Go Way Beyond Positive Thinking: Engage The Power Of The Positives and become smarter, stronger, healthier and above all else, happier in life!

Beyond Positive Thinking:

The Power Of The Positives

How To Activate The Power Of Love In YOUR Life

Created by Silvia Hartmann

First Edition

October 2022


DragonRising Publishing

United Kingdom

Table of Contents

01: The Power Of Love 6

Welcome to the Power of the Positives! 6

We Are Multidimensional Beings! 7

The Mirrorball Metaphor 8

Harnessing The Power of the Positives 8

The Totally Personal Positives 8

The Positive Effect 9

Bringing In The Perfect Positives 9

> Exercise: What do YOU need right now to feel better? 11

MORE Positive Experiences: The MOMENTS 12

Unconditionally Positive 13

The First Question 13

“I Like Rice Crispies!” 14

“And What Else Do You Like?” 14

A FLOW of Positives 15

>>> 01: The Homework Exercise 15

Your Dictionary Of Personal Positives 15

Bonus Homework Exercise 16

Making A Date With The Positives 16

02: The Second Magic Question 17

Hello, Shining Being! 17

The Heart of Energy & The Problem Of The Broken Hearts 18

> Exercise: The Heart Of Energy 19


Practice Energy Awareness! 20

> Exercise: Perfect For This Moment, Right Here, Right Now 21

> Exercise: Positives On The Outbreath 22

The 6th Sense 22

> The Glorious Colours: An Exercise In Positive Thinking 23

Exercise: The Glorious Colours 23

Energy Raising In Real Time 24

Finding Perfect Energy Solutions For Every Problem 25

What Isn't This? 25

The Path To The Solution 28

>>> 02: The Homework Exercise 28

03: Expanding The Positives 29

Shining Brighter Means Having A Happier Energy Body! 29

> Exercise: Giving The Energy Gift 31

> Exercise: The Mirror Gift Of The Positives! 32

Grr, Grr, I'm A Tiger … 33

Expanding The Positives 34

The Technique Explained: Expanding The Positive 34

Making The Set Up 34

The Ten Finger Method 35

Connecting The Energy Circuits 35

Flowing New Expansive Ideas 35

Taking The Expanded Positive To Heart 37

Expanding The Positives, Expanding The Love 38

>>> 03: The Homework Exercise: Expanding The Positives 39

Additional Homework Exercise: 39

04: Power Affirmations 40

The Battle For The Positives 40

In The Long Run … 41

Positive Affirmations & The Modern Energy Chart 43

-8 – Depression 43

-7 - The Freak Out 44

-5 - High Stress 45

-3 - Everyday Stress 46

Defeating “Nagging Doubt” With The Power Of The Positives 48

“Am I Good Enough?” 48

> Exercise: Am I Good Enough? – The Ten Finger Technique 49

Do I Look Fat In This Dress? 49

Money Doesn't Change Your World – People Do 50

Living In A World Of PEOPLE 51

Asked And ANSWERED! 51

Escaping The Dreaded ZERO State 52

> Exercise: The List 53

+3 Is The Genesis Of Affirmations 53

Ending The Affirmation Conflicts To Create Reality 55

> Exercise: This Is My Will! 56

>>> 04 Homework Exercise: 10 Awesome Affirmations 56

05: The Power of YES!!! 57

The YES!!! Chart 59

> The YES Exercise 60

Empowering Every Day Activities With YES!!! 61

How YES! Is Your Yes? 61

> Exercise: The Brilliant, Amazing YES! 63

YES!!! For Other People 63

The “YES YOU CAN!” Game 64

Much More YES!!! Please! 64

YES!!! And The Energy Of Learning 65

> The Crystal Energy Of Learning Exercise 66

>>> 05 The Power of YES!!! Homework 66

06: The Sexy Positives 67

The 1st Circuitry 67

> A Sexy Energy Exercise 69

Sexy Opportunities 70

The Attention To Love Principle 71

> The Sexy Crystal Exercise 71

Love Is Not Obsession 72

> Exercise: Sexy Freedom! 72

Sexy Energy Is Life Force Energy! 73

>>> 06: Sexy Energy Homework 73

07: Your Heart Of Gold 74

A Sequence of Positives 75

The Concept of the 1st Positive 75

7 Magic Potions 76

> The Colour Energy Healing Sequence Exercise 77

Infinite Positives To Heal & Empower Our Hearts of Energy 78

> Exercise: 7 Heart's Desires 78

The Power of the 1st Positive 79

My Heart of Gold Shines Like The Sun! 80

>>> 07 Homework: My Heart of Gold Shines Like The Sun! 81

08: Your Lucky Numbers 82

The Lucky Number 8? 82

> Exercise: My Favourite Number! 83

All The Lucky Numbers 85

>>> 08 Homework: My Lucky Numbers 86

09: It's All About YOU! 87

The Star Of The Show 88

Follow Your Stars! 90

The Power of YOUR Love 91

> Exercise: Ten Star Qualities 92

Star Matrix Is The Way 93

>>> 09 Homework: The +10 You 94

10: Your Star Memories 95

The Plane Crash Survivors 95

Star Moments & The Happy Energy Body 96

> Exercise: A Happy Memory 97

Best Practise Tips (How to get the most energy from this exercise!) 98

Our Highest Personal Power Positives 99

>>> 10 Homework: Remember! 99

11: High Power Meditations 100

Here & Now and There & Then 100

Positive Meditations 101

> Exercise: The Beach 102

High Energy Positive Meditations 102

The Volcano 103

A Starry Night … 103

The Rose 103

In Love With Nature 104

>>> 11: The Power Meditations Homework Exercises 105

12: The Greatest Power 106

The Power Of The Positives – The Overview 107

It's All About Evolution 114

> Exercise: A NO Is Also ONLY ENERGY 115

Energy Techniques For Evolution 116

The Path Towards The Light 117

Star Matrix Is The Way! 118

> Our Final Exercise: Love For The Whole World 119

Congratulations! 120

About The Author 121

01: The Power Of Love

Welcome to the Power of the Positives!

The Power of the Positives is all about activating the power of LOVE in a personal fashion, so that we may become happier, stronger, and that our paths through life become not only easier, but also filled with many more wonderful experiences in every way.

The Power of the Positives comes from the Modern Energy world, where we have six senses, not just five, and where we have a real living energy body which creates all our emotions.

We are multidimensional beings and we live in the Oceans of Energy.

There is no lack, no limitation here.

Energy is absolutely free and available to everyone.


In this course, we are going to unlock the Power of the Positives through personal experiences and a variety of highly energizing and inspirational exercises which are simple to learn, simple to understand, simple to do and which will make us happier.

I am looking forward to being your tour guide on the exciting journey where we will make contact with the Positives, and use them to empower us, protect us, heal us and uplift us in a most marvellous way.

I welcome you wholeheartedly to The Power of the Positives!

Silvia Hartmann

June 2020

We Are Multidimensional Beings!

We human beings are more than just a physical body. We also have a living energy body, and this living energy body is responsible for “how we feel” (our emotions), and thereby, it is also responsible for how we think and how we act.

Not only do human beings have a living energy body, but everything has.

Every rock, every plant, every planet and every ant has an energy body too, and exchanges energy with other energy bodies constantly and all the time.

  • We live in the Oceans of Energy!

Unfortunately, what has happened to human beings is that they have become disconnected from the reality of their own living energy bodies, and go through life as though the energy body didn't even exist.

As a result, all manner of problems have arisen, as well as all manner of bizarre and unhelpful theories on what makes people tick.

What makes people tick is energy – from the moment of conception to their last breath and beyond.

We can call “energy” by all sorts of names, and one of those names is LOVE.

  • Love Is The Most Powerful Force In The Universe

Love is the most powerful force in the Universe. Unlike human ideas of force and power, which is based on how well something can destroy, love creates instead.

  • Love is a full spectrum energy which includes all other forms of energy within it.


The Mirrorball Metaphor

Love is a big concept; a concept so enormous that it transcends our ability to consciously understand it.

I use the metaphor of the Mirrorball to represent love.

Each one of the myriad of tiny mirrors is an energy form, is a Positive.

  • Every Positive is an aspect of love.

Harnessing The Power of the Positives

Every Positive is an aspect of love, and therefore, every Positive connects us with love itself.

  • Each Positive is a portal into love.

The more portals we personally have, the more love (or simply, the more energy) can flow into our living energy bodies, and the stronger and more empowered we become.

The Totally Personal Positives

When I talk about the Positives, I am talking about energy forms that are experienced by one single person as a POSITIVE contribution to their states of being.

This is absolutely personal.

Every single person has a unique energy body.

Their energy body was already unique at the very moment of conception, and it continues to become more and more personalised, with every event, with every experience this one person lives on their journey.

A Positive is any type of energy that acts in a POSITIVE manner on YOUR own unique energy body – in other words, a Positive is something that makes you feel happy, that empowers you, energizes you, uplifts you, literally inspires you.

  • A Positive is something that your unique energy body responds to POSITIVELY.

This means that we don't have a list of prescribed words, concepts or energy forms that are “supposed to be good for you” - instead, we go with what your own energy body loves, wants and needs for a change.

The Positive Effect

When we feed our energy body with energy, when we consciously connect with something that is positive to us, our energy body reacts by feeling better.

  • Feeling better” is a technical term in Modern Energy.

  • Feeling better” means that our emotional states change for the better.

We feel more optimistic, we feel stronger, we experience less fear, hate, stress or hopelessness.

This has a direct and measurable effect on the physical body as the body chemistry changes.

The better/more energized our energy bodies become, the stronger the physical body becomes.

The physical body works better, we make less mistakes, self healing functions are better supported, and this measurable reaction shows us just how important the energy body is in the greater scheme of things.

The physical body includes your physical brain; when our energy body functions better, so does our thinking, our ability to reason, our logic, our understanding, and our memory. We make better decisions when we think more clearly, and avoid making mistakes.

The energy body itself produces our emotions, and in high energy states, we have the energy for action, act far more lovingly, have access to emotional intelligence and creativity, all of which is essential for leading a successful and happy life.

Finally, in higher energy states our energy body expands, connects with others in a far deeper and more satisfying manner and this improves all our relationships with anything at all in nature, including other human beings.

  • When we empower the energy body, we empower mind, body and spirit all at the same time.

Consciously and deliberately bringing in powerful energy nutrition by directing our attention to the Positives is the right way to go in order to empower ourselves across the board.

Bringing In The Perfect Positives

It is fundamental to remember that when I talk about the Positives, I am always speaking about those energy forms that are hugely beneficial to you.

We are talking about energy forms that are not prescribed by some great guru, or those which are generally held up to “good for you” - we are talking about energy forms that are beneficial to you personally.

We are simply going to ask you,

What do you need right now to feel better?”

The answer to this question is your first Positive.

When we turn our attention to this, we are making a connection with this particular energy.

Through this connection, the exact Positive you need, right now, to make you feel better, will start to flow.

This is the simple and yet profound magic question which is the first step on the way to unlocking the true Power of the Positives for you and your life:

What do you need right now to feel better?


> Exercise: What do YOU need right now to feel better?

  • Assume the Heart Position.

Point to the place where you would point if you say, “This is me!”

This is the centre of your Heart of Energy, the nuclear reactor at the very heart of your entire energy body.

Place the centre of the palm of your leading hand over that spot.

Place your second hand on top.

When we assume the Heart Position, we are bringing mind, body and energy body (spirit) into the same place at the same time, all doing the same thing together – for a change.

  • I highly recommend you start and finish all exercises in the Heart Position.

You can also use the Heart Position at any time, anywhere you need this, to stabilise yourself and to start raising energy. Simply breathing deeply in the Heart Position for a few moments will significantly reduce stress and re-energise you in mind, body and energy body.

  1. Assume the Heart Position

  2. Take a moment to breathe deeply in and out.

  3. Become aware of your physical hands on your chest.

  4. Become aware of the feelings in your body – how you feel.

Now, we are ready to begin.

Take a deep breath and simply make this declaration out aloud:

I want to bring more Positives into my life!”

Take another deep breath and repeat the statement.

Say it with intention and let it ring out:

I want to bring more Positives into my life!”

Take another deep breath and repeat the statement more strongly still.

Let it resonate so it is heard at the multilevel:

I want to bring more Positives into my life!”

It is important to clearly set this as a goal, as a direction we want to move towards at all speed.

MORE Positive Experiences: The MOMENTS

When we declare that we want to bring more Positives into our lives, and although this can mean many things, from more positive, helpful, inspiring people to finding more love and success in the real world, what we are really asking for is to have MORE positive experiences.

Our living energy bodies are in constant flow, they are constantly trying to grow and to evolve, and they do this by having high positive experiences.

The best moments of our lives are MOMENTS rather than long drawn out stretches of eternal happiness.

I call the high positive moments our Star Events, and it is those moments that make life worth living, it is those moments we are always waiting for, hoping for, sometimes even praying that they would happen.

  • The MOMENTS are the MIRACLES in our lives.

When we ask for more Positives, that's what we are setting our goal and our intention towards.

The more Star Moments we can collect during our lifetime, the more spectacular this incarnation will have been, the more we will have learned, loved, lived and evolved.

We want to make it clear to all our systems of mind, body and spirit that we are actively seeking more and further Star Events.

Which Star Events we each need individually to move us forward, to enlighten us, to heal us and to open the door to even more and more amazing Star Events is the pathless land – only YOU can know what your Positives are, and your own Positives are the sign posts towards your future happiness.


Unconditionally Positive

  • Your personal Positives are the key to your future.

Whatever they are, it is important that we accept that unconditionally and use those energy forms our energy body wants and needs to make it happier.

There may be contexts where delaying or denying things is useful, but not for our living energy bodies. Those grow stronger when their needs are filled, when they are given what they are asking for, when we respond unconditionally.

By giving our energy bodies what they want and need, we are doing the right thing – we are moving in the direction of unconditional love.

We are going to ask what it is that we want, what we like and what we love.

We are going to accept the answers unconditionally – that means we are not going to argue with ourselves or our aspects over their answers, nor are we going to try and tell them that they should want something else instead.

  • We are going to ask a question, we are going to accept the answer.

This, in and of itself, is a turning point, a different way of treating ourselves.

The First Question

The first question we are going to ask is this:

  • What do you like?”

It is fascinating that when this question is asked, many people have real problems coming up with a simple answer.

All manner of reversals occur.

Some people get stressed because they can't think of anything.

Others immediately think of something but then reject it, because it's not the right thing to want, or perhaps it's not grand enough, or it's not enlightened enough, or they should really be wanting something else altogether.

A lifetime of lack and poverty may have led them to believe that they might only have three wishes, and they could be wasting this valuable opportunity and regret it later …

It is really curious that this simple question, “What do you like?” can create such a fire storm in many people's brains.

It may also be the case that we simply haven't been asked this question often enough to have clear pathways to travel to the answers to this.

In this course, we are going to be learning and practising new ways of positive thinking, and our first question of, “What do you like?” is the first step in the right direction.


“I Like Rice Crispies!”

When I asked myself the question, “What do I like?” the first thing that sprang to mind was “Rice Crispies.”

Now what we do not want to do is to start an argument over the Rice Crispies.

We don't want to be saying that it's bad of me to be liking those, and that I should have said something else instead, something more meaningful, or that it's wrong of me to like Rice Crispies for whatever reason.

If we were to do that, we would become stuck.

Energy flow would stop.

We would be left with nothing but sadness, disappointment and defeat.

This has happened way too many times in the past, and it is terrible, not just bad, but actually terrible for the energy body, and for the person whose energy body this is.

What we need to do instead is to accept whatever that was the person said that they liked unconditionally, and positively.

What do you like?”

I like Rice Crispies!”

Alright! That's great! It's great that you like something! Awesome! Well done!”

This raises energy and it prepares us for the next step, because now, we can ask,

And what else do you like?”

“And What Else Do You Like?”

This question unlocks the Oceans of Energy – all of a sudden, we realise that this isn't about the merits of any one thing we like, but that we are supposed to create a flow of Positives!

Encouraged by the unconditional acceptance of the first Positive, and being now energy higher as the result of getting positive feedback on finding the first Positive, the next one may come easier, and it may be a little more energy rich than the first.

“I like octopusses! I think they're amazing, really neat, such marvellous creatures!”

As before, we don't argue with this; we don't try to delve into the reasons as to why Rice Crispies should be followed by an octopus of all things; we just observe that the person is getting energy higher. They are smiling now, getting excited, coming to life.

We respond with, “That's brilliant! Well done! I can really tell that you like octopusses and that they amaze you! Awesome!


This is the third time we're asking this question, and now most people will realise that this is a fun game we are playing here, not some kind of psychological inquisition.

The fun game we're playing here is …

A FLOW of Positives

We are “working” with our living energy bodies, and this is all about the flow of energy.

  • The more energy flows freely in, through and out, the more energized we feel and the happier and stronger we become.

“Flowing” the personal Positives, by asking “And what else to you like?” encourages that flow of energy to the point that almost everyone can really start to feel the results of this in their physical bodies.

When we do this with someone else, we can see, hear, feel and sense that the person is becoming happier, more “animated,” more present; that their breathing has changed, the way they talk and explain, the way they move their bodies – this person is going up on the Modern Energy chart.

The flow of personal Positives is the easiest and quickest way to raise energy, but it is more than that.

By becoming also consciously aware of what we like, we gain a personal sense of what “a Positive” is, what it does, and how it works for you.

We learn that by connecting with a Positive by bringing it into conscious awareness, our energy bodies respond immediately – and that's the beginning of a whole different world of opportunities to empower ourselves and gain conscious control over our own states of being.

>>> 01: The Homework Exercise

Find a place where you can be undisturbed and nobody else can hear you.

Assume the Heart Position and ask yourself out aloud, “What do I like?”

Answer the question with the very first thing that jumps into your mind out aloud.

If necessary, take a deep breath to stabilise yourself and respond by clapping your hands and say out aloud, “That's great! You like (X)!” Please try to do that sincerely, as though you were encouraging a person you really love and care for.

Then ask, “And what else do you like?”

Repeat the pattern for 7 Positives, or until you feel ready to stop.

Do this once a day for a week.

Consider this as an inventory of personal Positives that will work for you to raise energy when you think about them.

Your Dictionary Of Personal Positives

I also encourage writing down the personal Positives you found in a note book.

That way, you have a medicine chest of personal power Positives you can turn to at any time to choose one, to use one for an energy raising exercise, or just to read through them to raise your energy any time you need this.

I would also encourage you to keep this notebook going throughout the course, even throughout life, and to keep adding your Positives as they come to you. This creates a very powerful energy object in its own right.

Bonus Homework Exercise

Find another person, ask them what they like, accept their answers and reward them with enthusiasm, then ask, “And what else do you like?”

Find out for yourself how fast and how high you can raise energy using this pattern with another person.

Making A Date With The Positives

I would like you to think of your engagement with the Positives as though you were going on a date, to find out more about these mysterious Positives, and to make up your own mind if there is something here that deserves your attention, that deserves a real relationship.

Giving attention to what makes us happy, becoming aware of what we like, and connecting to these Positives by thinking about them is the first step towards unlocking the true Power of the Positives for each one of us, individually.

Accepting this unconditionally is our first exercise in “unconditional love” for our own selves and all our aspects.

The Power of the Positives is all about energy – it's about your living energy body, and your personal empowerment.

Each Positive, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, is an aspect of love itself.

This is why we celebrate them, why they are important.

Once we've started to ask the question, “What do you like?” we are on the right way to ask further questions.

What do you like even more?”

And finally,

What do you love?”

02: The Second Magic Question

Hello, Shining Being!

We are more than our physical bodies!

We have these marvellous, multidimensional energy bodies that are entirely unique, highly active, highly reactive to our energy environments, which strive to grow and unfold all the time.

If we were to switch our point of view from the eyes of day to the eyes of night, we would see all these amazing multicoloured beings making connections, sparkling with rivers of light – we are indeed, the shining beings.

The shining beings can touch each other, form group bubbles and couple bubbles with each other, exchange energy and information and that is going on all the time.

More wonderful still, the shining beings live in the Oceans of Energy and there are all manner of other energy forms about – the wonderworlds of energy really are simply fascinating, and here we find all the things that we have yearned for, but that cannot be bought with money in the Hard.

We all grew up in societies where the energy body didn't even exist as a concept, and it was entirely outside of our conscious awareness, never thought about, neglected, never factored in when we tried to solve problems, or find happiness.

