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Amyris Essential Oil: "Time Healing"

Amyris Balsamifera: Secrets finally revealed, burdens released, hidden things unveiled, lost treasures re-discovered.


  • Amyris Balsamifera which is sometimes sold as "Sandalwood" is the essence of choice for people who have lost something of themselves in the past, buried things deep, forgotten who they really are, carry secrets and old burdens. Soothing and gentle resolution, evolutionary, no shocks, time healing.

A woman, wearing a woollen scarf over her head and tightly drawn around her shoulders, steals away from her home and walks into the night.

She enters a forest and deep within, she finds an old temple; yet it looks brand new and as though it has been awaiting her.

There is no-one there, yet she feels the presence of spirits who are willing to listen.

She steps inside the temple and lets the heavy woollen scarf fall to the floor.

She, too, lets herself sink to the floor and here it is that she becomes herself, and tells the spirits about her life, letting them take the burdens away and all those things which used to wear her down.

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