MEA 2020 |
Learn Modern Energy Artdirectly from the creator, the amazing Silvia Hartmann, and discover the totally awesome delights of YOUR living, breathing, dancing CREATIVITY!
Gain your Foundation Certificate in Modern Energy Art (MEA)
Learn the foundational principles of Modern Energy Art then go on to practice and explore the Joy of Modern Energy Art with delightful, magical and wonderfully surprising exercises!
Discover how YOU (yes, YOU, dear human being!) can …
Put powerful, palpable POSITIVE ENERGY into drawings, paintings, songs and stories
Go waaaaay BEYOND WORDS to solve problems and gain extraordinary personal evolution
Take YOUR real, living CREATIVITY to a whole new level – it's delightful!
CREATE totally original, vibrant works, objects and artefacts of Modern Energy Art for self healing, fun, pleasure & profit
Gain your beautiful SELF CONFIDENCE as a real Modern Energy Artist – the most amazing gift of all!
Find your own amazing ARTISTIC CERTAINTY and become “criticism proof” - this is awesome!
Put the WOW! FACTOR into your art & creativity (and yes, that's all about ENERGY!)
Discover the SECRET of how you can paint ANYTHING – in just ten minutes!
Make amazing, healing, MAGICAL GIFTS for your own aspects, for loved ones, for your users, for the world!
Create wonderful MAGIC OBJECTS that will bring more love, more joy and more POSITIVE ENERGY into the world (how much needed is THAT, right now?!)
Create brilliant, uplifting, powerfully attractive SOCIAL MEDIA CONTENT with confidence to stand out from the crowd (these days, that's so valuable!)
Take your PHOTOGRAPHY to a whole new level - start painting with LIGHT and reveal the BEAUTY.
Gain the PRAISE & RESPECT from your friends, family and users with YOUR beautiful, radiantly positive Modern Energy Art.
SURPRISE YOURSELF with what you can really do – really, prepare to be amazed … :-)
Unlock the NEXT LEVEL of your own personal development – touch the levels of you that can't be reached in any other way!
… and enjoy the uplifting powerful positive energy of colours, sounds and visions every step of the way.
Silvia Hartmann's awesome course in Modern Energy Art takes you from where you're at (Kindergarten or Fine Art PhD!) to YOUR OWN NEXT LEVEL in creativity
Gently LOVINGLY Modern Energy Art is for everyone!Explanations, demonstrations, simple exercises, lots of colours, lots of movements - rediscover the pure joy of the child as you explore the wonderworlds of Modern Energy Art, guided by Silvia Hartmann herself.
The wonderful Modern Energy Art Foundation Course features:
100% POSITIVE and LOVING encouragement throughout.
Your Choices – You're 100% In Charge!The Modern Energy Art Foundation Course is offered without tutor support. This means you're free to choose YOUR learning -100% and all the way!
You can do all the exercises, only the ones you like the best, or none at all. You can take as long as you like to complete the course (as long as you're a GoE Member). You can take all the time you need for any of the course units. You can choose to complete a simple multiple choice test to gain your Foundation Certificate in Modern Energy Art. You are free to share your works of Modern Energy Art in the student's group – or not. You can ask questions, encourage other students and make new friends – if you want to! NO PRESSURE – discover YOUR CREATIVITY in your own time, in your own way. Gain immediate access to ALL the course materials upon enrolment!
Click here to gain access to ….
The Joy of Modern Energy Art Created by Silvia Hartmann for 21st Century Human Beings to bring more POSITIVE ENERGY into the world!
Art Is Not Just AboutHanging Up Massive PaintingsIn A Museum!Modern Energy Art is vibrant, alive, immensely practical and immeasurably valuable for real life in the real world
“People without creativity are angels with broken wings.” Silvia Hartmann
There are levels and layers in the energy systems of human beings that only art can touch, and nothing else. Modern Energy Art is an immensely powerful healing process for the artist – there's nothing else quite like it, nothing as personal, powerful, and “beyond words.” Modern Energy Art also produces powerful ENERGY OBJECTS that have a magical, powerfully POSITIVE effect on the environment. The world needs this – never more than right now! Being CONFIDENTLY CREATIVE – because you know EXACTLY what you're doing! - is an absolute gift for life.
Whether we want to create powerful energy objects or design websites, book covers, living spaces, or make creative decisions and choices from a place of actually knowing what's right, what works, and what doesn't, the principles of Modern Energy Art will give you clarity, certainty and confidence.
You are a human being. You were endowed with the extraordinary gift of CREATIVITY. Creativity is a flow of ENERGY that allows us to bring beauty, love, truth and joy into the world. Dissolve the old blocks that have held you back. Experience the excitement and joy of playing with the energy of colours, sounds and movements. Touch the sheer MAGIC of your creativity. Unlock YOUR POWER to practically create PHYSICAL reality with
Silvia Hartmann's AwesomeModern Energy Art Foundation Course
This totally brilliant POSITIVE ENERGY ART foundation course includes:
Discover the Infinite Joy of Modern Energy Art for YOURSELF.
Instant Access to all course materials upon enrolment!
Click HERE to START!
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