Now, we are in a position where we need to remind ourselves to pay attention to our own living energy bodies if we want to find true health and happiness in mind, body and spirit.

The living energy body is an exceptionally complex and highly individualised system; but there is one place we can focus our attention on, where we can start, and which has the greatest positive impact on the entire energy body.


The Heart of Energy & The Problem Of The Broken Hearts

The Heart of Energy is the central generator for the entire energy system. It affects all the systems of the living energy body, and when the Heart of Energy doesn't function correctly, a myriad of problems ensue.

  • Many, many people suffer from “a broken heart.”

This is not a metaphor, but a structural reality – something happened that caused the Heart of Energy to become chaotic, disturbed, malfunctioning. Some kind of shock occurred and now the Heart of Energy is “broken.”

Now, there is literally no longer enough energy being produced by the Heart of Energy to give us “the energy we need to deal with every day life.”

This brings with it a myriad of symptoms in mind, body and spirit, which all come from this single cause.

When the Heart of Energy doesn't provide enough energy throughput any longer to power all our systems, we become weak and vulnerable.

The protective outer layers of the energy body collapse and shrink. This makes us vulnerable to all manner of problems and rightfully, makes us feel “undefended” and scared, causes constant stress that never goes away, even we are asleep.

Our abilities to make connections with other sources of energy, especially with the all important energy of other people, likewise collapses and shrinks, and this makes us rightfully feel alone, lonely, and extremely vulnerable at a deeply primal level.

In order to protect ourselves, we have to build shields – actual “walls of energy” - and these take even more precious energy from a system that is already too low for easy, effortless functioning. Not only that, but they also disconnect us from vital incoming energy sources that could revive us.

The emotional effects of chronic energy body stress of course, are legion. Stressed, alone and afraid, our emotions go out of control and we experience the misery of negative emotions – our feedback systems that are supposed to tell us that the energy body needs help.

The effects on the “mind” - how we think, what we think about, how we reason and how much mind power we have – of a broken Heart of Energy are incredible. The less energy there is “to think with,” the more disturbed and chaotic our thinking becomes. We can no longer be reasonable, and as a result, must end up making decisions that are short sighted and will lead to more trouble in the future.

Because of the underlying lack of energy, the self healing functions of the energy body are suspended, and now “time doesn't heal” whatever it was any longer either.

The lack of energy in the energy body causes the physical body to become stressed, and the physical immune system starts to malfunction and fail as well, This is the mechanism by which people who have had significant “emotional shocks” become ill, and how some will literally die of a broken heart.

In energy terms, “a broken heart” is the most serious problem we can possibly have; but on the other side, having a powerful, strong shining Heart of Energy is the solution to a myriad of separate problems in mind, body and spirit that simply cannot be solved in any other way.

The Heart of Energy is what we want to focus our attention on to make the greatest gains across the board in the shortest period of time; and this is why almost everything we do in Modern Energy starts with the Heart Position.

> Exercise: The Heart Of Energy

  • Assume the Heart Position and take some deep breaths, in and out.

  • Become consciously aware this time that you are placing the Energy Hands (which are usually in the same place as your Hands of Flesh) into the powerful field of your Heart of Energy, which extends well beyond the barrier of skin of your physical body.

  • As you breathe deeply, notice how this starts to calm your entire mind/body/spirit system, your totality, and how you can feel in your physical body that you are starting to stabilise.

  • Keep breathing deeply and notice that there comes a point where you feel a relaxation in your body; you can aid this by giving some deep sighs as you breathe out.

You can use the Heart Position at any time you need to take a break from stress, upset, fear or any other negative emotion that is telling you your energy system is in trouble, and it needs HELP.

You can also advise other people who are in emotional disturbance to assume the Heart Position, and simply breathe together for a time. It is remarkable how this simple method reverses stress and brings people “back to themselves” in such a short time.

From here, we can then go forward into the Positives, and raise energy, because feeling calm is not enough. We need to get into the higher energy states for proper functioning, and to move forward into a much better future.


When we are in certain “emotional states” that may seem to “hyperactive,” which is a sign of severe stress, we don't need to “calm down.”

Hyperactivity, such as the inability to go to sleep, or having to perform physical actions such as running around, shouting, being incapable of standing still, is a sign of low energy – not enough energy, in other words.

In order to get out of any type of emotionally disturbed state, and it doesn't matter if that is anger, or fear, or anxiety, or depression, we need to ADD MORE ENERGY to the energy body.

To explain this, I cite the example of flying an aeroplane.

Aeroplanes work by creating lift over the wings, and in order to do that, they need to go fast enough for the wind to do its work and literally “lift” the plane into the sky.

When an aeroplane gets too slow, and approaches that point where there's not enough wind to sustain flight any longer, it starts to become unstable, to shudder and to shake.

Reducing speed will lead to the plane dropping like a stone; the only correct response is to increase speed at this point so we can literally fly out of trouble.

When we start to get stressed, our physical bodies start to shudder and shake and our thoughts start racing out of control, that is the exact time when we need to INCREASE ENERGY.

This is a really important point to understand about working with our living energy bodies (and those of other people!) so that we stop crashing and burning, and instead learn to fly smoothly through the challenges of life.

In essence, this is what this course is all about – finding new ways to ADD MORE ENERGY to give us the lift we need to fly, and the energy comes from the Power of the Positives.

Practice Energy Awareness!

The key to stopping ourselves from “stalling and falling from the sky” is to become consciously energy aware, and this starts with knowing ourselves, and paying attention to the symptoms of stress first of all.

  • We need to become aware of how our own stress works.

We need to pay attention to when we start questioning ourselves (that's the little green energy body man with the question marks over his head on the Modern Energy Chart).

We need to become aware when we've lost power and start doubting ourselves, becoming indecisive, unsure of ourselves.

We need to take notice when we are no longer feeling at home in our own bodies, when we feel “out of sorts,” or tired, or “not quite right.”

These are our personal indicators that energy is getting low; that's the plane starting to shudder and shake, to let us know we need to ADD ENERGY NOW!

We've become too used to trying to struggle on even when all the signs are there that we are no longer in a good state to be doing anything at all – be that work, or fun, or relationships, or even philosophical discussions, it matters not.

Nothing truly good ever comes from actions and decisions taken in low energy states. There is absolutely no merit in “energy body suffering” - only downsides.

To really start to pay attention to how each one of us “does stress” is the essential knowledge we need to move forward, fly out of stress, and into much more successful states of being.

Once we have realised that we are getting stressed, now we have the choice to do something about it.

We can assume the Heart Position and start calling in The Power of the Positives.


> Exercise: Perfect For This Moment, Right Here, Right Now

In Part 01, we asked that first Magic Question: “What do you like?”

Now, we all like a veritable myriad of things; but the beautiful discovery here is that we are going to ask our dear Energy Minds1 to give us the PERFECT POSITIVE, for right here, right now.

The living energy body is literally, ever changing; it reacts to all the energy weather around it, and not one moment is like the moment before. Always giving the energy body the same Positive, no matter how beloved it may be, is like feeding you with carrots and nothing else, all the time. For a healthy diet we don't just need a variety of things, but the right things at the right time, in direct response to the needs of the living energy body.

The dear Energy Mind is a super-important system of the energy body and it “knows” what's going on in our energy bodies. When we ask it, it will provide us with “the perfect Positive (from a myriad of possibilities!) that will help us, right here, right now.”

So now, assume the Heart Position and take a few deep breaths, in and out.


Dear Energy Mind! Give me the perfect Positive for me, right here, right now!”

What comes to mind?

Whatever it is, as soon as we have “the idea,” we say, with feeling, “Thank you, dear Energy Mind!”

Now we have the perfect Positive for right here, right now.

Stay in the Heart Position and simply think about this Positive.

You can:

  • Think about why this Positive is so attractive for you;

  • Remember a time when you experienced this Positive, where and when that was, and how it felt at the time;

  • Think about examples of this Positive in your life and how it gave you energy or joy;

  • Say the name of the Positive out loud and talk about it in your own words.

All these activities connect us with the energy of that Positive, and we can notice how this makes us feel much better inside.

It's a wonderful thing that we human beings can direct our attention to any Positive at will, and FEEL the results of this energy in our own living bodies.

It's a super power that all human beings are born with – and most of them have no idea they have this!


> Exercise: Positives On The Outbreath

Our dear Energy Mind will give us any number of Positives in the right order and sequence – we simply have to ask.

Assume the Heart Position.

Ask, “What do I love?”

Let the answer come to you.

Now take a deep, deep breath in and say the name of the Positive out aloud on the outbreath.

Keep breathing in the Heart Position and take a moment to notice how this has made you feel inside.

Now, ask afresh, “What else do I love?”

Do three Positives or as many as you want to start feeling amazing!

The 6th Sense

When I say, “Take a moment to notice how this made you feel inside,” I am directing your conscious attention to your (own, very real!) 6th Sense.

  • The 6th Sense, the sensations in our physical body which have no physical origin, is how your energy body communicates with you, all the time.

It is an amazing language in its own right, which provides that all important additional information about reality itself that the other five senses cannot give us.

We are entrained to ignore the 6th sense sensations and pretend they don't exist; and only when they have become so extreme that we are actually noticing “emotions,” and we can't ignore them any longer, do we start to pay attention – and even then, only in order so we can “make them go away” so we don't have to feel them any longer.

This is an absolute nightmare for humanity, because we're cutting ourselves off from the very information we need to make sense of reality!

The painful high end emotions that are so severe, we cannot ignore them any longer, try as we might, are only the very tip of an enormous iceberg of messages the energy body is sending all the time.

When we start paying attention to the finer sensations, and we begin to realise that the language of energy is actually like a multi-layered orchestra that has all this precious, priceless, super valuable, life saving information for us, we activate not only entirely new pathways in the physical brain; we also finally get to be in a position where we can respond proactively to what our own energy bodies have been trying to tell us all along.

We all have a lot of catching up to do to understand the messages from our 6th Sense correctly and to respond to them proactively; on the bright side, the less stress there is, and the higher our energy states become, the easier it becomes to understand our 6th Sense messages in return.

In the meantime, do always take the time to direct your attention on “how does that make me feel inside, and where do I feel that.

Be specific in noticing what's happening and where exactly this is happening:

  • A little shiver going down your neck;

  • Your hands getting warmer and starting to tingle;

  • A sense of something flowing down your arms and your shoulders feel lighter;

  • Feeling a pressure in the head starting to lift;

  • Getting goosebumps;

… these and all the other types of 6th Sense sensations are an incredibly complex and precise language which will give us access to an entire world of additional information we never conscioiusly had before.

So! Do pay attention to “how you feel inside,” and not just during exercises.

Add the 6th Sense to your life. It's truly a revelation.

> The Glorious Colours: An Exercise In Positive Thinking

One of my favourite things is what I call “the glorious colours.”

It is a side effect of higher energy states that in our experience the colours become brighter, richer, more intense, more radiant - more glorious, in other other words.

We can use this effect to stimulate better energy flow.

Exercise: The Glorious Colours

  1. Assume the Heart Position and take a couple of deep breaths, in and out.

  2. Now look around your environment to find a colour that draws your attention right here, right now.

  3. Look for a colour that is especially attractive to you, and that will give you a little energy boost if you tune into it.

  4. When you have found your colour, keep your eyes on it – what does this colour remind you of? Is there a particular thing connected to it, a good memory perhaps, or another reason why this colour is a Positive for you today?

  5. Breathe in this colour in the Heart Position for a moment or two.

  6. Pay attention how doing this raises your energy, and how and where you can feel this in your body.

  7. If you want to get even higher, ask, “And which colour is next?” and create an easy path into higher energy states using the Glorious Colours.


Energy Raising In Real Time

The Glorious Colours exercise demonstrates an important principle in The Power of the Positives, namely that we can raise energy fast and in real time anytime we want to.

The Positives, just like the colours, are always there and they are always ready when we need them.

All our lives, we have been trained to wait for everything. Wait for food, wait for sleep, wait before you're allowed to go to the toilet, wait until payday, wait for praise, wait for love, wait, wait, wait.

The energy body doesn't like this, it doesn't even understand this.

  • In the energy realms, there is no time; there is only here and now.

Here and now, there is always going to be a colour in the environment that can uplift us, also right here and now.

When I asked for a colour to attract my attention, I noticed a beautiful blue on a vase across the room. This blue reminded me immediately of a blue blue summer sky, and I felt a little shiver of delight run down my back. When I asked afresh, my attention was drawn to a little burst of bright lemon yellow on one of my paintings, and that was like bright fresh lemon energy, a little kick of Vitamin C for my energy system, and that made me smile.

When we learn how to do positive thinking right, we learn how to direct our attention to those energy sources in the environment that can help us, that can lift us, that can even heal us of the problems of the day.

This is positive thinking – it is a completely different way of looking at the world, of listening to the world, and of sensing, tasting and scenting the world.

Instead of filtering the whole world for all things terrible, we start filtering the world for what can be of help to us, we can learn to tune to the Positives instead.

We can start with little Positives, and expand our ability to also be able to tune into the really high Positives.

In due course, we'll get to connect with the Super Positives as well, and we'll be looking into those a little bit later. In the meantime, we are laying the foundations for a very different way of thinking, a way that connects us to the Power of the Positives.

In order to achieve this, we are going to find out about the core technique in this second unit, and this is all about how to turn problems into solutions.


Finding Perfect Energy Solutions For Every Problem

One of the biggest blocks to solving problems we have is the idea that reporting a problem somehow solves the problem.

  • Reporting a problem” on any level does not solve the problem.

Yet all we hear and see all across the media, in art, in therapy is that the problem gets all the attention, and we get stuck in thinking about the problem, talking about the problem, and most of all, endless reports of how bad the problem (still) is – and that's it.

Where is the solution?

HOW do we get from the problem to the solution?

All things start at the energy levels; all solutions to all problems likewise, always start at the energy levels.

When we engage the Power of the Positives and apply these to a problem, we step out of the problem state and turn towards the solution.

We do this by asking what I've called the second Magic Question, and it is …

What Isn't This?

The magic question, “What isn't this?” generates the Positives we need to move towards the solution. It takes us out of that endless, looping reportage of how bad the problem is and into a new space, where solutions can actually be found.

In the meantime, the Positives we generate will make our energy bodies happier, our bodies stronger and our minds wiser and more intelligent, so we are in the best possible state to finally find some solutions that were simply not apparent before.

The problems have had all our attention for as long as we've been alive; and now we have literal train tracks in the brain that will take us straight into the problems, instead of into a totally different space where the solutions may be found.

By asking and answering the question, “What isn't this?” we generate the Positives we need to move forward, but most importantly, we will be building new pathways in the brain, where positive thinking can finally commence.

Here is an example.

We may have a family that is stressed, people are unhappy with each other, they are fighting among themselves, some may have withdrawn altogether, some may be just sick and tired of the situation.

We can look at the problems of each individual person and the problems of the family altogether and we can do this forever, assigning blame and shame here and there, going back into the past to find even more reasons for why this family isn't working in past traumas of all concerned, or we can STOP and ask that question which will reverse our negative thinking into positive thinking:

What isn't this family?”

This family is not …









Now, we have a set of Positives we can actually do something with – at the multilevel, at that.

We can absolutely use a variety of energy techniques and methods based on the Power of the Positives to raise energy for the individuals and the family as a group bubble.

The Positives can be used as goals, and we can get the family to agree on these, and hang them up on the fridge for all to see, every day.

Importantly, we can also start to ask all sorts of other questions based on the Positives we have discovered.

We can ask, “What can I/we do today to make this family happier?”

This will generate ideas, and if only 10% of them work, we are 10% better off than we were before, and also 10% closer to a long term solution than we ever were before we asked that question.

We are literally now on the right track towards solving the problem eventually.

The power of the second Magic Question to directly generate the very Positives that we need to get out of the problem and into the right direction, towards the solution, can be used anywhere and everywhere we find ourselves in a situation we consider to be a problem.

For example, you may wake up in the morning and feel flat, tired and uninspired.

“What am I not right now?”

I'm not …









It's fascinating to note that simply thinking of such a list of Positives will raise our energy.

Writing it down raises energy more, as does speaking it out aloud.

You can breathe the Positives in and out in the Heart Position, you can use Modern Energy tapping or EMO Energy In Motion, but the best thing is that your energy system is starting to spin in the right direction, and we have a path out of misery and into happiness.

Here is an example of getting beyond how terrible it all is using the second Magic Question.

Let's say a person has become hopeless, depressed and overwhelmed by the sorry state of the environment.

Although everyone can do their bit, there is very little an individual can do about everything all together; and that makes people sad.

What isn't the state of the environment?








Using these Positives will give us a goal, and the additional energy we need to go ahead and act in the real world to move towards those goals. It's a beautiful thing at the multi-level.

A final example:

Here, we have a room in the house that has become a dumping ground for all sorts of unwanted and neglected items, and a depressed owner of this room who doesn't have the energy to tackle that mess, who sighs and just closes the door on it, time and time anew.

Yes, it's bad. This is the stuck state where the problem is all there is and now, we need an evolution, we need fresh ideas, we need fresh energy, we need a new way to solve this.

We open the door, look at the room, assume the Heart Position to not fall into the old problem thinking, and we say out aloud, “What isn't this room?”

Well … it's not …




And here, we can start to ask further questions – what does this room need to become more inviting? What can I do today to make it even just a little bit more inviting?

We are on that other path – the path to the solution.

The Path To The Solution

One of the core laws of Modern Energy is: “You don't have to solve it – only EVOLVE it!”

What that means is that we don't need to wave a magic wand to make the problem just disappear – poof!

What we are trying to do is unstick ourselves out of what seemed to be everlasting and eternal problem states and take the first step towards the eventual solution.

Moving forward and out of a stuck problem is energizing. It gives us hope, it gives us a goal, it gives us purpose, it gives us ENERGY – which is exactly what we need to empower us to take the practical steps we need to take in the real world.

  • It is in the movement itself that the solution lies.

The Power of the Positives is all about picking up our power, here and now, to set us on our personal paths to a better future.

Positive Thinking, thinking towards the solution rather than the problem, sets on the right path.

When we work with Positives, we are doing something immensely healing and beneficial for our living energy bodies. They wake up and they never cease to surprise us with their many gifts.

Above all else, they literally give us the ENERGY we've always needed to make the changes that will finally end the old, and take us to the new.

>>> 02: The Homework Exercise

This week, please practice the second Magic Question.

Pay attention for when a problem is being reported, yet again.

Take a moment to ask yourself, “What isn't this?” to practice your ability to generate the GOALS and SOLUTIONS to the problem.

Pay attention how just thinking about those Positives changes your energy state.

As a bonus exercise, become aware when other people are reporting problems, and think the question, “What isn't this?” to practice generating the Positives that would help in this situation.

Practice your new Positive Thinking!

03: Expanding The Positives

Shining Brighter Means Having A Happier Energy Body!

It is always super important to remember that all we do in Modern Energy is designed to help our poor neglected, ignored, mistreated and underappreciated energy bodies feel better.

When our energy bodies start to feel better and more energy flows in, through and out, we become more alive, more sparkly and more shiny. We become the shining beings.

In our daily doings in the Hard, we keep forgetting about our energy bodies and those of other people; there is no place for them, and so it's of the essence right now to remind ourselves often and every day that we are not just hapless sacks of flesh stumbling blindly around the Hard, with nothing more than old age, disease and becoming worm fodder in the end to be looking forward to.

We are more than our physical bodies!

  • We are the shining beings.

And we can shine brighter still – and that's not one bit difficult. It's easy when you know how!

To remind us of the basic precept of working with the Positives: a Positive is only something that makes your energy body happier, stronger and shinier; a Positive is something that has a highly positive effect on you, personally. A Positive has a highly positive effect on your beautiful shiny energy body, and because of that, it has a highly positive effect on your beautiful mind, and on your beautiful physical body as well.

What a precious, valuable treasure trove our Positives are!

We have begun to collect Positives. We started with the first question, “What do you like?” and “What do you love?” which give us our first set of Positives, and I do hope you have taken the time to write down some of your favourite Positives in a journal, so you can have them ready when you get stressed to uplift yourself. Then we have found further Positives through the second magic question, the problem solving question which generates the Positives we need to get out of problems and towards solutions, “What isn't this?”

I hope you have started your own “Book of Positives” because this is proof that by thinking about your Positives, connecting with them, you are experiencing an uplifting that all and any contact or even attempt at contact with the Positives brings.

You can notice that there is a process at work that is structural and reliable.

