physical healing, but also deep emotional healing at the same time. Often, we cannot heal physically if our hearts are heavy, weary, or broken.

Tarragon Essential Oil: "Expansion"

Tarragon Essential Oil: "Expansion"

Tarragon is excellent for repairing holes and filling voids in the energy system; not just for healing purposes but with a view to future expansion and growth. Very positive, very life affirming and an excellent boost for people who don't just want to be healthy, but go on to make their mark on the world.

Tea Tree Essential Oil: "The Sunshine Nurse"

Tea Tree Essential Oil: "The Sunshine Nurse"

Tea Tree is the most friendly and approachable member of a family of aromatherapy plants which are all particularly relevant to spiritual cleansing and refreshing. Tea Tree is tempered with a light touch and friendliness that makes it the most accessible of the spiritual disinfectants and so it is popular with everyone, from small children to people who feel weak and vulnerable, to the elderly, and deservably so.

Tuberose Essential Oil: "Luxury"

Tuberose Essential Oil: "Luxury"

Tuberose - This is the perfect essence for people who have somehow ended up denying themselves pleasures and experiences that are luscious, luxurious or even bordering on the decadent because they feel so good. Usually, this has to do with feelings of low self worth, shame or guilt and damage in the energy system, which this essence can powerfully banish. A multi-level remedy to misery and poverty consciousness that will restore a lust for life, love and luxury.

Tumeric Essential Oil: "Giving & Receiving"

Tumeric Essential Oil: "Giving & Receiving"

Tumeric is good for people who have any form of "trade imbalance" in their lives; this goes from eating disorders to energy exchanges within themselves, and with others and includes giving and receiving money, material goods, attention, love and gratitude.

Valerian Essential Oil: "The Confessor"

Valerian Essential Oil: "The Confessor"

On a park bench in the autumn sits a woman with her gloved hands pressed against her face, her head hanging and her shoulders are shaking - she is clearly upset. A passing older gentleman comes and sits quietly by her side.

After a while, she peeks at him from behind her gloves and sees that he is kind and means her well. His presence is soothing.

He doesn't say much at all, but the woman finds she pours out all her worldly troubles to the stranger. It is as though he takes them all, enfolds them into himself and there comes a time when the woman takes a deep sigh of relief - her burdens have been taken from her. She wants to start to thank the man, but he just smiles, touches her briefly on the shoulder, and walks away, through the autumn leaves.

Vanilla Essential Oil: "Good Things"

Vanilla Essential Oil: "Good Things"

Vanilla is very good for people who are worried about the future and/or constantly project problems from the past into the future. Vanilla projects pleasant things, satsifying things instead and that feeds back on the state of the now, leaving a pleasant and calm state that can spiral up with more promises of good things to come.

Vetyver Essential Oil: "The Time Traveller"

Vetyver Essential Oil: "The Time Traveller"

Vetyver acts on the aspects of us that have dealings with the storage and sorting of experiences through time; not just the time of here and now and the memories of this life, but time in general. It is is therefore useful for working with all aspects that involve time travel - memories, past lives, and precognition too. Helps with making sense of and ordering events in life.

Violet Essential Oil: "Attention"

Violet Essential Oil: "Attention"

Violet Leaf is good for cutting through confusion, regaining the ability to focus and to pay attention, thriving even when the environment seems harsh, finding fresh energy to do what must be done.

Virginian Cedarwood Essential Oil: "Deep Roots"

Virginian Cedarwood Essential Oil: "Deep Roots"

Good for people who need to connect to their roots, and make deep connections to the past from which strength comes flowing into the present. A good remedy to help heal broken life lines. Also helpful for working with ancestral energies and calling in ancestral spirits to help in the now.

Wintergreen Essential Oil: "Anti-Matter"

Wintergreen Essential Oil: "Anti-Matter"

Wintergreen - This is a very aggressive essence which awakens and arouses powerful responses in return. These may be aggressive counter-responses or strong reactions of other kinds, but a response will be had. Thus it creates change on a profound level as it shakes up and wakes up the systems. Good for people who feel they need to light the proverbial fire cracker under their own ass to get movement and momentum into entrenched, unyielding situations.

Yarrow Essential Oil: "The Key"

Yarrow Essential Oil: "The Key"

Yarrow is a good choice for people who feel there are important parts of themselves missing, or lost; people who don't feel complete; people who are constantly searching for something that would make them complete; and those who feel they have lost contact somewhere with something important but they don't know what it might be.

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil: "Prince Of The Desert"

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil: "Prince Of The Desert"

This is not a gentle essence - Ylang Ylang demands respect, is masterful, compelling; commanding attention, to have all your senses vibrant, sharp and clear. Work hard, play hard, feel powerfully alive.

Yuzu Essential Oil: "One Of A Kind"

Yuzu Essential Oil: "One Of A Kind"

Yuzu is a wonderful light essence for anyone, including children and the elderly, to enjoy, to lighten the days and make you feel special, alive and in the right place, at the right time. Very grounding but also very aligning; acts across the layers and the levels.

Zinziba Essential Oil: "Banishing"

Zinziba Essential Oil: "Banishing"

Zinziba is a real boost for the auto-immune functions of the energy system. It repels astral bugs and cleans the aura. As such it is useful for people who feel they have acquired some forms of residues that are parasitic and unhelpful. Strengthening and healing by stimulating the natural defences of the energy system. A good maintenance oil for healers and counsellors.

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