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Chamomile Maroc Essential Oil: "The Path"

Ormenis Multicaulis: Direct, physical, re-energising, surprising, refreshing, complex unfoldments, forward drawing in the mysteries of nature.

Chamomile Maroc

  • Chamomile Maroc is perfect for people need respite from their worldly troubles, invites you take a break, walk in the gardens, lose yourself and come to your senses!

A young woman in difficult circumstances has escaped her home life for a time and is walking towards the woods near her home. Many times she has walked here, but it is today that a ray of light reveals a forest path she has never noticed before.

She forgets about her troubles and is immediately intrigued; her footsteps lighten as she swiftly steps upon the path. The forest is light, bright and breezy around her, and it is soothing and refreshing both. Where will this path lead her?

What will she find?

What will those treasures be?

Wild flowers, berries ripe and juicy, or perhaps a well of clearest, purest healing water might await.

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