If we just think the name of a Positive, for example, NATURE, we already notice that this raises energy, it cheers us up.

If we think about this Positive a bit more, give it a bit more attention, thinking about an example of NATURE experienced, we can notice this raises energy further.

Now when we actually write down the word NATURE we can notice that there is a distinct threshold shift – we have unlocked more energy.

The next step up is to speak the Positive out aloud. Speaking is a very powerful activity indeed. It releases energy, which draws fresh energy into our systems, and of course it bridges between the energy worlds and our thoughts to “being heard” across the levels and the layers. We also have a graduation here of many possible and different energy experiences. We can whisper the name of the Positive in a loving way; we can state it as a royal command; we can sing it. When we say the name of the Positive out aloud, we evoke the energy, bring it closer, connect with it more deeply.

Play with this in your own time – there is so much to learn here, and all of it will lift your spirit!

Once we are speaking out aloud, we can become even more expressive. We can make gestures to accompany our voice, we can move our bodies, we can dance, we can shout out aloud in joy – and that's when the energy flow becomes the highest, and the connection with our Positive becomes most enlivening and uplifting.

We are raising energy!

The final step in the experience is that we become filled with energy and then we can give that energy as a gift – to another person, or to the world.


> Exercise: Giving The Energy Gift

Rather than just thinking, when we give the Energy Gift, we make a full body gesture of drawing the rising energy we can feel in our bodies up towards the Heart Centre, then giving it out.

Try this three step exercise:

  • Think the Positive

  • Speak the Positive

  • Give the Positive


> Exercise: The Mirror Gift Of The Positives!

Stand in front of a mirror, assume the Heart Position and look at the mirror person.

Take a few deep breaths in and out, then ask:

What does the mirror person need today?

What would make them happy?

What would make them smile?

Start by thinking the Positive that comes to you in response.

Then say the Positive out aloud.

Say the Positive and encourage energy flow with movement and gesture.

Finally, give the gift of the Positive to the Mirror Person.

Speak out aloud, and make a giving gesture from your heart to their heart.

  • Today, I give you the gift of ...”

Pay attention how you feel, and what you feel in your body.

Now ask,

And what else does this person need today?

Do at least three Positives and notice how you are learning to give this gift of positive energy in thought, word and deed, all at the same time.

Make sure to deliver your Positives in a lively way, engage your whole body to increase the energy flow, so you start to really feel it, the tingling, the coming to life of your energy body, and let a stream of powerful, wonderful, magical Positives ensue!

You can finish the exercise with a round of applause, a victory dance of triumph, or both!


Grr, Grr, I'm A Tiger …

We have all heard the sad tale of the stressed executive, sweating with fear, before an important meeting, standing before the washroom mirror and saying in a trembling voice, “Grr, grr, I'm a tiger ...” in desperation. And what a sad tale that is when you try to do affirmations without understanding your own living energy body, indeed!

Perhaps our poor executive didn't really want to be a tiger at all. Perhaps they needed a completely different energy.

“What do you need, poor desperate mirror person, to smash this meeting?”

The Positive explodes into their mind: CONFIDENCE!

Now, giving the poor dishevelled mirror person the gift of CONFIDENCE, they are starting to feel better. And what else does the mirror person need?

Two or three Positives into this, and the actual person is starting to feel better. When they ask again what else this person might need to succeed, the Positive of CONFIDENCE comes back.

What is this?

I thought we already did that one?

Wait a moment – what exactly is CONFIDENCE … in its widest metaphorical sense?

Is there something that's missing from our understanding of this Positive?

Are there other levels and layers to CONFIDENCE that we are still to unlock, to truly feel the power of CONFIDENCE in our own body?

And here we come to a quite wonderful experience, and the heart of Unit 3, and this is …


Expanding The Positives

This is a fantastic exercise to help us not only get up close and personal with the Positive of our choice, but also to unlock more of the power of this Positive. It will expand our conscious understanding as well, and bring in new ideas, new insights, new energy – everything we need for a permanent evolution.

In expanding any Positive, we are undertaking an exploration, an adventure, to get closer to what real (…) really is – and that's always wonderfully exciting, absolutely uplifting, as well as being practically useful and valuable for our every day lives.

It is a fact that we all suffer in various ways from “poverty consciousness.”

By that I mean that we consciously have seriously limited ideas of what NATURE, LOVE or even CONFIDENCE really are – if we could experience the reality of those or any of the other Positives in every cell of our living bodies, they would literally blow our minds!

The Conscious Mind is super important in the greater scheme of things, and to “understand” reality better leads directly to better energy flow in our living energy bodies.

  • Unlocking “ideas” and expanding “concepts” has a direct effect on our energy bodies.

This is why we need to not meditate the conscious mind out of existence in order to make progress; we need to invite it to the party and create methods and techniques that allow our conscious minds to work for us in a spectacular manner as a fully functional part of the human totality.

Let's expand the Positive CONFIDENCE as an example in this exercise.

The Technique Explained: Expanding The Positive

As always, we start in the Heart Position.

This time, we'll begin by breathing in the Positive – CONFIDENCE in our example, deeply and profoundly.

As you do this, you can feel how that uplifts you, raises your energy.

And now, we are also going to breathe out CONFIDENCE, filling the space around you with this energy, not holding on to it, but flowing it through you.

Do this for three deep breaths in and out.

Now, let go of the Heart Position and use your hands as well as you draw in CONFIDENCE with your in breath, and give out the gift of CONFIDENCE on the out breath.

Making The Set Up

To make sure that our entire mind/body/spirit totality is on board, we make a conscious set up in the Heart Position by saying out aloud:

I want to expand my concept of CONFIDENCE today!”

This “sets up” all our systems to work together for a wonderful change.


The Ten Finger Method

We are going to use the Ten Finger method to address the physical body and the energy body; our conscious minds will be asking the question; our dear Energy Minds will provide us with the ideas, and so our entire mind/body/spirit totality is on board and actively engaged in unlocking much more of the Power of this Positive than we previously had access to.

Important Reminder: Placing our physical hands into the Heart Position switches on the energy hands, so they are ready not just for physical action but also for energy action.

Pay conscious attention to the sensations in your hands and fingers when this happens; the energy hands wake up and produce a tingling, sparkling sensation in your hands.

Should you become distracted, interrupted or otherwise lose that sensation, simply return your physical hands to the Heart Position to re-charge your energy hands for the best possible results.

Connecting The Energy Circuits

In the Ten Finger method2, we simply connect one finger at a time by touching it with the other hand. You can tap the finger we're working on, touch it, massage it – the point is to stimulate energy flow in that one finger, which is connected to your living energy body by many flows and streams.

Be attentive and stimulate the energy finger in a way that feels good and right to you.

If you are very new to all of this, just stroke the finger gently, like you would touch the finger of a small child, lovingly, and that will work perfectly for you.

Flowing New Expansive Ideas

When we have followed with the steps so far, we are more than ready to get “ideas” pop into our minds. That's our dear Energy Minds at work; they are the source of all ideas, but not only that, our dear Energy Minds are the absolute experts on what's going on in our living energy bodies. If anyone at all can help us with overcoming limitations, blocks and reversals, it's our dear Energy Minds, so it's really important to accept what they send us, and work with that.

So we begin by “connecting the first circuit” - touching the first of our fingers! - and asking, “What kind of CONFIDENCE is there?”

In my example, the first thing that sprang to mind was BODY CONFIDENCE. This, to me, felt like a surprise, of the “Oh, I hadn't really thought about that ...” variety. It's a small “emotional reaction” to the expansion of the idea of CONFIDENCE, and a valuable addition.

I personally like to say/think/feel a THANK YOU when this happens. It's good to have a friendly relationship with all your systems of mind, body and spirit, and I find that a Thank You for the gifts we are given is most appropriate, and the right thing to do. It also encourages further co-operation, and that's exactly what we want to achieve.

BODY CONFIDENCE is a really valuable Positive, and it felt great to connect with that.

So now we move on to the second finger and ask again, “What other kinds of CONFIDENCE are there?”

As an example, I'll report what happened when I went through this exercise.

The idea was a little nebulous at first, something to do with the mind, and it crystallised into “CONFIDENCE IN MY BEAUTIFUL MIND.” Wow. That was wonderful!

The third finger produced the idea of BEAUTIFUL CONFIDENCE. That was interesting and worked like a cure for false confidence, over-confidence or arrogance. It felt like a sigh of relief and brought the next expansion immediately on the fourth finger:

POWERFUL CONFIDENCE. It makes sense – when you have beautiful confidence, it can be as powerful as you like, and it will never be unattractive. My immediate insight was that the beautiful confidence literally unlocked the powerful confidence – a real expansion right here!

The fifth finger, my little finger, produced LOVING CONFIDENCE. It took me a moment to “wrap my mind” around that idea but when I did, I could feel a smile all through my body and felt I'd learned something really important. I was about to leave that finger when another thought came to me, “I'm LOVING confidence!” This really made me smile and even laugh out loud – yes, I'm LOVING CONFIDENCE! It's such an awesome thing to have!”

This first sequence of expanding the Positive was already amazing and produced a beautiful pathway:

  • Body confidence

  • Confidence in my beautiful mind

  • Beautiful confidence

  • Powerful confidence

  • (I'm) Loving confidence!

And that was only the first hand!

Please know that when you do this for your own personal Positives, you will discover a totally unique sequence of unfoldments that are just perfect for YOU – created for you by your very own, endlessly loving, endlessly supportive mind/body/spirit totality. This really is an adventure in healing that is created by you, for you – and there's nothing like the personal experience of it!

Also, my aspect was feeling high, really grateful and surprised by this expansion and when you do this by yourself at home, you might well want to stop there, feeling all happy and satisfied with the exercise. Obviously, don't do that! Your other hand would be crying if you did! Continue. The other half of your body and your energy system totally deserves their turn as well!3

So now, the sixth finger. What will we discover here?

ETERNAL CONFIDENCE. INFINITE CONFIDENCE. When this “idea” rushed through my body, I felt a huge expansion of the concept of CONFIDENCE. Instead of this state of being you have sometimes, when you need it for a presentation or a public appearance, it literally expanded to all the time and everywhere. I also understood how we take it for granted, like our friend the executive in the wash room, that we get confident for a very short time and when we need it, using some method or technique, but then we accept that we sink back down into the state of the lowly worm we were before – and that the very acceptance of this idea is wrong.

Confidence needs to be the default setting, our very normal and natural state of being. Confidence needs to be understood as a normal part of our very structure – just like we have a nose. We have a nose, and we have confidence. Even on a bad day, your nose doesn't disappear; it stays right there, in the middle of your face – and thus it should be with confidence too.

That was a major insight for me.

The seventh finger gave me SPARKLING CONFIDENCE and that made me smile immediately and gave me a senses of lightness, a sigh of relief, feeling happy – the SPARKLING CONFIDENCE being a thing of light, a joyful experience, instead of being something hard and heavy. The physical sensations relating to SPARKLING CONFIDENCE were a delicious tingle throughout my body, and that made me very happy!

The eighth finger “idea” that came immediately after that was HAPPY CONFIDENCE. That seemed to be a natural follow on from the sparkling confidence, something that makes you happy, something that makes you smile, a lovely quality, a sense of walking on water, and this being fun.

The ninth finger gave me a flash of what I can only describe as GOLDEN CONFIDENCE – a sunrise sensation and the thought that this is what “exuding confidence” would be, energetically speaking, creating a field of golden light that is both a protection as well as an attraction, and that was a beautiful sensation.

The tenth finger brought the idea of BLESSED CONFIDENCE. This had a sensation of standing under a sparkling shower of energy coming in through the top of my head and rushing all through my body, like literally being blessed with energy from the outside. This expanded the concept of CONFIDENCE from this being something that has to be self-generated from the inside to something that is an effect or a symptom of being connected with the great natural energy flows of the Universe itself, and being “fed” endless confidence when we are connected to that. That was very beautiful, precious and valuable.

Taking The Expanded Positive To Heart

During this exercise we have also now created The Fully Charged Positive Hands Of Power.

With all ten fingers having been stimulated and tuned into all this CONFIDENCE, we now go back into the Heart Position and take a moment to breathe deeply, to let complete the experience, to let the many new ideas, thoughts, sensations and energy flows integrate.

This is a wonderful moment so please take your time here, and when you feel you are ready, complete the entire sequence of Expanding Your Positive with a heartfelt THANK YOU to your beautiful mind, your beautiful body and your beautiful energy body, energy mind and whoever else was present to create the experiences you have gained.

We come away from this exercise with a truly expanded understanding of the Positive we have worked with, many new ideas, food for thought, but also a whole set of new personal Power Positives we can use in the future.


Expanding The Positives, Expanding The Love

When you “work” with your own Positives, and you choose something YOU absolutely love already, something that is already giving you endless joy, strength and support, the act of expanding such Positives becomes each time an extraordinary experience.

You can literally feel all manner of old dark limiting things falling away, melting away; you can feel an awakening in parts that you might never have connected with before, or those who have been waiting to be re-connected for the longest time.

Expanding your Positives is the very essence of positively healing.

And here it is important to know that we don't just want to stop here.

Whatever your Positive may be – NATURE, JOY, SUNSHINE, WATER, CRYSTAL, STAR etc. and ad infinitum! - you can be assured that this so huge, you can do this exercise again tomorrow, and expand your understanding and connection to this Positive even further, and that there literally is no end to this at all.

  • The LOVE, the energy, the information is infinite.

I invite you to try this for yourself.

The new thoughts, feelings, sensations and the healing of the old is infinite, and to experience this for yourself, so that you too really know it, is just such a beautiful way to connect with actual reality in a far deeper way.


>>> 03: The Homework Exercise: Expanding The Positives

Here is the “Expanding The Positives” pattern in brief for reference. It's very natural and easy to remember!

Expand at least three Positives of our own.

  1. Choose Your Positive!

  2. Assume the Heart Position.

  3. Breathe your Positive in, and also breathe it out.

  4. Make the Set Up by saying out aloud, “I want to expand (my Positive) today!”

  5. Start with your first finger, tap, touch or massage it gently. Repeat the name of your Positive if necessary to stimulate an idea, a word or an aspect of that Positive to come to you.

  6. Take a moment to have the experience with the expanded Positive.

  7. Move on to the next finger and repeat until all ten are done.

  8. With all your ten fingers and both hands fully charged with that Positive, go back into the Heart Position - “take your Positive to heart.”

  9. Take a moment to breathe deeply.

  10. Say THANK YOU to your beautiful totality!

Additional Homework Exercise:

For practice, also remember to give the Gift of Positives to your mirror person at least three times to make them smile at you!

As a bonus exercise, if you have the opportunity, try this with another person instead of your mirror person.

Fascinating and beautiful!

04: Power Affirmations

The Battle For The Positives

There are all these people out there who are absolutely convinced that doing anything at all positive is terribly bad for you.

These people are are totally against positive thinking, trying to be positive, being a positive person, positive affirmations, and they have been brainwashed to believe that ONLY by suffering, and delving ever deeper into ever more trauma can anything be healed or accomplished.

These people are all for “facing your demons,” endlessly searching for problems, constantly criticising and picking and picking in the old wounds, trying to find fault with everything and everyone in the erroneous belief that this will somehow make things better.

Well – it doesn't.

The very idea that in order to create anything positive we need to bleed and suffer first, and the more we bleed and suffer, the better a person we become, is really quite insane.

Here is what I need you to understand. These people who hate the Positives, argue that you are only deluding yourself into happiness when you work with Positives, and will try to convince you that only by dwelling on the suffering can you find out who you really are, simply do not know that they have a real living energy body.

They do not know that our energy bodies are real, that they produce all our emotions, and that these real energy bodies are the backbones of our entire incarnation.

Clearly, if they did know that, then they would also understand that Positives are good for you; that they are vitamins for the energy body, and that the more Positives you connect with, the more powerful you become. It is easy and entirely logical! It makes every sense in the world.

Likewise, it makes every sense in the world that we do not want to bring our energy bodies down by constantly focusing on trauma, on misery, on suffering, on the problems. When we bring our energy bodies down, literally ALL is lost – our intelligence is lost, our power is lost, our intuition is lost, our entire ability to function correctly as a human being is lost.

Our energy bodies go down and we are LOST.

To someone who knows about the reality of energy bodies and how they function, this is obvious.

Therefore, when you hear someone starting on about how bad it is to try to be a positive person, how you are just deluded by wanting to be more positive, or that you are simply stupid and haven't studied enough psychology, know that you are in the presence of someone who doesn't know they have a living energy body.

As the vast majority of people in the Western World don't have a clue, you'll run into these objections once you start activating the Power of the Positives. Please be advised that when someone tries to tell you that you are making a terrible mistake by focusing on love, moving towards love and happiness in whatever it is you are doing, take a deep breath and send a blessing.

There is always hope that these people will have their own moment of awakening in the future; in the meantime, we can stand firm in the fact that Positives are good for us, and that any type of healing process absolutely should start with making a person's energy body stronger, so that they can be empowered, more self aware and far more capable to know what's right for them.

In The Long Run …

One particular objection I would like to highlight here is the idea that “in the long run, you'll be worse off if you don't do all the negative first.”

This idea, that we have to suffer before we get to where we want to go, is so deeply embedded in the minds of modern people, if they know this or not, it's really quite extraordinary.

I have been on this planet for 60 years now, and I can thoroughly assure you that this is absolute nonsense and indeed, a 180' reversal of the truth.

  • We grow and evolve ONLY by the high POSITIVE experiences of our lives.

Making it really clear to our mind/body/spirit totality that we are indeed now seeking many more high positive experiences is the master key to living a good and successful life by any way a person would want to measure this.

I once said to a person who brought out the “but in the long run” objection, “So imagine if tomorrow I focus on the Positives again, and not on the negatives. And the day after that, and the day after that, right up until the day I die.

“Where exactly is that terrible problem that I've just tried to avoid now?

“Has it fallen off the end of my timeline?”

The idea that we are just repressing all the negatives by focusing on the Positives is completely erroneous and nonsensical in the context of the living energy body.

A negative is a void, just as a shadow is simply the absence of light.

  • There is literally only energy, and the absence of energy.

When there is energy we feel good; when there is lots of energy, we feel fantastic.

The more often we can feel good, and fantastic, the better our energy system works and the more it finally has the chance to grow up, to evolve.

There is also that amazing discovery of the “self healing energy body.”

Above +3, the self healing functions of the energy body kick back into action, because there's now enough energy left over for that. Old problems become healed as a bye-the-bye; now “time heals” once more, which it doesn't when the energy body doesn't have the energy left over for this.

There are literally no downsides to trying to get happier, stay happier, and have more good experiences in life.

It's all good, it's all forward, and it's all immensely empowering.

This I have learned in my 60 years on this planet and working with millions of people by now.

But there is still more.

I am satisfied that this is not the only life we have; I am personally satisfied that the soul will go on beyond physical death.

It is my understanding that the soul is a real, existing system that is not tied to any organ in the physical body or reflects anything in the physical body (such as the heart of energy is linked to the physical heart, or the energy mind is linked to the physical brain).

The soul is a pure energy based system that can survive physical death; and this energy system is “grown” ONLY by Star Events and Star Experiences – high POSITIVE experiences.

So if we want to talk about the really “long run,” it becomes even more essential to focus on the Positives, to call in the Positives, to set sail towards the Positives, and to learn as much about LOVE itself by engaging with all the aspects of love as best we can.

By focusing on the Positives, we are doing the right thing – now, as well as in the long run.


Positive Affirmations & The Modern Energy Chart

One of the big battlefields in the war against the Positives are the “positive affirmations.”

There are many people who absolutely hate the idea of positive affirmations; there are those who tried them and it didn't work for them, so now they're angry and resentful about the whole topic.

Of course, without taking our dear energy bodies into consideration, positive affirmations make no sense at all, seem like superstition or some sort of weird magic, or don't exist, or are just a delusion.

Let's take a look at the idea of positive affirmations through the Modern Energy Chart4.

-8 – Depression

At -8, a person will show all the symptoms of clinical depression. Their energy bodies are critically low on energy, and this person literally doesn't have the energy to be thinking, or doing anything at all. They do not have the mental wherewithal to formulate a Positive; they need another person to provide them with the energy they need from the outside.

They need another person to say to them:

You are going to be alright.

Everything is going to be alright.

Breathe deeply.

Everything is going to get better.

You are strong. You can do this.

You are going to be alright.

This other person provides the positive energy so that the low energy person's energy system can start to stabilise, spool up and become functional again.

