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Frankincense Essential Oil: "The Phoenix"

Boswellia Carteri: Joyous, sensuous, far reaching, fast travelling, inviting, mysterious, rebirth.


  • Frankincense invites us to go forward into mystery, discovering the undiscovered, and allowing us to be reborn into joy. As such, Frankincense is the first choice antidote for people who are afraid of death or transformation; who are in bereavement or major life transitions.

A young man's beloved wife has died in childbirth. For many nights he cries; sometimes he rages; sometimes he is terrified that death can strike him too at any time. Eventually, he is too exhausted and falls asleep.

He dreams, and in his dream he stands by side of the bed once more, holding his wife's hand as she lies dying. But here, he sees that as she draws her last breath, from her life an angel is born, a beautiful being of pure white light that rises from her lifeless body. It comes to him, enfolds him in its love and sings to him of beauty and eternity and of many lives, many loves.

When he awakes in the morning, his world is absolutely changed and he too has been re-born.

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