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Web Publishing For The 21st Century
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Juniper Essential Oil: "The Harvest"

Juniperus Communis: Wisdom in age, the riches of age, showing and developing the benefits of maturity, wisdom with a light touch.


  • Juniper is good for people who are afraid to grow up, or to grow old; people who don't know how to; and people who are clinging on to their "glory days".

Once, an old woman came to visit her granddaughter who had just been married and was expecting her first child. The old woman looked frail and walked slowly with a stick; her hair was white and her eyes were milky.

The granddaughter looked upon her with pity and offered her the best chair, the finest fruit; and she sighed and said, "I am so sorry you are old, Grandmother. It must be a terrible thing."

The old woman looked fondly upon the girl and smiled. She said, pointing at the young girl's pregnant belly, "I have been there and done that, not once, but thrice. I have seen my children grow up and I helped deliver my grandchildren. I have buried my husband and travelled far and wide. The worlds in which I move are as yet unknown to you in every sense."

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