What do we do if there isn't another person to provide this outside energy?

One way I found for this was to use pre-recorded messages for aspects in crisis. I made a number of specific meditations for my own aspects to use in these low energy states, including a delta-trance deep sleep induction for aspects that may be in physical pain and can't sleep. I found this very useful and a real gift for the future aspects in moments of crisis.

If you are not into recording positive messages of solace, hope and love for future aspects, you can choose existing products, there are literally a myriad of such things available, to have them ready for when you need them.5

It is important however to know and remember that any -8 person, including your own aspects, should never be expected to entirely pull themselves out of the swamp by their own hair; and that we cannot expect a -8 aspect to remember or use positive affirmations by themselves.

-7 - The Freak Out

I use “freak out” as a technical term here. It denotes a meltdown in the energy system which kicks into action an emergency generator that is supposed to be reserved for life and death struggles only – when you are caught in the teeth of a lion, to throw every last resource into the fight to escape imminent destruction.

A person in the middle of a rage outburst, a nervous breakdown, a panic attack obviously cannot make positive affirmations. Mental, emotional and physical control has been lost.

The aim in Modern Energy is to not enter into these dangerous and destructive states and to stop the escalation process of the energy body meltdown long before we get to this.

However, we're human beings, and it happens. Don't beat yourself up.

After a -7 energy event, the energy body is exhausted and we enter into the really low energy states of -8 and below; the energy body needs to spool up again.

On the bright side, when we consciously become aware of the states of our energy bodies, we have every opportunity to intervene in the escalation at a much earlier point – and this is where positive affirmations start to become useful.

-5 - High Stress

Anxiety or simply, high stress, is a frightening and debilitating state of being. It's not too bad to get scared once in a while, but when this state of terror goes on for too long, something has to give.

You can tell the difference between general stress and -5/-6 type high stress by the fact that you can really feel the knots in your stomach at -5 (this is why in the illustration there is a spiral in the energy mens' stomach!) and the other physical sensations strongly, to the point that they cannot be ignored any longer.

A side effect of this state is that thoughts are out of control and it is extremely difficult if not entirely impossible to focus on anything.

This is not the time or place for positive affirmations; however, the Power of the Positives can reverse this state and save this person from the -7 meltdown.

We can remember to assume the Heart Position to stabilise the entire energy system; and even if we cannot access any Positive, we can use for example a list of high personal Positives a much higher aspect has made to raise energy.

It is therefore useful to think about your own highest personal power Positives and have them not only ready to go energetically but also to have clear, strong reminders in the physical environment and to use physical objects that a -5 aspect can literally “hold on to” in moments of crisis.

We can hold a teddy bear to our hearts; a picture of a loved one; a special crystal or anything at all that will connect us to our major power Positive in mind, body and spirit.

We can breathe deeply and when we do this, we can feel that we are moving forward, out of the low energy place where our plane stalls and falls from the sky, and up the Modern Energy Chart into healthier states of being.


-3 - Everyday Stress

Between 0 and -4 is where the vast majority of the population in a fairly civilised country that is functioning to a degree live their entire lives.

This is held to be “normal” - but in Modern Energy, it's a deplorable low energy state that not only disempowers the individual considerably, impedes on their real intelligence, physical prowess and creativity, undermines their self confidence and makes them highly vulnerable to presumed authority, experts and gurus, who know much better than they do.

People who are used to living their lives in these perpetual low energy stress states do not realise just how stressed they are.

We can know and realise that we have entered into this low energy state when we start to question ourselves – that's why the green energy mens has those question marks over his head.

Do I look fat in this dress?

I wonder if she likes my tie …

I'm not sure what I should do …

I'm worried I might make a mistake …

I need someone else to tell me what to do …

I can't do this alone … who can I find to help me?

Am I going to make a mistake?

What's going to happen next?

What should I do?

Under stress, we start to question ourselves and to doubt ourselves – our ability to figure it out, our ability to make it work, our ability to (insert anything that a person could try to achieve).

Please be advised that this is not right, and this is not normal.

In the higher energy states, we do know what to do; instead of worrying, we actually move forward and DO things to improve the situation.

When we understand this basic principle, we can use our “moments of self doubt” as a diagnostic tool to realise that we need to raise energy right now!

There is literally nothing gained by staying in states of stress, worry and self doubt.

These states do not protect us from making mistakes or the wrong decisions – quite in the contrary. We are guaranteed to make the wrong decisions from a state of disabling stress!

We can't see the bigger picture, we don't have the faculties of thought and intuition that will help steer us right, and we are far more likely to make physical mistakes because we're not in sync with our own bodies.

I often use the saying, “What could a fool be thinking but further foolishness?” to remind me to get out of these negative states of self doubt, fear and stress as fast as possible, so that I cease to be a fool, and become an intelligent, resourceful human being once more – which I absolutely am on the positive side of the Modern Energy Chart.

On the bright side, the natural propensity to ask for guidance in these “normal” stress states is the natural entrance into activating the Power of the Positives.

  • As soon as you notice any form of self doubt starting to creep in, STOP.

Assume the Heart Position and ask yourself, “Which Positive can help me, right here, right now?”

Even at -3, an idea should come to you, especially if you are prepared by having a basic knowledge of your own favourite Positives by now.

As your energy starts rising in response to the question, and the connection with your Positive, we can then ask, “And what other Positive can help me now?”

With each Positive added, your energy rises noticeably; and there comes a point where that which caused you all this stress simply fades away, and what you need to do next becomes perfectly apparent.

On top, you now have the additional energy you need to act in the Hard; and once you are on the other side of the dreaded Zero Point of Nothing, you're on the right track, on the right path, and your incarnation can continue on smoothly from there.

Important Note: We must all learn not to accept these low energy states as being “normal.” A whole asylum full of lunatics throwing themselves around is not “normal” just because “everyone's doing it.” Do NOT put up with self doubt and feelings of uncertainty. Do NOT put up with feeling helpless, not good enough, or not right at home in your own body.

  • Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, your states of being.

  • If necessary, STOP.

  • Assume the Heart Position and tune into a favourite Positive whilst breathing deeply for just one minute.

It's amazing how quickly the entire world changes in direct response, and what that one behavioural change will do for your unfolding incarnation.


Defeating “Nagging Doubt” With The Power Of The Positives

“Nagging doubt” is literally, the root of all evil.

Doubting questions need positive answers – this is important, because as long as we are doubting ourselves, are indecisive, we are structurally paralysed. We cannot act, we cannot move forward, we can't create our lives the way we want to.

Here are a couple of examples how we defeat the great enemy, the “nagging doubt,” with the Power of the Positives.

“Am I Good Enough?”

This is a global symptom of stress question that can pertain to absolutely every kind of human endeavour, for example:

Am I good enough as …

  • a mother

  • a lover

  • a business person

  • a human being

Another version is:

Am I good enough to …

  • survive in this situation

  • undertake this project

  • make this work

  • get this done

Instead of “good enough” we also get the variations of,

  • strong enough

  • intelligent enough

  • lucky enough

  • focused enough

  • inspired enough

… to make this work.

All of these are simply signs of low energy, the pernicious doubting states of stress which are on the road to break down and decide that we are not enough! The wonderful realisation is that when we ask these questions, we can answer them directly and consciously with the Power of the Positives. When we do that, energy rises immediately, and instead of dithering, questioning ourselves and being paralysed, we have the energy to take intelligent action to move our incarnations forward, and in the right direction.

> Exercise: Am I Good Enough? – The Ten Finger Technique

Assume the Heart Position.

Take some deep breaths in and out and state clearly, “Yes, I'm good enough.”

Now use the Ten Finger Technique to count out 10 areas in your life where you are good enough.

I am good enough as a …

  • Father

  • Friend

  • Driver

  • Colleague

  • Cook

  • Human being

  • Lover …

… according to what springs to your mind.

Pay good attention how your energy rises.

When all ten fingers have been completed, re-assume the Heart Position and state, “I am much more than just good enough. I am a powerful human being.”

End with a round of applause and continue with your day.

Do I Look Fat In This Dress?

Energy changes EVERYTHING. It's extraordinary how this works, and what real life repercussions this has, how it affects not just you, but how other people respond to you.

When you change energy state and become higher, the entire world changes.

Here is a simple example.

We have a fat lady who is about to go to a party.

She looks into the mirror and asks, “Do I look fat in this dress?”

She realises that she has entered into the dreaded state of nagging doubt and decides to take charge.

She answers the question, “Do I look fat in this dress?” with the Ten Finger method, and the Power of the Positives.

  • I look fantastic in this dress!

  • I look spectacular in this dress1

  • I look amazing in this dress!

  • I am a total ray of sunshine in this dress!

  • This dress is the best dress in the whole world!

  • I look like a super star in this dress!

She is laughing at the end, grabs her bag and leaves for the party.

Imagine a split screen now, the same woman, in the same dress, going to the party in the nagging doubt/low energy state on one screen, and the happy, radiant, smiling high energy woman on the other.

The timelines literally split at that moment; 2 totally different futures come into being.

  • Two tales are unfolding here – one is a sorry tale of misery, disappointment, awkwardness and essentially, failure.

  • The other is a tale of laughter, fun, dancing and connection, of opportunity, of luck and synchronicity.

It's extraordinary how ENERGY changes your life – literally, absolutely, and for the sake of a five minute exercise in raising energy.

It doesn't even stop there. Should, for whatever reason during the entire night of the party, our fat lady in her random dress lose her shine, her X factor, her power, it takes less than five minutes to visit a bathroom stall, or hide behind a hedge in the garden, to bring the radiance back and re-gain control of the night.

This is the Power of the Positives in action. It's amazing, and it really is.

This is also a perfect example of positive thinking, and of using positive affirmations to raise energy.

It's not about making yourself prettier than you really are, or lying to yourself in any way.

Positive affirmations in our terms are simply there to raise energy, because when we do that, the world changes for the better.

Money Doesn't Change Your World – People Do

The old schools of affirmations tried to get by on superstition and magic, and they created false expectations.

For example, there is that idea if you are desperately poor, and you make the affirmation, “I'm rich!” a few times, a cheque from an aunt you never knew you had will land on your doorstep. Somehow. Miraculously. This may happen, but chances are against it; if it does happen, it may have been a total coincidence. Most times, it doesn't happen at all and then people are angry and disappointed that it didn't work.

This is just not right; it's not scientific.

However, the effect a higher energy state has on other people, how other people REACT to someone in a higher energy state, that is entirely predictable, it is measurable, and it is scientific.

If you look back across your life, you'll notice that it was never money that changed your life significantly – it was always PEOPLE.

Which is why I coined the phrase, “Money doesn't change your life – people do.”

When we use positive affirmations as a Modern Energist, we do this to brighten our energy bodies and thereby making ourselves more socially capable, more proactive and also far more attractive to other people.

This is the game changer.

Understanding how this works unlocks the whole wonderful world of positive affirmations and makes them work for you.

Living In A World Of PEOPLE

We live in world of PEOPLE, and how these people react to you and interact with you makes or breaks your incarnation.

Most people do not realise this.

There may be a downtrodden little person, on minimum wage, on the other end of the phone, working in a call centre – but this seemingly insignificant little person has the power to make your life hell with a single keystroke.

This same poor little person might also have the power to assist you materially, if they choose to do that. They might solve your problem, know who else to ask, deal with your request in preference, give you helpful tips or in some other way make your path in life smoother.

The lowly call centre person has it in their power to hinder you significantly, or to assist you materially – and they decide which way to go by the energy (the “attitude”) you bring to them.

A friendly, high energy person is a gift to everyone, and as they are so rare in this day and age, they are even more highly appreciated than ever.

This call centre example is every day stuff, which happens all the time and everywhere.

Imagine a world of people who all want to assist YOU on your path in every way they can.

Can you even begin to imagine what your life would be if that was to happen?


So let us remember this.

  • We start doubting ourselves, and asking ourselves if we are (…), answer this with the Power of the Positives.

This will raise your energy instantly.

At the very least, we're not going to be the unfortunate green guy with the question marks over their head at -3 any longer, but we have raised energy enough to now be on the positive wing of the Modern Energy chart, at +3 where we start to have new ideas, new insights, and a plan for action starts to form.


Escaping The Dreaded ZERO State

ZERO is on so many levels the very worst state we can inhabit; and yet it is held up to be the goal of many, to have no emotions at all, to feel nothing at all.

At ZERO, nothing really matters. There is no love here, there is zero intelligence, zero creativity – this is not a place of balance, it is a place of misery which we need to escape from as soon as possible.

As always, we need to recognise that we are in this state.

I can't be asked …

I can't be bothered …

I don't have the energy …

I'm bored …

I don't care …

As we can't expect any good ideas here, it is useful to have a list to turn to.

This could be a list of activities to choose from which a higher energy aspect has created for just such moments, knowing what might inspire a ZERO aspect, which might contain activities such as sex, a bath, continuing with an ongoing project, contacting a friend, playing happy music, dancing etc.

This is like a menu for the ZERO aspect to choose from; each item on your personal list is a Positive in its own right, so just by reading down the list, a little energy is raised, and something will be chosen as the perfect thing for you to do, right here and now.

This gets us reliably over that big hump at ZERO, and into the positive side of the Modern Energy Chart.

Go ahead and make your own personal “The List!”


> Exercise: The List

  1. Make sure you are energy high for this exercise so ideas flow freely!

  2. Think of a past aspect who felt bored, grey and uninspired.

  3. Write down suggestions for activities for such an aspect to choose from that will raise their energy and make that aspect much, much happier.

  4. Include a variety of activities to engage mind, body or spirit and have between 10 and 20 ideas, ready to go, for when you need in the future.

  5. Put this list somewhere it can be easily found, because ZERO aspects “can't be bothered” to go searching for it.

Additional Note: Notice when you use that list for the first time, how it feels nice that an aspect took the trouble and made this for you! This is an experience of “loving yourself” across time, and very beautiful in its own right.

+3 Is The Genesis Of Affirmations

I believe that the very idea of affirmations comes from the +3 state on the Modern Energy Chart, where we have enough energy to start to dream up good ideas but not enough energy to actually go out and physically manifest them.

At +3, we are finally in a position to have ideas of what we want, rather than we don't want.

It's the first level where affirmations start to make sense and we can literally sense that we are doing something very right when we focus our minds on what we want in life.

And here, we come to something very interesting and that breakthrough insight that makes affirmations actually work.

Let's imagine we have two people who stand side by side.

One is at +3, and the other is at +7.

Listen/watch closely as the +3 person says, “I am rich and healthy.”

Now listen/watch closely as the +7 person says exactly the same words – and notice how much more POWER the +7 person has, how much more resonant that statement becomes, how it gives you shivers!

  • The simple fact is that the higher you are on the Modern Energy Chart, the more powerful and effective your affirmations become, in a direct cause-and-effect relationship.

In other words, raise energy first before you make any affirmation.

The higher you are, the more powerful a tool of change for the better your affirmation will become.


Ending The Affirmation Conflicts To Create Reality

Now we come to my affirmation super tip I discovered one day.


  • All affirmations are statements which are inherently and blatantly “untrue” or “false” right now.

  • Affirmations are statements of what you want something to be/come.

Let us say for example that a fat lady wants to make the affirmation “I am thin.”

The minute she thinks or says this, all the objections – energy reversals! - under the sun arise.

No! I'm not thin at all!

What nonsense!

Are you kidding me? Or, who are you kidding?

This is stupid and will never work!

You're lying to yourself!

… … … … !!!

However, all of that energy chaos can be entirely avoided if we simply append to the affirmation,



> Exercise: This Is My Will!

Try it for yourself, right now. Let us assume the Heart Position and say:

I have all the energy in the world.”

Note how and where you feel all the objections in your body, and what counter-thoughts immediately spring to mind.

Allow that to happen, it's very educational!

Now take a deep breath, move your neck, rotate your shoulders, and this time, try the version:

I have all the energy in the world.


… and notice the difference.

Isn't that interesting?

The objections and reversals collapse and instead, we have an agreement across mind, body and spirit. Everybody is happy with this, “Yes, that's your will. Great!”

You may also have noticed that this has raised your energy.

You might feel perhaps a little more … powerful.

That is perfect to now make another affirmation, because we have observed that the higher your energy state becomes, the more likely our affirmations are to create real change and real outcomes.

At +10, we can simply call it direct reality creation …

  • I have all the love in the world – this is my will!”

  • I have all the compassion in the world – this is my will!”

  • I have all the fun in the world – this is my will!”

  • I have all the … in the world – this is my will!”

Try some of these for yourself, right now, and notice how the addition of “This is my will!” releases tension, brings empowerment, brings a smile.

>>> 04 Homework Exercise: 10 Awesome Affirmations

Find 10 awesome affirmations that are meaningful to you and play with the Power of the Positives!

Pay attention to your own energy rising and a sense of personal power coming into being.

Gain a sense of how much further and wider these statements ripple out – not just across the multiverse so that the angelic beings receive them too, but eventually, into yourself as well.

An affirmation spoken at +10

rings out across the multiverse

and will create reality.

05: The Power of YES!!!

Yes! YES! OH YES!!!”

There is tremendous power in YES.

Before we begin, let us remember that we are not doing any form of psychology here, but Modern Energy work instead.

Here, we concern ourselves with our living energy bodies, and what we do is designed to make the energy body happier.

When the energy body is happier, more energy rich, higher on the Modern Energy Chart, not only do we feel better and become more capable and intelligent, we also become physically stronger.

There is an interesting experiment you can try for yourself.

Hold out a heavy weight on one outstretched arm and start a timer.

Say out aloud, NO, NO, NO!

Find out how long you can hold it before your arm cannot hold it any longer.

Write down your time and wait for a day to make it fair.

The next day, hold the weight again, start the timer, and this time, say out aloud,


What you will find is that when you shout YES!!! you can hold the weight for longer.

This is replicable across people of all ages, all religions, all races.

Something mysterious is at work here!

Shouting, saying or thinking YES!!! makes your physical body stronger.

This confounds and confuses the reductionist materialists who cannot explain this, but of course we know that a strong, happy energy body also makes the physical body work better.

There is another type of experiment which has been run in thousands of different variations all across the world with all kinds of different people and which likewise produces the same results, every time.

You take two groups of people, and it doesn't matter if they are school children, university students, soldiers, farmers or psychologists.

One group is told, “You are useless! You are failures! You do everything wrong!”

One group is told, “You are brilliant! You are amazing! You do everything right!”

The groups are then sent to perform a task, and once again, it doesn't matter what that task entails, be it mathematics, sharp shooting, hurdle jumping or puzzle solving, and the the second group always outperforms the first group by a a major mile.

This is also the YES! Principle at work.

We are saying YES! to the second group and raising their performance through raising their energy; and when we say NO! to the first group, we are causing the reverse effect of making them stupid and weak.

Now let us be clear here.

This is not some kind of religious, philosophical or moral argument we are having here.

We are dealing with the simple FACT that when we think/say/feel YES we are raising energy levels and increasing our performance across the board, and when we say NO we bring the energy body down, reverse it, and cause stress and failure.

If we want to increase performance, we need to increase energy, and YES does that, reliably.

There are many people who do not like this FACT – and it is a FACT that YES makes you stronger, more intelligent, more independent of thought, more capable in action, more engaged, more creative, more loving.


The YES!!! Chart

YES takes us up the Energy Chart, and NO takes us down.

  • Praise and encouragement are versions of YES.

  • Criticism and negativity are versions of NO.

You can take not only people – children, partners, co-workers – up or down the Modern Energy Chart at will using this principle, but also your pets – dogs, cats, horses, dolphins, even house plants! - as this is simply how energy works for real.

Of course, we can also use this for ourselves by deciding to say YES! to many more occurrences, much more often.


> The YES Exercise

Join me in a simple YES! Exercise.

  • Assume the Heart Position.

  • Say out aloud: “I say YES! to health!”

  • Notice how it feels in your body.

  • Try it afresh with more energy to amplify the effect.

  • Say it like you mean it!


Now try a few more.

I say YES to …

  • Abundance

  • Beauty

  • Love

  • Nature

  • … … …

I did this earlier in the garden, simply saying “Yes!” to nature, to the blue sky, to the flowers and the trees, to being alive. It is a beautifully simple, natural and profound way to reconnect with all those energies we love to have more of in our lives.

We can use the effects of YES!!! on our living energy bodies anywhere, all the time and in conjunction with many of the other patterns we have already discovered.

For example, instead of re-stating all the time what we do not want, we can ask, “What isn't this?”

