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Tuberose Essential Oil: "Luxury"

Polianthes Tuberosa: Fresh, rich, prosperous, elegant, powerful, refined, extremely sensuous, pure luxury.


  • Tuberose - This is the perfect essence for people who have somehow ended up denying themselves pleasures and experiences that are luscious, luxurious or even bordering on the decadent because they feel so good. Usually, this has to do with feelings of low self worth, shame or guilt and damage in the energy system, which this essence can powerfully banish. A multi-level remedy to misery and poverty consciousness that will restore a lust for life, love and luxury.

There once was a woman who was full of good deeds and good works. Every single moment she had, she would spend on something meaningful and important; she was a member of countless charities, committees and pressure groups "to make a better world for our children and our children's children ..." At home, likewise, she never let up; there were no flowers in her garden as they would take up precious space which was better occupied with growing turnips for the poor. One day, whilst weeding furiously amidst the rows of turnips, she spotted a tiny daisy.

"Aha!" she called out, "I'll soon put and end to you!" But her little daughter stepped in the way and cried, "Mamma, mamma, why do you want to kill the flower?"

Looking into the small child's earnest eyes, the woman asked herself that question for the first time in her life. She put down the garden hoe, enfolded her daughter in her arms, and went into her house, to start a whole new way of life from that day forth.

Try Tuberose if you need help with...



Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders





Poverty Consciousness

Poverty Consciousness

Sex and Sexual Problems

Sex and Sexual Problems



Spiritual Problems

Spiritual Problems



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