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Web Publishing For The 21st Century
Module Top Block

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Linaloe Essential Oil: "The Adventurer"

Bursera Delpechiana: Insistent, compelling, penetrating, tastes of adventure, taking action, following your heart.


  • Linaloe helps to alleviate long term stress by compelling towards action - to sit down and give up means to die. Helps catalyse new reserves of strength, and directs attention outward bound towards adventure and the expectation of discovery and possibly, treasure ...

A team of adventurers finds themselves in the middle of nowhere, in the heart of a desert. They have run out of money, food and water and also, out of patience with each other. They argue and fight amongst themselves. Some want to go back, some want to go forward, some want to stay where they are and wait for help to arrive.

One amongst them has enough of all the fighting and walks out into the desert to get away from all that noise and complaining. As he walks through the sand, the voices behind him start to fade away, and when it is all quiet, he sighs with relief - and notices a strange shadow on the sand. Immediately fascinated, he goes to investigate. It is the entrance to an ancient temple, full of treasure, buried long ago and waiting here to be discovered ...

Try Linaloe if you need help with...







Sex and Sexual Problems

Sex and Sexual Problems

Module Bottom Block

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