The answer may be FREEDOM and we can give that an extra boost by saying strongly,

YES! I say YES!!! to Freedom!”


Empowering Every Day Activities With YES!!!

There are many activities in daily life that are boring or not particularly attractive, for example taking out the garbage or washing the dishes.

Become aware of what states you are in when doing these things.

Experiment with the Yes – YES! I am going to wash up the dishes. YES! I'll make them sparkly clean! YES! I'm going to put them back in the cupboard.

Notice what difference this makes to your performance and your experience.

Are you working faster? Smarter? Are you enjoying yourself better? Are your more pleased with your results?

Another example may be when you are out shopping, and you have to pick up a heavy container.

Do you remember that exercise with the heavy weight and how YES! made you mysteriously stronger? Try saying YES! at least in your mind, to yourself, strongly.

  • The YES! state of being is being on the positive side of the Modern Energy Chart.

It allows us to access our true strength in mind, body and spirit.

How YES! Is Your Yes?

When we look at our YES chart, we can see a line rising, power rising towards the +10.

This brings us to the intriguing question, “How Yes! is your Yes???”

As we go through life, we are constantly being asked that question, “Do you want to do this?”

Reality creation itself is made up of multiple steps and we have to say Yes! all the time in order to give permission for action, to move forward.

  • A +3 Yes is certainly a Yes, but it's not a full Yes. It's a “Yes, but ...” A “Yes, perhaps ...” or a “Yes, sort of ...” or, “Yes, maybe later ...” A 30% Yes, we could call it, and although that is obviously better than any form of No, it's not a very convincing or powerful Yes.

  • A +5 Yes is a 50% Yes. “Yes, I'll make it happen.” - “Yes, I'll get to work.” - “Yes, let's do this.”

  • At +8, the Yes becomes an 80% Yes. “Yes, absolutely.” - “Yes, of course!” - “Yes, definitely!”

  • At +10, the Yes becomes complete, with not a doubt remaining, the enormously powerful 100% YES!!!

People erroneously think there's only Yes and No, and they have also been entrained that you never say YES!!! to anything at all, that you have to argue, criticize, nitpick, form a committee, HOLD BACK all the time. A full on, resounding +10 YES!!! is a rare occurrence to anything – to an idea, a project, a person, a situation, anything at all really. We live in a society that revolves around -4 and so it is no wonder that a pure YES!!! is hard to find, or even to want or try for.

We need to remember that we are working with The Power of the Positives here; that this is for your individual energy body, and that a Positive is only a Positive when it has a positive effect on YOU.

So you can feel safe to start practising with your own personal Power Positives, to say YES!!! to those things that are the most important, treasured, valuable and beloved to you.

For example, if you love nature, try: “I say YES!!! to nature!”

Find out how Yes your Yes is – are there any blockages or reversals getting in the way?

Perhaps a thought, “Yes to nature … well apart from volcanoes that destroy villages … and tsunamis … wildfires …”

Or, “I say Yes to animals … well apart from horseflies … and fleas … cockroaches ...”

These exclusions denote energy blockages in the energy body that drain away our personal power, and the power of Yes! itself.

Discover for yourself how much Yes there is in your Yes to your …

  • Job or Business

  • Relationship with ...

  • Health

  • Prosperity

  • Success

  • … … …

    … by using this “How Yes Is Your Yes?”scale.

This will give you not only the current state of affairs, but also a prediction of how likely something is to succeed, and how difficult it is going to be to make something good happen.

The more energy there is in your Yes, the better everything is going to work.

Energy is also another word for LOVE. The higher your energy flow becomes, the more love there will be empowering you, and also flow into that which you are having the relationship with. Above 50% this becomes a virtuous circle as reality itself starts to respond to this. All manner of positive effects, from attracting opportunity to good luck and synchronicity come into play at this point, as though the Universe itself was finally on your side and actively supporting you.

  • A +10 YES!!! rings the Universe like a bell and creates reality.

Especially if you have been searching for something which has eluded you for a long, long time, such as a soul mate, success by your own definition in whatever context, an important project, better health, soul healing, give the YES!!! pattern a try.

Say “YES!” out aloud to your chosen thing and doing nothing more than to re-affirm the YES, making it more powerful, find out how high you can get.

> Exercise: The Brilliant, Amazing YES!

“I say YES!!! to success!!!” is wonderful and a good start, and we can add to the energy flow by adding powerfully positive adjectives. This helps us expand our Positives, as we have learned, and combines it with the power of YES!

It's a great energy raiser, so try it right now with a Positive you love.

For example: Let's expand the Positive that is SUCCESS.

I say YES!!! to …

  • Brilliant success

  • Amazing success

  • Wonderful success

  • Surprising success

  • Easy success

  • Fun success

  • … … …

Counting these off on your 10 fingers as you go and at the end taking the expanded Positive to heart adds to the experience!

YES!!! For Other People

Once you have understood and experienced how the Power of Yes!!! works, you can use it with other people.

Finding ways to be able to say YES!!! more often and with much more energy behind it is a wonderfully easy way to raise energy in other people too, including in groups, teams and everywhere you go.

First of all, become aware what happens when people say Yes, and when they say No.

They might not use these words at all, but you can tell the Yes or the No behind the scenes.

For example, someone might say, “Success is awesome!” and a person responds with, “Tell that to all the Hollywood actors who have killed themselves.” That is a serious NO!

Someone may say, “Do you want to go out for a walk?” and the response is, “Maybe later ...” This is of course also a NO, somewhere on the negative side, not a 100% NO but a NO nonetheless.

The NOs are hiding everywhere – in our direct communications, in our non-verbal communications and most of all, in our energy exchanges.

A great example is one person saying to another, “Good luck,” and the response is, “I don't need it.” An energy blessing has been sent, and directly rejected: “NO. I don't want or need your blessing of good luck.”

Yes or No? To learn to see this, to hear this, to notice this, to feel this, is absolutely priceless and endlessly useful, and that is before we become smarter and more acute as we start to consider, “How YES is your YES?” and “How NO is your NO?”

We can then discover new pathways to get from NO to YES, and then on to move towards a better YES – and we do this because we want to raise energy, and that's all.

The “YES YOU CAN!” Game

In all of this, we have to remember that we are here to raise energy in our living energy bodies – just because that's a healthy thing to do.

There are times and places for philosophical debates and spats on social media, and there are times when we simply want to raise energy.

I play a game called “YES YOU CAN!” with my partner that is a lot of fun and is entirely based on the YES!!! Principle.

We might be driving along in the car, and there is a property that looks amazing.

I say to my partner, “Can I have a beautiful old farm house with horses please?” and he will respond, “Of course! YES YOU CAN!”

This of course makes me smile and may produce a “Whoohoo! Thank you!” response on my part, we both laugh, energy is raised, and on we go.

We have done this often enough so that our “YES!!! YOU CAN!” responses are no longer sarcastic or half hearted, but pure energy pulses of a YES!!! instead – and they are healthy and fun, and there should be so much more of this kind of thing in our every day lives simply to raise energy and feel better much more often.

Much More YES!!! Please!

Firstly, it is abundantly clear to me that we don't say YES!!! anywhere near often enough, and that the YESs we do say lack punch and lack power because of all the many blockages and reversals in our energy system that block the true flow of energy, of love, of life itself.

I therefore believe we need to find many, MANY more things in our daily lives that we can say YES!!! to, and that we should consciously do this more often, and all the time.

Don't drag yourself into doing things that you have a NO response to. This is never going to end well. If the activity cannot be avoided, then try your very best to find something about you can say YES to – at least 50% YES, the +5 YES, so it can go as best as it can go.

Secondly, do not think that by saying YES more often, and finding many more ways so you can say YES to whatever activity you are engaged in, you will end up doing things you don't want, or that aren't good for you.

In Modern Energy, it's all about energy and getting better energy flow. We are not conducting a moral, political, religious or philosophical debate here. We are not going to give a resounding YES!!! to things that are a NO for us personally.

We always retain the choice of what we want to accept or reject, and also, how much we want to accept of reject something.

The big leverage point is with the things we already love, want, need or desire – in other words, our own Personal Power Positives.

Bringing up the YES!!! to those and in doing so, washing away blockages and bringing fresh new energy streaming through our living energy bodies is simple, beautiful and just awesome.

Saying a powerful YES!!! to something beautiful and amazing, doing this consciously and deliberately, gives us an instant, noticeable power boost we can really feel. Higher energy levels improve our performance across the board and make us happier and healthier.

You can think of a YES!!! as a vitamin injection for your energy body you can use at any time you need it.

  • YES!!! to life

  • YES!!! to love

  • YES!!! to the world

I know that when we say YES!!! to something, we energetically connect with this in a far more profound and deeper way. When we connect, energy streams into us and brings life but also, information.

We learn more and understand more about this, and the most we can ever understand is at +10, when the YES!!! is at 100% and love is complete.

This is not a theoretical or spiritual musing, it's a fact.

YES!!! And The Energy Of Learning

This plays out when it comes to learning or understanding anything at all.

  • How much we can learn, know or understand about anything is directly related to the YES!!! Principle.

If someone holds the NO! Position, they won't learn, and the more powerful the NO, the less they can possibly learn about it.

A mild Yes will produce some learning, and the more power there is in the YES!!! the deeper, greater and more profound the learning will be.

Think about it for a moment in terms of all the school children in the world right now, sitting in their classes at their desks, “studying” certain subjects.

Nobody has ever asked a single child if mathematics or art are a YES!!! or a NO!!!

Nobody has ever seriously attempted to help them turn their NO into a YES so that learning can even begin, never mind a love affair might develop that lasts a whole life long.

Without understanding how the energy body works, all these random things simply happen to people and there is no way out of chaos and confusion.

Here is an interesting exercise for you to try.


> The Crystal Energy Of Learning Exercise

Place a crystal on a table directly before you.

Where do you feel the energy from the crystal in your body? Show yourself with your hands.

Notice how the energy from the crystal flows in, through and out.

Now, take a deep breath and say to the crystal,

  • “YES!!! You are beautiful and mysterious!”

  • “YES!!! I find you so fascinating!”

  • “YES!!! I want to know more about you!”

  • “YES!!! I love you!”

Now compare how you feel about the crystal and how you feel inside, and take a moment to consider what you have learned.

Crystals are a great way to start with the energy of learning using the YES!!! Principle.

Crystals sit still and they never judge you! However, what you are learning here is entirely structural and applies to everything.

With practise, you can make this work with plants, with animals, and finally, with people.

As you become used to the energy movements and what you have to think and say to set this connection through saying YES!!! to something in motion, you don't have to shout out loud any longer and these things can happen all quietly with astonishing effects.

>>> 05 The Power of YES!!! Homework

  • Try out the YES!!! Principle.

  • Learn, observe, notice where there is Yes and No playing out in your life.

  • Become aware of where your YESs are on the Yes Chart.

  • Choose something in your life that you want to engage with more and use the Power of YES!!! to make it come alive with power and with love.

  • Experiment with saying YES!!! to other people – and what happens when you do.


06: The Sexy Positives

We have described “the Positives” as something that has a positive effect on your living energy body. The Positives are not a “one size fits all” prescription; it depends on each individual what they experience to be positive, uplifting, empowering.

The most powerful energy is LOVE, a full frequency energy that encompasses everything.

In this Unit, we will be exploring the sexual energy components of love.

Before anyone who reads this becomes distraught or upset, let us please remember that we are talking about ENERGY.

When we are evoking, for example, the power of GOLD, raise the energy of GOLD, pure, sparkling, beautiful, that does not mean that a big brick made from physical gold is going to fall on your head.

Likewise, when we start thinking about “sexy energy,” sparkling and lively sexy energy, it does not mean that we have to have any kind of physical sex.

The 1st Circuitry

The sexual energy flows in our living energy body are enormously powerful, and I call these “The 1st Circuitry.”

This 1st Circuitry isn't a bunch of chakras stacked up on each other like dinner plates (with the “dirty one” “down there”!), or these teensy needly points, or thin little lines from acupuncture.

The 1st Circuitry is a huge column of energy at least as wide as our entire physical body; this huge column of energy runs straight through the middle of ourselves, extends far beyond our physical feet into the ground and far beyond our heads up into the sky; it is literally our fountain of life and it is extremely powerful.

The 1st Circuitry is all about LIFE – and it is sexual in nature.

To take out blockages and reversals in this powerful 1st Circuitry column of energy is one of the healthiest thing a human being can do, because it will make you so much stronger.

You can be a much more powerful person, a much more spiritual person, and it has everything to do with the baseline of our physical health, how well our immune system functions and how much at home we feel in our physical bodies.

  • Smack in the middle of this powerful column of energy sits the Heart of Energy.

When the Heart of Energy is broken, disturbed or cross wired because of an old energy injury (as one would find in child sexual abuse), then this powerful 1st Circuitry cannot flow as it should.

The 1st Circuitry is a dual flow, moving up and moving down at the same time, and I think of it as the backbone that holds our energy bodies up, radiates out and protects us, as well as what directly connects us to the Universe itself.

When we engage the 1st Circuitry and bring the life giving energy, the sparkle, the “Oooh la la!” into play, we can unlock the power of the sexy Positives.

Should you find this disturbing or stressful at any point, please assume the Heart Position, take a deep breath and say out aloud, “This is ONLY ENERGY!”

  • Energy is 100% pure, energy is love.

Energy won't hurt you, instead, it will heal you if you can let it flow.

Also, let us always remember that a Positive is a Positive for you – whatever turns you on, whatever floats your boat, whatever rings your bell is what's perfect and right for you, unconditional for your own unique energy system.

We all have our own likes and dislikes and when we work with energy, we can be truly unconditional; so when I use the word “sexy” that simply means something that feels sexy to you.

Your personal sexy, which translates to your energy rising and bringing with it an uplifting, a sense of, “Oooh … I want that! I like that! That is hugely attractive and motivational to me!”

I want to use this sexy energy to liven up all the Positives in a whole new way.

The fact is that we can look at a sunset, or a crystal, and it is very beautiful, very non-sexual and very stimulating to our energy bodies, but when we bring in that sexy energy, it is then that our eyes light up, our metaphorical ears prick up, our tails start to wag and we engage in a whole new way.

This is attractive and so motivating because there's nothing that drives human behaviour more than sexy energy. Wars have been fought over the favours of a lady, and the advertising people know this. They always try to make their products “sexy” because they know how powerful that is in attracting attention and creating engagement on a higher level.


> A Sexy Energy Exercise

  • Assume the Heart Position and take a few deep breaths, in and out.

  • Relax your body.

  • Now think about something that YOU find sexy.

  • As you think about this, please pay attention to the sensations this causes in your body.

  • Can you feel a smile coming to your face?

  • Can you feel your fingertips starting to tingle?

  • Can you feel parts of your physical body becoming warmer, coming to life?

If you can, congratulations!

You have raised sexy energy and literally woken up your entire Mind, Body, Spirit system!

And now that we are in the sexy state, we can use this to empower our favourite Positives in a whole new way.

For example, can HEALTH be sexy?!

When we generally think about HEALTH, it's really not that attractive. Pills and potions, eating what you don't actually enjoy, and hard, hard work that never ends …

But what if HEALTH was sexy?

Even the question creates something new, something different, something that wasn't there before … a possibility, a sparkle on the horizon …

By the addition of the idea of “sexy,” the whole concept and experience of saying that word has changed significantly, and I hope you can feel that.

Now, we start to ask questions.

“Sexy health? What is that? What would that be? How would that work?

“Such an interesting idea … oooh I wonder if there's sexy food I could eat ..?”

Sexy food – now there's a thought.

Is there food we can eat that would help bring our energy bodies back to life in that sparkling, joyful kind of way ..?


Sexy Opportunities

I knew a very successful stockbroker who decided on his investments in that way.

He told me, “I can feel it if it's SEXY.”

Clearly, what was happening was that when he came across a great investment opportunity, his energy body would wake up and that was his “intuition” telling him what was sexy – attractive, forward moving, going in the right direction. He wasn't looking for a safe investment, or a reasonable investment, he was seeking a sexy investment.

Sexy opportunities …

It's only energy!

Adding that sparkle of sexy energy to anything at all is so enlivening and motivating, and it doesn't mean you're going to rip off your clothes and start running naked through the streets!

Let's try this with some of your own favourite Positives.

GOLD, for example. Can gold be sexy?! Smooth and tactile, warming up in your hand …

Can SUNSHINE be sexy? Those rays of light stroking our bodies, entering into our energy bodies, teasing us to come to life …

I am smiling as I am writing this.

I am having fun playing with that additional sexy energy and what it does to my energy body as I am thinking about it.

Fun – that's one of those indicators of higher energy states.

So many things can be so dour and unattractive in the lower energy states, but when you add the sparkly fairy dust of “sexy,” all of a sudden, they become far more attractive, far more fun, and most importantly, far more alive.


The Attention To Love Principle

Here we have the “Attention to Love” Principle which is so important to understand when we work with energy.

  • The very first step to love is attention.

There are infinite things we could place our attention on, make that first connection with something, like extending a tentacle out and touching this one thing in preference.

Once this first contact has been made, we can focus our attention upon it by tuning all our senses towards it.

Every sense is a different “energy tentacle,” strand of connection through which energy and information starts to flow.

This too is a two way flow – we are giving attention and receiving energy/information; and our object of attention is being touched in return.

Once we have initiated this process and made that first connection through our attention, energy starts to flow into us and that feels good.

It raises our energy; our attention becomes more focused and more energy starts to flow.

As a direct result, our object of attraction is becoming more interesting, and as it becomes more interesting, and we pay more attention, the energy flow increases further and feels even better, raises our energy even more.

There is a threshold shift and instead of just being interested, we become fascinated.

Finally, there's another threshold shift and we fall in love – a very real energy experience when the energy flow becomes as high as it can be, the connection becomes perfect.

When we add that “sexy dimension” to our meditations on crystals for example, we can literally kick our energy connections into the next higher gear.

> The Sexy Crystal Exercise

  • As before, place a crystal on a table before you.

  • As before, tell the crystal out aloud why you admire it.

  • When you feel and know you have a great energy connection with the crystal, say to it, “You are so SEXY!” and find out what happens next!

I truly hope you will experience the instant uplifting, uprising, laughter bubbling up, a lightness entering into the experience, a sparkling energy sensation that leaves you really high.

This is such an important and wonderful lesson for us all – that love is light, it laughs and dances.

The really high energy states are like that, and that's where we want to be much, much more often.


Love Is Not Obsession

An important note on this kind of energy work:

  • Do not be afraid of allowing yourself to fall in love.

All the terrifying “negatives” of obsession, addiction, getting stuck on something, trying to possess something, wanting to destroy something so nobody else can have it, fearing that falling in love will rob you of your agency and destroy you somehow – all of that IS NOT LOVE.

Those things are all signs of low energy states – of an absence of love.

Real love in energy terms is a tsunami of energy that you generate, that falls upon that which you love, and it never binds you.

The opposite is true – loving more frees you.

The more you can love, the more freedom you can experience, and a lot of people love FREEDOM as a Positive, especially right now.

For fun, let's try this right now.

> Exercise: Sexy Freedom!

Sexy Freedom! Where do you feel that in your body? Can you sense a reversal anywhere that is impeding your natural energy flow?

Don't worry! It's only energy!

Encourage your natural flow, move your body, make gestures with your hands to help your energy flow until you can touch that sparkle of sexy freedom and there is a smile on your face.

Combining “sexy” with “freedom” gets your brain working, gets your energy system working, your intelligence, your creativity - “What could sexy freedom mean for me?”

I have asked that question as I wrote it, and my instant insight was that I can play with sexy energy in my being and in my art – even though I am old!

In fact, and this is absolutely a matter of energy, the older I am getting, the more I appreciate the uplifting sparkle of sexy energy and what it does for my mental, emotional and physical health.

I would love there to be many, many more sparkling older people with a twinkle in their eye, who are interesting, fascinating, attractive – and people wonder why.

“This guy is so old … he doesn't look like a movie star … and walks with a limp … Why do I always feel so good when I've had a chat with him?”

A sparkly energy system can come in any shape, size or age, and when we connect with that, it sparks a resonance and we are enlivened by that experience. We start “flirting” with people for no other reason simply because it feels good, puts a smile on our faces. We start interacting with others more like the person we were born to be – light, bright, sparkly and very sexy and attractive.


Sexy Energy Is Life Force Energy!

This is the heart and soul of what I wanted to share with you in this unit; to add that sexy dimension to everything you do, to allow your body to come to life with that fizzing sensation, that never gets old, and actually, gets better and better with practice.

The sexy energy is the most delicious, sparkling and wonderful thing.

And like our friend, the stockbroker, we can use this to make decisions on a different level, for example, when we are buying a new chair for our home.

Is it practical? Is it cheap? Does it look good so the neighbours will like it?

Or can we find a really sexy chair?

A chair, that when we touch it to dust it, it's sexy.

When we look at it, it's sexy.

And when we sit on it … oh my!

Bringing in the “sexy dimension” is such a marvellous way to brighten up literally everything and anything at all.

Engaging with this will also be profoundly healing to your own 1st Circuitry. It will take out old blockages and reversals, run bright fresh youthful energy through your systems much more often, and make that phrase “young at heart” really come to life in your life.

Sexy energy is LIFE FORCE ENERGY – in its most pure, innocent and powerful expression, that is such a blessing the Great Creative Order has given to us all.

>>> 06: Sexy Energy Homework

Engage the power of sexy energy in your daily life!

Look for opportunities to brighten and enliven anything at all that needs this.

For example, don't just cook a nutritionally balanced meal – cook a sexy meal for a change. What else does this meal need to add that extra fairy dust, that sparkle, that makes it sexy?

Play with this life force, life giving energy – and let's be much, much more SEXY!

07: Your Heart Of Gold

The Heart of Gold is a wonderful thing. In the previous unit, we talked of the 1st Circuitry, a hugely powerful column of energy that goes straight through our energy bodies.

  • Right in the middle of this column of energy sits the Heart of Energy, the central power station which supplies the entire energy system.

The Heart of Energy is like a Grand Central station. All paths merge here, all paths meet here and when there is something going wrong with the Heart of Energy, when a person has suffered heart break, then the entire energy system, including the giant column of the 1st Circuitry, is affected by that.

Disruptions in the Heart of Energy cause malfunctions across the board and a galaxy of symptoms.

These include:

  • Being unable to hold higher energy states for any prolonged period of time;

  • Having to work hard all the time to keep a reasonable energy average;

  • Being exhausted and tired as a result of this.

That is sadly only the beginning. There are many other negative effects to problems with the Heart of Energy. One of the biggest problems revolves around a lack of protection.

  • The Heart of Energy provides an active protection system to the entire energy body. It radiates energy OUT which acts as a protective aura that keeps the energy body safe inside.

When the Heart of Energy isn't providing this protective function, we automatically create additional shields to protect the energy body, and this is an ongoing, additional drain for a system that is already low on energy and struggling.

Why do we want to learn more about The Power of the Positives in the first place?

We do this because we want to become empowered. We want to be stronger, be more able to do things, to create reality, to feel more in control of our lives; to have enough energy left over to be able to help other people as well.

The best and easiest place to do something profoundly good for your own energy system, to help it heal and to become stronger and more powerful is to work directly with the Heart of Energy.

Helping the Heart of Energy become more powerful has a profound effect of all the other systems which are dependent upon its output, “The rising tide lifts all the ships.”

So how do we get started in helping our dear Heart of Energy become brighter and stronger.

The first question we can ask is: “What kind of energy does my dear Heart of Energy need right now?”

A Sequence of Positives

Such a question can cause people, especially when they are in low energy states, to cry out, “I don't know! I have no idea of what could heal or empower my Heart of Energy!”

That is as it is; today, we are going to take a look at a sequence of 7 Positives that can help expand our Hearts of Gold step by step, in widening circles of expansion as it begins to power up.

This will be a useful experience to notice how it feels when the Heart of Gold starts to wake up and you become aware that this is not an abstract concept we are dealing with here, but a real, living, beating heart you can feel in your own body.

The Concept of the 1st Positive

When we are thinking in terms of a sequence of remedies, a sequence of 7 Positives, in this case, that will heal, transform, activate and enlighten our Heart of Energy, our conscious minds naturally cry, “This is impossible! I could never figure such a sequence out!”

This is of course, nothing but the truth.

However, we are not having to calculate the entire sequence from the start; we are only ever working with the 1st Positive.

Once the 1st Positive has been applied, we change state. A new, higher energy aspect comes into being, and this higher energy aspect will then choose not the next Positive, but their own 1st Positive. This in turn creates another state change, a shift up the Modern Energy Chart, and this new aspect then creates … yes, you've guessed it, another 1st Positive.

  • In Modern Energy, we always and only work with the 1st Positive.

The question we ask ourselves is always the same.

What do I need, right here and now?”

No matter how long or complex a sequence of Positives may turn out to be, the fact that we only focus on what we need to feel better, right here and now, is beautiful. It is immensely stress relieving but more than that, each aspect is entirely validated; each aspect gets exactly what they need, unconditionally, and that's the way forward in Modern Energy.

Indeed, what we are looking for in all Modern Energy approaches is not so much a giant miracle expansion, but above all else, simply FORWARD MOVEMENT. Movement of energy, better energy flow, one step at a time, one breath at a time, always perfect for this one moment in time.

We are passing on the responsibility for whatever comes next to the next aspect. This allows us to finally focus on what we need, here and now, without having to look over our shoulders, trying to be holier than thou or any other considerations that could get in the way to answering this simple question,

What do I need, right here and now?”


7 Magic Potions

From 7 colour coded Magic Potions, we are going to find your perfect sequence for today.

Look at the picture for a moment and notice how confusing this would, how impossible to know if we tried to think about all of them at once.

Now, let's ask our question.

What do I need, right here and now?”

  • Don't worry about past, present or future.

  • Don't worry what any of this “means.”

  • Don't worry about anything!

Instead, simply find the one that is the most attractive to you, right now.

You are not missing out on all the others; instead, you're opening a door to an unfoldment, to an evolution by choosing your favourite, right here, right now.

Here are 7 Magic Potions to illustrate the Principle of the 1st Positive. We have gold, red, purple, orange, green, blue and pink.

As we tune in on the choice of the 7, we ask the question, “Which one attracts me the most?”

If there are thoughts like, “I can't choose, I love them all equally!” just allow yourself to think that and let it go, re-focus and ask the question afresh: “Which one attracts me right now?”

In this example, I chose the green one.

  • The one you chose now becomes the only one.

All the others can wait for now as we focus on our chosen one.

This is also an important feature of the 1st Positive in general – it becomes THE ONLY ONE while we interact with it. This is the first step on our journey to healing or transformation and deserves all our attention.

> The Colour Energy Healing Sequence Exercise

  • Point to your chosen 1st colour.

  • Now make a welcoming gesture as you invite this colour energy to come to you, to come into your Heart of Energy.

  • Keep encouraging that colour energy so it starts to flow in, through and out.

  • Breathe deeply and “drink in the colour” until it feels good.

  • I always like to conclude such an exercise by saying “Thank you!”

  • Now look at the 7 again. Note how this whole experience is starting to feel different already.

  • Choose the next 1st Positive which is now, the only one and point at it. Invite it in as before, and when complete, say, “Thank you!” to this Positive.

  • Continue until the entire sequence is complete.

How do you feel now in mind, body and spirit?

Creating a sequence of Positives is easy when you understand that we are always and only dealing with one 1st Positive at a time – in fact, there is never more than that!

It's perfect every time, and really quite a profound principle that can translate into many, many positive experiences and much less uncertainty and confusion in life.


Infinite Positives To Heal & Empower Our Hearts of Energy

We can take energy Positives directly into our Hearts of Energy to heal, empower, uplift and delight them.

This is wonderfully easy and gives us (finally!) the opportunity to find out what our “heart's desires” are, and fulfil these energy desires right here, right now.

In the energy world, there is no waiting, there is nothing that we can't afford, there is nothing that is hard or difficult.

Infinite Positives await us here just for the asking.

For the following exercise, we will do a sequence of 7 Positives – the lucky No. 7!

> Exercise: 7 Heart's Desires

  • Assume the Heart Position and take a deep breath in and out.

  • Begin by paying attention to your physical body first, as always, hard at work in every cell of your being to keep you happy and healthy, and alive. Take a few more deep breaths in and out and say a Thank You! to your dear physical body.

  • Now we can tune into the energy levels and become aware of our Heart of Energy, pulsing in its own rhythm, radiating out right from the centre of our energy body.

  • Now we can ask, “My dear Heart of Energy! What can I give you today to make you shine more brightly?”

  • Bring your hands forward and hold them out like you were holding a ball in your hands.

  • What does your Heart desire, right now?

  • Let something come to – your Positive, created by you, for your dear Heart of Energy Today.

  • Gain a felt sense of this Positive in your hands.

  • When you are ready, “take it to heart” slowly and deliberately.

  • Allow the energy to flow from your Heart of Energy into every part of your energy system.

  • Let it create an entire energy bubble of this Positive for you.

  • Pay good attention to your reactions in mind, body and spirit, breathe deeply and enjoy!

  • Now we are on the next level, and here, we choose the 1st Positive.

  • Continue until your sequence of 7 1st Positives is complete.

An interesting note: As you get higher in the sequence, there may come a time when you cannot find words or concepts any longer to express consciously what this energy is that your Heart desires, wants or needs – but when you hold out your hands, you can sense it. If this happens, be delighted, for now we are dealing with something we didn't even know or suspect we might need, but which is important NEW energy which may have been missing or desired for a very long time. Simply take this type of “energy that has no words” to Heart with gratitude and a sense of excitement.

After you have completed the entire sequence of 7 gifts of energy for your dear Heart of Energy, finish the sequence by giving your dear Heart of Energy a big round of applause:

My dear Heart of Energy!

You are amazing.

You are a MIRACLE!

Shine like the rising sun for me!

I LOVE you!”

Always after such an exercise, take a moment to reflect what you have experienced and what you have learned. We humans work best when mind, body and spirit are in sync and are having the same experiences at the same time!

The Power of the 1st Positive

Finding the 1st Positive is a life skill. Once you understand how it works, it becomes easier with practise. By finding the 1st Positive, you are setting a sequence of events in motion that will bring beneficial results for your entire energy system, and which could never have come into being, unless we had found that 1st Positive.

The “Power of the 1st Positive” is the key to unlocking it all, because it is the moment we set out on a different path, a higher path, a more healing path, a more successful path for life and beyond.

The 1st Positive is the seed of genesis.


My Heart of Gold Shines Like The Sun!

My Heart of Gold shines like the sun!”

Think of your dear Heart of Energy in the metaphor as the golden sun at the heart of your living energy body.

The Heart of Gold is the perfect meta-metaphor.

When someone is said to have “a heart of gold,” everyone understands that this is a person who knows how to love, who is not afraid, who has the power to help other people and who does this willingly.

Gold is also the super-metaphor for material wealth, earthly success, earthly power and when we put this together in the same place, we end up with a person who uses their wealth and power with love.

We have already spoken about the active protection the Heart of Gold, when it shines like the sun, provides for the entire energy system.

The Heart of Gold which shines like the sun is also that “ball of light” that attracts other people to you and what is needed to be a leader in your community.

In all energy work, taking good care of your own Heart of Gold is the most important starting point.

Especially if you have many challenges and problems across the levels and layers, to focus only on your Heart of Gold will bring a foundation of stability to your life. Instead of trying to fix a hundred different problems in mind, body and energy body, focus on empowering your Heart of Gold instead, and notice how so many of the symptoms begin to disappear.

Especially when times are hard and stress is high, make it your business to empower your Heart of Gold by giving it at least one 1st Positive, three times a day, like you would take a pill prescribed by a doctor – before breakfast, before lunch, and before you go to sleep at night.

At any time you find yourself especially stressed, take a moment and empower your Heart of Energy, and thereby your entire energy body, with a 1st Positive.

This is easy, so, so healthy for mind, body and energy body, and especially over time, hugely beneficial in its many outcomes.

The more your Heart shines like the sun, the more healthier you become; you rise higher on the Modern Energy Chart, become more “sun blessed,” “sun kissed,” the more fortune will smile upon you.

Give your best attention to your Heart of Gold!


>>> 07 Homework: My Heart of Gold Shines Like The Sun!

  • Every day, ask the question at least once, “What does my Heart of Gold desire right now?”

  • Discover more about your own heart's desires! This is such essential knowledge to help us decide what we want to do in our lives.

  • Practice finding your 1st Positive by asking yourself at different times of day and in different circumstances, “What Positive can help me right now?” Just the thought, the idea received from your dear Energy Mind, provides an instant boost, even if you do not go on to do an energy technique with that Positive.

  • Practice a sequence of Positives – use your favourite number or let the perfect number for your sequence come to you.

  • Get a flow of Positives going. Doing Positives by the numbers is like counting 1-2-3 in your head when you first learn to dance, but the dance in full flow is a completely different experience and that's where we want to be heading towards.

  • Practise the energy affirmation: “My Heart of Gold shines like the sun!” (This is my will!) - it will lift you and make you smile.

08: Your Lucky Numbers

There are literally infinite potential Positives in the multiverse to help us, heal us, lift us up and make us happier.

However, this number shrinks considerably as each individual person experiences some things as being Positive, but not so many of the others.

Our most important ground rule is right here once more:

  • A Positive is only a Positive if it has a POSITIVE impact on you – you can feel for real that it uplifts you.

The Lucky Number 8?

Is the No. 8 your lucky number?

It may be or it may not be; according to our oriental friends, traditionally the No. 8 is the luckiest number there is. In the Western world, it's the No. 7 that is supposed to be “the lucky number.”

So which is it?

We already know that each one of us has access to their own “oceans of Positives,” which are those things that raise up our spirits.

But there are also other things that bring our energy body down. Other people might think of those as Positives, but we don't feel that way. They do not uplift us, they make us feel stressed or depressed, even angry – they do not make us happy.

We have learned and practised much already with our Positives, so I feel that we are now ready to do something amazing – namely to start turning some Negatives into Positives, and in so doing, unlocking a whole new array of Positives that were never available to us before.

  • We can change the way our energy body reacts to something – to a concept, a thing, an idea, a construct, which, if we had a better relationship with it, could actually help us in some way.

A great example of “something abstract that all human beings have a relationship with” are our friends – the numbers.

Numbers are a funny thing, on many different levels. We can think of them as symbols, or concepts, or building blocks, and if we have some numbers that make us really happy, like the lucky No. 7, or No. 8, and we have others that do not make us happy, such as the No. 3 or the No. 5, that is not only strange but has to be counter-productive in the greater scheme of things.

Let's play a little game, and I would like you to join me in this game of Positives.

We are going to use our ability to make choices and decisions in order to have an experience with the unconditional love for all the numbers.

Let's start right at the beginning, with the No. 1.

Amazingly, it so happens that we have ten fingers on our hands. We also have ten toes, and I invite you to wriggle those, to let them know they're not forgotten.

Our number system is based on the No. 10, and that's a fascinating thing.

I personally do not believe that “God counts on ten fingers” and I eagerly await the next paradigm shift in numbers, so we get a new mathematics and a new physics that is easy, makes sense, and can also describe the non-material world elegantly and profoundly, but that's a story for another day.

Right here, right now, let us ask this intriguing question.

What would happen if EVERY number was your lucky number?”

> Exercise: My Favourite Number!

Assume the Heart Position and take a deep breath. By now, this should have become a sign to mind, body and energy body that we are going to do something all together. Your Hands of Energy wake up and start to tingle. We are ready to go!

Take a deep breath, in and out.

Touch, tap and/or stroke the thumb and say powerfully and positively:

The Number 1 is my favourite number!”

Go on to say more on the topic and explain why the No. 1 is the best number in the world.

For example: It's an awesome number! It's the number of beginnings, of fresh starts! The No. 1 is the first step on every journey – the No. 1 is my favourite number! It loves me and I love it too, it is my lucky number!”

Take a deep breath, in and out.

Touch, tap and/or stroke your index finger and say powerfully and positively:

The Number 2 is my favourite number!”

No. 2 is wonderful – two come together, they can form a partnership and new things come into being. It's amazing! With two points, you can form a line, a pathway. And when there is another one, you are never alone! The No. 2 is amazing – I love the No. 2, it's my favourite number, it's my lucky number 2!

Take a deep breath, in and out.

Touch, tap and/or stroke your middle finger and say powerfully and positively:

The Number 3 is my favourite number!”

Hello No. 3! You are my favourite number! The three is the strongest construction in the Universe, and it gives us a triangle! You put some together, and you can build a pyramid, or a geodesic dome! So amazing and magical! My favourite number is No. 3, and it's my magic lucky number 3!

Take a deep breath, in and out.

Touch, tap and/or stroke your ring finger and say powerfully and positively:

The Number 4 is my favourite number!”

The wonderful No. 4 – so beautiful, so amazing! Four single points make a square, a whole new dimension to play games and have fun in! No. 4 is such an amazing building block for all things that we can conceive of, So strong and square, perfect is the No. 4!

So logical, crystalline in its structure, and it has 2 x 2 inside of it, that makes it extra special! No wonder I love the No. 4 – it's my lucky number 4!

Take a deep breath, in and out.

Touch, tap and/or stroke your little finger and say powerfully and positively:

The Number 5 is my favourite number!”

No. 5 is a super lucky number! It's an amazing expansion of creativity and we have five fingers on our hands! It always reminds me that we can create reality, that we hold reality in our own hands, and that's why the No. 5 is so wonderful, why I love it so much, and why it is my favourite, and my lucky No. 5!

Take a break for a moment and pay attention to your lucky hand with the first five lucky numbers, five numbers that love you, that are eager to serve you. Stroke it, sense the energy sensations and enjoy this for a while before we move on to the other hand, which is getting impatient and wanting to take its turn!

Let's get started!

Take a deep breath, in and out.

Touch, tap and/or stroke your thumb on your other hand and say powerfully and positively:

The Number 6 is my favourite number!”

What an amazing number the No. 6 is! Wow! No 6 creates a hexagon, like the bees make, and they fit together so wonderfully! Also, the 6 is made up of two strong triangles, two 3s, but together, they are more than the sum of their parts! The No. 6 is such an astonishing number, an expression of perfection and yet at the same time, infinite individuality as the snow flakes fall. I love the No. 6, it is my favourite and my lucky number!

Take a deep breath, in and out.

Touch, tap and/or stroke your index finger and say powerfully and positively:

The Number 7 is my favourite number!”

I love the lucky No. 7! Seven steps, a stairway to the stars, into 7th heaven of bliss beyond joy, so beautiful, intelligent, creative – what an amazing number the number 7 is! Expanding into multidimensionality, opening up to the higher realms, the No. 7 is definitely my favourite number, my lucky number and it loves me!

Take a deep breath, in and out.

Touch, tap and/or stroke your middle finger and say powerfully and positively:

The Number 8 is my favourite number!”

No. 8 is amazing! It has the 2s in it, the 4s, and even the magic number 6 inside of it, and embraces and combines them all into something that is wildly beyond just the sum of its wonderful parts! Yet the number 8 is not a square – it is flowing, curved and delicious, like a silk ribbon, and it also reminds me of the joy of making a snowman when I was a child. I love the number 8, it's my favourite and my lucky number!

Take a deep breath, in and out.

Touch, tap and/or stroke your ring finger and say powerfully and positively:

The Number 9 is my favourite number!”

Wow! Made up of three threes – the power of the triangle, threefold!

How multifaceted, how sparkling and divine is the number 9! Celestial symmetry in perfection, sparkling with power, mystery and love! I love the No. 9, my glorious, wonderful, blessed and lucky No. 9!

Take a deep breath, in and out.

Touch, tap and/or stroke your little finger and say powerfully and positively:

The Number 10 is my favourite number!”

No wonder that the No. 10 is my favourite number! We have ten fingers on our hands, we have ten toes on our feet to shape reality, to walk through the world, to dance, to live! Even more than that, the No. 10 has all the other numbers inside of it, it's brilliant! And even more than that still, the No. 10 is a portal through which we can move into the greater universe of numbers – they all love us, they are excited about meeting us, and each one is special and beloved in its own right, an infinity of friends, an infinity of unconditional love awaits! And that is why No. 10 is my favourite number, and my lucky number!

Take a deep breath, in and out.

Hold out both hands with the fingers stretched wide.

We have ten favourite numbers here – how can that work?

Do you have enough love inside of you that you can love ten things all at the same time, all at once?

Love is energy.

Take a deep breath and now bring your hands together.

Yes, we can love that much, all at the same time.

Now let us take all the numbers to heart by assuming the Heart Position, and breathing deeply, in and out.

Gain a sense of what life could be like if everything was unconditionally loved, everything was your favourite, and everything loved you right back.

All The Lucky Numbers

I hope you have enjoyed this exercise and understood its purpose and meaning.

The Lucky Numbers Exercise is a base pattern that can be applied to many things.

If you have 10 children, for example, this would be an amazing thing to do for both you and each one of them (and it also works if you only have 7, or 5).

If you are a musician, try this with individual notes or chords; if you are an artist, do it with ten colours of the rainbow. Something wonderful happens when we elevate all such individual things to being precious and beloved.

We can learn to love at a whole new level than we have been told is possible.

  • Each one of us has so much love to give; so much love inside of us that often aches to be released.

The numbers show us that it is possible to love unconditionally, without prejudice, and when we do that, a whole new realm of possibilities opens up to us, a reality where all the numbers love us, where all the numbers smile at us, and where all the numbers are our lucky numbers.

>>> 08 Homework: My Lucky Numbers

  • Pay attention to when numbers come into your world and take a moment to remember that every number is a lucky number for you now. For example, if you receive a bill for $253.46, go through the actual numbers in sequence to remind you of their magic to think and feel differently for a change.

  • Become aware of any individual numbers, or numbers in combination, that aren't loved as much as they should be. The number 666, for example, terrifies certain people; focus in on the actual numbers that make up the sequence and notice how that changes things for you.

  • Perhaps there is a specific number or sequence that makes you angry, or sad. For example, there was a person who hated the combination of 1 and 4 because their father died on the 14th day of the month. Take a little time to clear the numbers involved of their responsibility for such things and return them to that state where they are not just pure, not just unconditionally loved, but absolutely amazing and miraculous for they signify.

  • If you feel that numbers have always “spoken to you,” given you important clues and messages, don't be afraid. The more we love them, the clearer we can perceive them, and the more they will support us.

Turning all the numbers into powerful Positives is like creating a whole new support network through which energy and information can flow and empower you, really help you, on your path through life.

The Lucky Numbers also demonstrate an amazing principle, namely that we have the power to turn what was previously neutral or negative into a brand new Positive that can help us on our journey.

09: It's All About YOU!

Ah, the “self concept” …

We all have one, and here now comes the time when we ask some interesting questions.

What would happen if we had a more positive understanding of who we are?

What would happen if we had a starry, sparkly self concept, that is not only extremely attractive, but also a form of armour against all the negativity people and the world in general would throw in our directions?

  • I call this idea of the sparkling self concept the STAR MATRIX.

This is a self concept not built on trauma, but on our star qualities instead – what is best about us.

Instead of a “scar matrix” built from trauma and everything that's wrong about us, we have the active, reflective STAR MATRIX.

The Star Of The Show

The Power of the Positives is built on the precepts of Modern Energy, which explains why people do the things they do.

When we look at the Modern Energy Chart, we begin to understand that every different aspect has a different answer to the question, “Who am I?” The answer to this question, and all the infinite variants of the “Who am I?” question, such as:

  • How good am I?

  • How beautiful am I?

  • How successful am I?

  • How magical am I?

  • How lovable am I?

… are all directly created by the different energy states we inhabit at the time.

At the Zero Point Of Nothing, if you ask a person how beautiful they think they are, they will shrug their shoulders and have zero response.

If you ask the same person when they are at -4, where the green guy is on the chart who has the question marks over its head, they will respond with a question, “I don't know! But what do you think? Do I look fat in these trousers?”

Go down a little further, to -6, and the same person will say, “I look terrible! I know I look terrible! I'm so ugly!” and probably start to cry.

At -7, we might have an anger outburst, “Damn it, I know I look terrible but if you look at me funny, I'll hit you in the face and break your nose!”

At -8, in the depression phase, there's no point of even asking that person how they feel about their own beauty, they will just groan and turn away.

You can replace the word “beauty” with anything at all, and the pattern is always the same.

  • The answers to questions of self are 100% energy state dependent.

As we go up on the Modern Energy Chart, past Zero and into the positive ranges, where people have some energy, the answers likewise, keep changing.

“How amazing are you?”

At +3, our friend may answer, “I wonder about this too and I think I might have the potential to become amazing ...” They're thinking about it as a possibility and that's a huge shift from relying on other people to answer the question for them.

At +5, the answer to “How amazing are you?” is, “I'm working on it! I'm going to be amazing and I will prove it through my work!”

At +7, the person will have had success and feels quite amazing by now.

At +10, the person will know they are amazing, and they also know exactly why.

As with all things, “who you are” becomes revealed more and more clearly, the higher we go up on the Modern Energy Chart, and we find the truth at +10.

  • The only place where we can discover the real truth about anything is at +10.

The +10 person knows exponentially more than all the others on the chart.

The +10 aspect has the highest vantage, the biggest picture, the greatest wisdom, knowledge and understanding. They know more about everything than any other aspect possibly could.

Our own aspects go up and down on the Energy Chart every day like a yo-yo. Sequentially we look in the mirror and think one moment, “You look terrible! You're so ugly!” then the next day, “Oh you look OK, you'll get by ...” and the day after that, “You look amazing! You're beautiful!” With this going on all the time, how is a person supposed to make sense of that and not think that we must be completely crazy?

Where is the truth here?

Likewise, there are those days when we know we are successful, and other days, when we doubt this and all we can think of are all the many failures we've experienced.

How are supposed to deal with that?

What are we to do with that when it comes to our self concept?

The answer is to take the word of the one who knows best.

We want to look literally to the highest authority on the subject, whatever it may be, and this highest authority on who YOU are, and what your life is all about, is your own +10 aspects.

  • The highest authority on your life is you, at +10.

Follow Your Stars!

  • The highest authority on your life is you, at +10.

I am 100% solid on this statement.

At +10, we get to be the closest to any truth we can get.

At +10, we can see through the lies, the delusions, the fashions of the day, the crazy entrainments of society, the nonsense of the Hard.

So when we need a question answered, we can safely look to our own +10 aspects – not to some guru, teacher, preacher or to me.

Your own highest Star Aspects have the perfect answers for you. They will never lie to you, they have no other desire but for you to find your way, they will never leave you, and they have been here all along.

  • Your own +10 aspects are your best personal guides and your closest connection to the truth, your own personal portals to the greater Universe.

This is both interesting as well as important.

The core idea opens up the way to many fascinating new approaches, offers potential solutions to a multitude of problems, and the first of those that needs to be addressed is our self concept.

When we start to actively develop our own Star Matrix, a self construct created based on those moments when we were indeed at +10, we create a stabilising matrix for our entire energy system that will help it become less unstable, much stronger, much more grounded in reality absolute, and much more protected against all manner of things which could cause the energy body to go down.

For many of us, our energy bodies are so fragile, that a single bad look from someone in the street, a negative social media comment or any perceived slight, no matter how slight it may have been, crashes us down into a pit of despair.

And when we find ourselves in that pit of despair, looking to the +10 Star Aspects can become our guiding light that will take us out of that stupid pit and back into the sunshine.

Our +10 Star Aspects are the best version of ourselves we could possibly be.

I have been looking for a way to make this happen in personal development for as long as I can remember, because I have always been aware of the fact that I can be stupid, intelligent, a genius, followed by stupid again – in sequence! This used to drive me mad - “What am I???”

The simple fact was and is that I get to be a genius at +10, and that's not going to happening at all if I am stressed, depressed, angry, or freaked out in any way.

If you can understand this basic principle about yourself, you have found a life saver.

It also gives us that direction, that trajectory that was previously absent.

I know what I want to be when I grow up!

I want to be my +10 more often!”

In order to help in this endeavour, I can now do many things.

I can stop constantly freaking out.

I can stop endlessly criticising myself for my failures.

I am going to start paying attention when I start judging, criticising or even berating myself, because that's the sign that I am too stressed and therefore not in any position to judge fairly at all.

There is a quote from In Serein, where Lord Lucian says, “What would a fool be thinking but further foolishness?” The negative energy states are literally where we become the village idiots, and whatever we're thinking, whatever arguments we produce, whatever we're saying and whatever we're doing CAN BE NOTHING but further foolishness and is literally not worth the paper it isn't written on.

To understand this deeply and profoundly is of the essence.

This is the big moment where we make the turn from criticising and judging ourselves all the time on our flaws, negatives and shortcomings, and move into this other space, where the Power of the Positives lives.

In this other space, we are looking for the best qualities in us, encourage those, and use these best qualities as portals through which we can step further forward, have more higher energy experiences, and become encouraged to be the best person we can possibly be.

  • The first person to give you this encouragement is of course, you.

You need to encourage yourself.

That is so profound, and it is so important to understand how this works.

The Power of YOUR Love

We have this amazing conscious mind.

When a dog gets stressed, there is nothing the dog can do about it.

The dog doesn't know it's getting stressed, it doesn't realise that it's getting stressed, it cannot stop and say to itself, “Right, Fido, you're only thinking that because you are getting stressed!

“Let's raise some energy here! You are strong, you are powerful, you are amazing!

“You have had the most awesome Star Events in your life already – you can be so much energy higher! Do you want to be higher?”

We can even respond to this ourselves and say, “Yes! I want to get out of stress and feel better! Yes! I want to leave my old trauma insanity self concept behind and get focused on making me the best person I can possibly be – and that can only be done through love, support, attention, unconditional support and love to your aspects.”

There is literally no other way.

If anyone ever tells you that by criticising a person, they are becoming a stronger person, or that we need to be constantly criticising ourselves and each other so we can prepare for the cruel reality of the real world, just look at them with immense pity and sadness and know they have not understand how energy works, how love works, how absolutely fundamental and foundational love is to building strong and powerful people who can then go out and love others better, too.


> Exercise: Ten Star Qualities

Let us get started on the way to learning how we can think and say good, protective, beneficial and loving messages to your self and all your aspects.

  • We are going to make a 10 point inventory of your Star Qualities by counting them on our 10 fingers.

Please make sure that you find a Star Quality of your own for each of the 10 points, to quite literally take your self concept into your own hands and to shape it something to become beautiful, powerful and which connects you to the Power of the Positives through that personal experience with your own brilliance.

I love saying this. I don't care if a person is in prison, or they are lying homeless in the street. This is applicable to every human being in the world. If only we can learn to stop it with the negativity, and start to engage the power of positive encouragement, for ourselves and each other, the world of human beings would become a totally different place.

Start in the Heart Position and take a deep breath of the fresh air, then release it with a sigh of pleasure.

Raise energy by continuing to breathe deeply in and out, and become aware of all the colours in the room, of the Oceans of Energy in which we exist.

Get a sense that we are loved and held in this enormous multidimensional network that connects us all, that holds us together with everyone else – it's beautiful.

Now we are ready to state unconditionally, without any shame or reversals, a simple ten point list what is good about us.

Touch/hold/stroke your thumb and state your first good quality, your first Star Quality.

The first Star Quality that comes to my mind is that I am CREATIVE.

What is YOUR first Star Quality?

  1. My first Star Quality is …

Say this word out aloud, it's an important part of the process.

Take a deep breath in and out and move on to your next finger.

  1. My Star Quality is …

Continue until all ten Star Qualities have been assembled.

If your mind goes blank when we ask the question, “What else is good about you? What else is a Star Quality you have?” we can ask slightly different questions.

For example:

  • What am I proud of in myself?

  • What do other people always say they admire about me?

  • What Star Quality can I sometimes demonstrate?

  • What is actually a Star Quality of mine but I never thought of it in that way before?

  • Doing or being what gives you the most joy in your life?

  • What Star Quality do I especially admire in other people? (The Bright Light Mirror!)

Once past such a temporary energy blockage, it can happen that all of a sudden, many, many more Star Qualities start streaming through your mind.

Don't worry! Of course we all have many, many more than just 10 Star Qualities, special talents, blessings, whichever word we want to use. Of course we do!

As with numbers in the previous Unit, our 10 Star Qualities are only the beginning; and just like the numbers, they are the portal to the entire realm of Star Qualities to be discovered, explored and activated.

For now, we have 10 Star Qualities, one on each finger of your hands.

  • Hold out your hands before you and now, shape a sphere of energy that is more than the sum of the ten individual qualities.

  • Breathe deeply and when you are ready, take this sphere of energy into your Heart of Energy on a deep in-breath.

Enjoy the energy sensations you have given yourself!

Please understand.

How you think and feel about yourself now is not an illusion.

This is getting just a little bit closer to understanding the reality and the enormity of the shining being that you are than we were before we did this exercise.

Importantly, embracing our good qualities and taking them to heart feels good.

We human beings need this.

We need to spend more time admiring ourselves, admiring each other for the wonderful creations that we are – each one of us, miraculous. Amazing.

We have everything we need to be happier right here – all we need is to (re)learn to think differently and talk differently to ourselves and each other.

Star Matrix Is The Way

The Star Matrix is the aim, is the target.

The Star Matrix is a powerful, stable self concept that is not made up of illusions, but of what we can really do.

For each person, the Stars are different, and that is also absolutely wonderful.

With each Star that lights up, the entire Star Matrix becomes more powerfully active and our energy systems start to shift – and when that happens, interesting effects come into being.

Lucky people pop up; lucky co-incidences start to happen. Strange, helpful moments come our way, new ideas and new Star Moments appear. Lives change for the better as new pathways unfold, new joy is discovered.

Personally, I am super excited about the concept of the Star Matrix.

As we battle our way through daily life, and have all these endless problems, questions and challenges in the Hard, the Star Matrix becomes our own personal connection to The Power of the Positives itself – LOVE ITSELF, the greatest force in the Universe.

>>> 09 Homework: The +10 You

I strongly recommend to start your own Book of Stars right away. This is a notebook which contains moments when your aspects were at +10, when you were the wisest and strongest you could be.

Remember and reflect on the moments when your aspects were at +10. The answers to your most important life's questions are to be found in those moments, and nowhere else.

Use your own +10 aspects as literal role models for yourself. If unsure or uncertain, ask yourself, “What would my +10 aspects say/think/do?” Do this particularly before “passing judgement” upon yourself, or on other people.

These are small changes with enormous repercussion; exponentially cumulative especially over time, to give us a better understanding who we are and where we belong in the greater scheme of things.

10: Your Star Memories

In the previous chapter, we started to think about a different kind of self concept, the Star Matrix which consists of what is actually good and true about us. For many people, this can be a breakthrough experience; I would encourage us all to keep asking questions like, “What's good about me in business? In relationships? In the way I deal with life?”

Here and now, we are going to consider something that has been in the generally negative, traumatized world view entirely overlooked, and that is the power of our positive memories, of our good memories, our happy memories.

The Plane Crash Survivors

Many years ago, I conducted a research study into the experiences of people who had survived a plane crash. Among these were people who told the story of “their life flashing before their eyes” at the moment of perceived death, and that this experience changed them – they were not the same people when they stepped off the plane than they had been before.

I have had many near death experience myself, and with the plane crash survivors there was a cohesive group of people who had similar circumstances to their experiences.

When I asked them about these memories, what it was that was so important that you would remember it as the last things, as you are about to die.

What I discovered blew my mind.

What was not being remembered was all that “massive trauma” that people build their entire lives around. It wasn't all the hideous insults, the greatest suffering, the darkest moments of the soul.

Not at all. There was NO TRAUMA that was flashing – it was a sequence of the most POSITIVE experience of that person's life.

This should give us some major clues.

Of course, the people who don't believe in energy will immediately say this “life flashing” event was only because our brains were flooded with happy hormones. The say, “Happy things are not important. Only trauma matters.”

I thought, Wow. What if that was 180' wrong? What if the happiest moments of our lives are what matters? The +10 moments, which are also the exact moments when we are the best self we can ever be?

What if life was all about those Star Moments, which flash before our eyes as we're about to die?

What if that was true instead …?”

Star Moments & The Happy Energy Body

Of course, this is heresy.

I am, once again, perfectly happy to stand my ground as a positive heretic, because I am standing on a firm foundation of a lifetime's exploration of our living energy bodies.

I know energy bodies are real, everyone has one, and I know one fact for sure.

If you ask people about negative experiences, bad experiences, trauma, the moment we plug into that, the energy body loses energy and we get angry, stressed, depressed instantly.

The moment we plug our energy bodies into a high positive memory, our energy goes right up. There are physical responses too, from better blood flow, deeper breathing, a more smoothly moving body; people start to smile, become “more animated.”

  • Remember something bad, become energy poor and ineffective, powerless.

  • Remember something good, and become instantly uplifted into better, higher energy states.

As far as the energy body and the energy levels in general are concerned, there is no space/distance and there is no time.

The moment we connect with the memory, we are bringing it instantly into the Here & Now.

There are so many people out there who have been working on remembering their trauma all their lives, to the point that they can not even access any happy memories any longer. They will say, “There were no happy moments in my childhood at all.”

Although this is incredibly sad, as well as being factually wrong, we don't need to start with happy childhood memories.

We can take any happy memory, from any time in our lives. By remembering this, we bring it into the Here & Now, and our energy bodies react to this in real time, instantly.

There is an instant uplifting in the energy body which in turn uplifts the mind, and the physical body, and we are energy higher Here & Now as the direct result.

This is not just a theory; it actually works with real human beings in practice, so let us do an exercise that proves this.

> Exercise: A Happy Memory

Assume the Heart Position and take a deep breath, in and out.

Say out aloud: “Dear Energy Mind! Please send me a happy memory, that will make me feel good, right here and now!”

Most people will find that a happy memory pops into their minds, having dinner with friends, a beautiful moment in nature, loving a child, or a moment with an animal.

Some people react with stress and panic, “Oh my God I don't know what to do, what does happy even mean, I'm never really happy ...” and that is a sign that the “roads into the happy memories” are overgrown with weeds through lack of usage, and you simply haven't travelled there enough to make it quick and easy, to have clear, wide thoroughfares into the realms where our high energy memories are stored.

This is a frighteningly common reaction in a population of people who have been brainwashed to focus on trauma their whole lives long; so should this be happening to you, take heart!

Let's make it super easy and simply try and remember a moment where you were happy with or about something from this week, or in the last month.

Was there a moment with a tasty piece of cake? A moment where you had a glass of sparkling water in the sunshine, and life was OK? Perhaps there was an interaction with a loved one that just made you smile, made you happy?

Moments of happiness can be very simple; and for right now, we do not have to go into massive enlightenment experiences yet.

Our happy memories are stored in a similar direction, and once we've accessed one it becomes much easier to access another, and another with practice.

Alright, let's ask the question afresh to make sure we all have now remembered a happy memory before we proceed.

Let's assume the Heart Position so our entire person in mind, body and energy body knows we want to do something together. Take a few deep breaths in and out, and then say out aloud:

Dear Energy Mind! Please send me a happy memory, that will make me feel good, right here and now!”

Now you have said this, wait for the response, like you would listen on the phone. Keep breathing, stay relaxed and something will come to you.

Important! Do not reject what you get given. As long as it is a (somewhat) happy memory, it's fine. If you get a trauma or unpleasant memory instead, please repeat the Set Up once more, really stressing that you want a HAPPY MEMORY that will make you feel good.

Once something has flashed into your mind, say “Thank you!” out aloud.

Now, tune into your happy memory (think about it) and answer these questions out aloud.

In your happy memory …

  • What was the time of day?

  • What was the time of year?

  • What was the weather?

  • What was the land, the environment?

Now, connect with your aspect of that time and how they felt. Describe the movements of energy they experienced, what they felt where in their body at the time.

Best Practise Tips (How to get the most energy from this exercise!)

  1. Answer the questions out aloud!

  2. Make movements and gestures to help energy flow. For example, if the weather was sunny, point to where the sun was in the sky.

  3. The more detail you can add to the memory story, the better the effect on your living energy body will be.

  4. Use your 6th sense, the feelings in your body, to connect with the happy aspect more profoundly.

If you know Project Sanctuary or SuperMind, you can do even more with your aspects.

You can ask your happy aspect to turn around and smile at you, send you their blessings from that powerful state of happiness.

You can walk with them, talk with them, dance with them and take them to heart so that they come alive in you, and bring with them the wisdom of their experience, the joy, the expanded awareness and even their youth, their power, their conviction and their strength.

All of that makes us, right here and now, feel good inside. It also has this sense of being the right thing to do, to make these powerful energy connections to our high aspects, through which high energy can flow through them into our own energy bodies, right here, right now.

  • Positive memories are the easiest way to access high energy states at will.

What you will discover if you do this a few times is that you will be so surprised by the good memories you are re-discovering. Often, you have not thought of these events for such a long time, or never at all since this happened. I have discovered high positive memories from times in my life that were so chaotic, I was convinced that nothing good could possibly have happened there, but they were there, and they were real. This has been so healing for me, re-connecting my life, bringing me deep joy but also always, an instant uplifting to the entire energy system, which is what we are looking for.

Over time, discovering more of these true treasures and riches of your life sets a process in motion that is quite amazing. We begin to re-assess the meanings of our life; we begin to re-assess the judgements we have made about our life and we re-discover this sense of excitement about the future. If we had these Star Experiences in the past, in all these different and sometimes extremely chaotic circumstances, it stands to reason to expect brand new Star Events which await us in the future.

  • The more we focus on our positive memories, we also begin to learn how this works for us; how we get to have Star Events, how we get to have moments of blessings and inspirations.

There are many, many ways in which we can use our positive memories in the context of the Power of the Positives.

We can create enlightening stories and works of art that have the power to cheer other people up.

We can ask other people about their positive memories too. This is a wonderful way to raise anyone's energy so fast and reliably. We can ask them about a good experience, or if we are in their homes, ask them about the story of any artefact there might be on public display.

People start telling their Star Stories and energy rises right away; we feel more connected to the person, more positive about them, there is more love in the room.

Our Highest Personal Power Positives

  • Finally, Star Memories are also a guide to our own highest personal Positives.

For example, a person had an experience of being in nature and they experienced a moment of not just being “in” nature, but being “one with nature.” This was a profound expansion which changed their world, and now the Positives of “Oneness,” “Nature,” and the affirmation, “I am one with nature” all connect to that original experience and empower this person so beautifully, every time they choose to evoke this particular, super personal energy.

To evoke or activate such a personal power Positive, we could energy tap the statement; we could meditate on it (simply think about it for a while!); we could ask further questions about the Positive.

“I was one with nature – and what does that entail? Being one with the earth, with the sky … with the forest and all the creatures within it … and what else was I at one with on that day …?”

Our high positive memories contain so much information, so much inspiration, so much strength and so much guidance, that can help us right here, right now – there is input, there is information we can ask for.

When we have a particular problem, we can ask, “Dear Energy Mind! Please send me a Star Memory that can help me right now!”

That is a personal development “technique” that is so powerful, so simple and so practically useful, it blows my mind.

When we finally learn to do things right, they don't have to be hard. Pushing a cart with round wheels rather than square wheels makes it easy, and now everyone can do it.

Activating the incredible power locked up in our own Star Memories is the right thing to do, and beyond high time that we should start to explore this.

>>> 10 Homework: Remember!

  • Remember one good memory from this lifetime of yours every day. In Star Matrix, we have a Book of Stars in which we enter these and thereby create a truly unique power object with many uses.

  • Before you go to sleep at night, remember the best moment of the day. Be advised: It doesn't matter how bad the day was, there is always a “best moment,” even if compared to other days and moments, it was far from stellar or spectacular. It is important that we start telling ourselves and the Powers That Be it is the good moments we want in our lives by giving them our focused attention.

  • Ask other people about something that makes them happy. This is always connected to a Star Memory; it cannot not be. You can ask about a good holiday, good food they've had recently, something they bought and it was great – try and elicit a positive memory from other people, and notice how quickly that raises energy and transforms the interaction. Notice how their body postures change, how they start to come to life – it's like a spell has been broken, a curse has been lifted and the real person is starting to emerge.

11: High Power Meditations

In the last unit, we were talking about our positive memories, and that is truly a wonderworld of treasures & riches to explore.

We noticed that when we pay attention and “get into” the memory, it stimulates our energy body and our senses become involved in that.

Here & Now and There & Then

When we remember being by an ocean, we can taste the salt in the air, feel the sun on our skin, the wind in our hair, we hear the ocean waves. Our conscious mind has transferred its attention from “Here & Now” to “There & Then” - and wherever “There & Then” is, it's not “Here & Now”!

In that lies an extraordinary space of freedom.

There is the opportunity to direct our attention to all sorts of other places in the conceivable multiverse, to have experiences there, and when we do that, our living energy body reacts to that.

Through the living energy body, the physical body reacts to that as well.

There is therefore no need to sit in a prison cell and to be sad and sorry that we cannot be somewhere else, because our fabulous minds can make it so that we can go somewhere else – from “Here & Now” to ”There & Then.”

In other places, this is called “meditation,” but in the general public, meditation has a bad reputation. People think meditation is boring and tedious and you have to sit in this hugely uncomfortable lotus position for hours on end, stare at a wall until your legs fall off in the hope that something good might happen.

Energy meditations are not like that.

  • Energy meditations are not meant to calm the mind, they are simply done to make the energy body happier.

When we make the energy body happier, the mind experiences a beautiful expansion at the same time. Getting into higher energy states is easy, and so we can learn to expand the mind by focusing on the energy body and making that happier first of all, saving ourselves many years if not decades trying to learn to enter into these high energy states in the old fashioned ways.


Positive Meditations

What are Positive Meditations?

If we look at the Modern Energy Chart, we can say that the old forms of meditations were clearly designed to take people who were in low energy states, around -4, stressed, freaked out (technical term!), and to calm them down. To bring such people to the ZERO state where they are no longer afraid and have no pesky emotions troubling them any longer feels like a good thing, and it is absolutely an improvement in their states of being.

For us modern energists, this is of course nowhere near good enough.

We want to go up and up into the enlightenment states, aiming for +10, and in those high positive states meditation becomes a brilliant experience.

So how do we access the happy side of the Modern Energy Chart for Positive Meditations?

A quick reminder: “Meditating” in Modern Energy is defined as thinking about something you want to be thinking about. That is all, and that is it!

In all Modern Meditation, and that is all Energy Body meditation, focused on raising the energy levels in the living energy body, of course we will be using the Power of the Positives.

Instead of trying to calm the mind, by thinking about a still lake or the sea on a windless day, we think about something that is going to excite, inspire and uplift our wonderful energy bodies.

Basically, instead of “inner peace” we are going for …

  • Inner joy

  • inner power

  • inner fun

  • inner WHOOHOO!!!

We want to shift the entire “meditation experience” UP the Modern Energy Chart in order to wake our living energy bodies up, to get that sparking, sparkling high energy flow that brings us to life in mind, body and spirit.

  • Positive energy (body) meditations are easy and fun.

In a moment, we'll do an energy meditation together, and you do not have to make a drama out of it, either. There is no need for hours of drumming; no need for boring new age music or the lighting of the incense. You don't have to assume a particular body posture or even close your eyes in furious concentration. Let's be light and easy, NATURAL, and let us play with the wonderful abilities of our beautiful minds.

Let us go to the beach.


> Exercise: The Beach

Let's find our way to a nice sandy beach. This sandy beach is nice and we're quite a long way away from the ocean. There's blue sky and the sun is shining; the wind is fresh, a fresh sea breeze that really enlivens us, plays on our skin, on our hair and we can breathe so freely here, so deeply here.

Let's go and look at the waves, and these are not little tiny waves!

These are HUGE ocean waves, RUSHING to the shore; they are raising up and you can see through them the sun shining in that beautiful turquoise, and the power here is unbelievable as they rush towards the shore, and they LOVE the shore, and you can feel THAT energy rushing through your body, and that feels so beautiful, so empowering!

Did you get a sense of that?

Did you get a sense of the power of the waves, of that experience of being there even for a moment, just reading through this exercise?

I hope you do and if you did, that is your beginning portal to what I call “High Energy Positive Meditations.”

High Energy Positive Meditations

These are quick; our beach waves meditation exercise took only a few minutes, and in this way, we can raise all manner of hugely powerful energies, simply by thinking about it.

We can make the experience exponentially more powerful by:

  1. Describing it out aloud as we are experiencing it;

  2. Making physical movements, for example pointing to the sun in the sky, showing with your hands where you can feel the fresh breeze, making movements to describe the powerful ocean waves rushing to the shore.

What we have here is access to a set of powerful Positives that are safe, that are natural, and that can give us such a profound uplifting.

I also believe that the more often we do this, for example the beautiful sunlit turquoise waves breaking on the shore and bringing with them the wisdom of deep and all of that enthusiasm of the water loving the land in a proactive way, it creates a channel or a portal where this energy flows into us, even if we don't constantly think about it.

This is what I am looking for in Modern Energy and The Power of the Positives, that these things become standing waves, so that we don't constantly have to “claw our way up the Energy Chart,” and it's such an effort to maintain positive energy states. I believe that when we practice with experiences like the ocean waves and call it many times, it becomes an echo, a resonance, and eventually this becomes a standing wave where these powerful ocean waves of energy are coming in anyway, all the time, like they do in the real world - waves of powerfully uplifting, actively loving energy.


The Volcano

The waves are just the beginning!

What else might you want?

Let's talk about some real power here.

How about a volcano exploding?

How about standing quite safely, a good distance away, and watching this volcano erupting?

The pressure has become too much to bear, and whatever weights of mountains was keeping it down is no longer holding it back, is no longer enough to hold it down and this pressure is releasing in glorious fire!

The earth is trembling – the whole world knows this is happening …

Now that's a powerful meditation. There may come a time when you need that volcano energy – and it is literally ONLY ENERGY.

Meditating on volcanoes doesn't mean you'll go out and smite someone or something, quite in the contrary. Sometimes, that sort of energy is exactly what you need to clear your channels, expand your energy system and connect back into this hugely powerful nature energy that we have at our disposal.

A Starry Night …

A starry night, but this time, we come in at +10.

Not like, “Yeah that's nice, they're sort of pretty … time to go to sleep now ...” but instead …

This time, we open that door to these suns, BILLIONS OF SUNS of the other side of the galaxy, sending not just their light, not just their energy, but their messages, their stories, their solar winds – they are singing to us!


I am going to invite you to let yourself be guided to the experiences and open that door that door to allow the real power of such things to come into you – not to calm your mind, but to become the rocket fuel for your incarnation, and light the fuse on it!

The Rose

If you like flowers … let's take a rose.

Yes, it looks pretty and it smells nice, but let us connect more deeply, let's get into that.

What's going on there, really?

Here is that power of life itself unfolding! This rose wants to have sex so badly, it's got dressed up, it's ready to go, it is showing itself to the world and is on that path to create more of itself. The force of nature inside!

Be in awe and understand: This is positive meditation!

We need to go beyond those lame new age ideas of it's pretty, fluffy, and nice, and instead tap into the real power of things.

We can do this safely. We do not have to physically stand next to volcano in order to connect with these energies and that is awesome.

Please, keep asking the question.

What can give you a HUGE energy kick, right here, right now?

What natural thing can you connect with that will truly EMPOWER you?

If you are feeling small and feeble, what energy could transform this sorry state of being?

How about a soaring mountain range, ancient granit that's rising up, that's being pushed up and folded by incomprehensible forces, right up into the stratosphere! Some people think the mountains are eternal, but they are not – they are dynamic, powerful, they have a voice as they grow and unfold.

The invitations to be doing this are all around us, and they are everywhere.

They are also to be found in our own desires, in our own dreams – we know what we need, deep down.

One of my favourite positive energy meditations when I am getting too stressed is to call in the “Summer Rain.”

The summer rain falls on this dried, parched land; it is persistent, it will clear everything, it will refresh everything, and every single drop is life itself, is just singing with joy, wanting to touch you, to heal you and love you.

Picking up this ability of ours to stop being miserable in the Here & Now, and stepping into the joy of the There & Then is one of the greatest gifts to humanity by the Great Creative Order.

It has given us the ability to escape anything, any physical, mental, emotional situation we don't like – we can just leave and go somewhere else, where our living energy bodies are inspired, are delighted, come to life and have the space to unfold.

Now raise your crown of lights

unfold your glorious wings

you own both day and night

and do such splendid things!

In Love With Nature

We need to remember that “peace” is not the answer – love, power, passion, WHOOHOO!!! is the answer. Joy, laughter, being really alive, and with the joy of Modern Energy “meditation” we can have fun and I feel also, truly reconnect to the truth about the world.

This power, this energy, this passion is in every living being; in every crystal, in every rock, in every sun, and every planet – it is there, we have just disconnected from it in our stress craziness. When we tap back into that, we have a source of power at our absolute disposal, and all it costs is to think about it, think towards it and then allow yourself to get more and more fascinated by it, to start to love it, to love the power inherent in that.

That is when our energy bodies then respond, and we fall in love with nature, a perfectly safe thing to be doing.

>>> 11: The Power Meditations Homework Exercises

Practice with the high power positive energy meditations!

  • Find nature power meditations that are perfect for YOU, that you really feel excited about.

For example, there was a lady who was very stressed, and she had the idea that if she was an eagle, she could be free. She got into that eagle energy experience, flying high, high above the land, having that sense of freedom and dominion, but more than that, the acute power and awareness that anywhere below in this land, she could focus and dive into that.

The natural high power positive energy meditations are so good for our energy bodies, I wish the world would start doing these powerful nature meditations!

  • Please make sure that when you begin the process, you do ask and expect a POWERFUL experience that will rush you straight up the Modern Energy Chart.

That is the first thing to know that you want that. Don't ask for peace, or a bit of rest, because “I'm so worn out, I'm so tired ...”! Remember that you simply need MORE ENERGY, and the more, the better!

There is this ocean of energy, even more than that, an entire multiverse of powerful energies that we can access just by thinking about them – that's where we make the connection, we allow ourselves to get into it and our energy bodies love this!

Practising the positive power meditations will help you personally unlock these existing powers, which are in truth always here for us to draw upon, which are all around us. Somehow, people have disconnected themselves from all of this, but we can re-connect and that is the power in “The Power of the Positives,” and the power of love itself.

12: The Greatest Power

Let me begin by congratulating you for making it all the way from Part 1 to Part 12 – well done! If you have not yet read the whole book, or hopped, skipped and jumped through this book, let me encourage you to do the whole sequence in order at some time.

  • There is an unfolding story here; an order and a structure where one exercise builds upon the next, so that they are more than the sum of their parts when we put them all together.

I am excited to find out what we are going to find out in Part 12, as at this point, I do not know this yet.

I have allowed my dear Energy Mind to create this course, step by step; and I would like to take this opportunity to thank my dear Energy Mind for its services on what has been a wonderful journey so far. Especially in this time and under these circumstances, I have found it helpful, uplifting and inspiring to have created this space for engaging with the Power of the Positives.

Before we go on to The Greatest Power, let us take a moment to review what we have done so far.

The Power Of The Positives – The Overview

At the very beginning, we met with my physical metaphor, the Mirror Ball, which was our representation for the power of love, and the idea that every one of those many, many shiny mirrors is a Positive – an aspect of love itself.

In Unit 1, we started with the Power of Love and this essential definition that a POSITIVE is something that makes YOU feel better, and that anything that doesn't make you feel better is not a Positive for you, no matter how many saints of the ages, prophets or scientists declare that it's good for you.

A Positive is only a Positive if it brings YOU joy, makes YOU come to life, makes YOUR energy body stronger.

That's really super important and something I love so much about the Power of the Positives – that I don't have to eat broccoli any more if I don't want to eat broccoli.


We started out by asking what makes your energy body happier? What are your personal power Positives? How can we learn to direct attention to our environment to find things that support us – beautiful things, empowering things.

  • If you look for the truth, it will find you.

  • If you look for the beauty, it will find.

  • If you look for love – it will find you!


In Unit 2, we discovered the magic question to take us out of negative problem states and situations, to help us find Positives that will empower us and give us guidance on the way forward and out: What isn't this?

This question helps us generate the Positives we need to empower ourselves; to have a better relationship with the situation and to come up with new solutions.

For example, when we become distraught by the state of the world today, we can ask the magic question, “What isn't this?” and turn our minds and energy systems towards the solution: “It isn't LOVING, NATURAL, FILLED WITH JOY, LAUGHER & HAPPINESS!”

We can then do this wonderful energy thing of connecting with these and then send them as gifts of energy out into the world; and when we do that, we have fresh energy flow through us, raise up on the Modern Energy Chart and give us new and better ideas how we can bring about a change in the Hard as well.

In Unit 3, we expanded the Positives and I love doing that, because things such as beauty, truth, love, nature and even the human being, once we start to expand that Positive, make it bigger and wider, we are creating a portal to these Positives. The bigger this portal becomes, the more energy flows to you and with it, you gain more information, understanding, wisdom and power for life.

Expanding our Positives, for example, instead of just using HEALTH as a Positive, into sparkling health, beautiful health, immortal health, joyful health … … … really taps into the true Power of the Positives to not just calm us, not just heal us, but truly delight us.

Absolutely brilliant!

In Unit 4, we did the Power Affirmations. I always remember when my aspects first understood how it worked and how it provides the direct antidote to the problems with affirmations without energy knowledge.

A favourite Power Affirmation of mine is, “Every day, in every way, I'm getting richer and richer!” This makes me smile instantly, for when I use the word “richer,” I mean it in the widest metaphorical sense – richer in experience, richer in wisdom, richer in beauty, richer in adventure and discovery, richer in love … This is my will!

In Unit 5, we had The Power of YES!!! This has been so helpful to me, especially when it comes to making decisions and choices, asking myself “How YES is my YES? How NO is my NO?” to gain more of a sense of what's at play. Often, this is not black and white. Particularly with any project, to bring my “YES! I really want to do this!!!” to a real +10 has been super inspiring and something I've never done before. I have always held back before, kept my YES at 75% for whatever reasons, fear of commitment, and realising that was personally helpful to me.

Unit 6 was a lot of fun and brought us the sexy Positives. Making things sexy – not just easy and fun, but taking the whole thing up a level, making things exciting and really attractive, the materials we want to work to with, the people we want to work with, the life we want to lead.

We want to ask that question often, “Is my tea cup a sexy tea cup?” If it's not, if it's boring and tedious, then either change its energy or get a new tea cup!

Unit 7 was about the Heart of Gold, our heart's desires. We focused on the power generator which is the sun at the centre of our energy system, the heart of energy, the heart of gold, the lion heart – Richard The Lionheart was so admired and beloved, people followed him for thousands of miles to the ends of the Earth.

The Heart of Gold is not weak, or feeble, or mushy, or fluffy pink – it really is the power of the sun.

Feeding this generator by both bringing in things that the heart desires, but also by running out energy that runs through it, giving out more love, giving out more energy to make the whole system to start spinning up is of course essential for long term energy body health.

Unit 8 was the lucky numbers, so fascinating.

This is one of those things that ripples over time, more and more. When you first do it, clean the numbers and make each one your favourite, so that each one starts working for you, an army of numbers going to work on your behalf in a positive and helpful manner, this is one of those things that might not change your life in an instance, but over time, it ripples and spreads and the repercussions of that will become more and more obvious as time goes by.

Unit 9, we encountered that question, that nobody ever asks, and especially not you asking this question of yourself on a regular basis: “What's GOOD about you?”

Now this is a question you can ask yourself every day, and every day there will be a new answer, it will be good for your energy body, take you higher on the energy chart, and that will make you into an asset for the people around you as well as for the world at large. The more energy is flowing through you, the less egotistical, power hungry and the less big headed you become, so it is a wonderful cure for all sorts of psychopathy and sociopathy as well.

Unit 10 – Your Star Memories! That was about remembering positive memories, and that is my legacy project. That's the project I have said YES!!! to at +10, that I shall go forward and really engaged with, beyond what I have ever engaged with any other project before, no matter how beloved they have been. This is because I think that the self concept made from your highest aspect, your highest positive self is beyond the gift that keeps on giving.

Your own Star Matrix is protection, it is empowerment, it is personal development on a whole new and deliciously different level. It is also what I have been looking for since I was four years old.

Unit 11 brought us the High Power Meditations – such fun! So helpful to get out of that old groove, that old stale thing where we are always tired, falling asleep, having only “relaxing” meditation as a bit of a rest because we're so exhausted and worn out!

The Power Meditations really are a call to action, to unlock the power of the Oceans of Energy in which we live to a whole new level, to accept that and not be afraid of it. Let it in! Let it empower us and uplift us, it's a marvellous thing.

And so here we are! We are at Unit 12 and it's been a brilliant journey.

So what is there possibly left with the Power of the Positives that I could tell us about today? I am thinking as I have said all these things that every single technique, every single idea in the preceding 11 Units are going to make a huge difference if we were to enact them in our lives.

There is one thing when we embrace the Power of the Positives that we can do that the people who don't can not – can not, and won't.

  • That one thing is to turn a Negative into a Positive.

Let us consider my Mirror Ball one more time. All of us have our “dark spots,” for whatever reason. All of us have places in our energy system where a light should shine, but it it is missing.

There may be injuries in our energy systems, there may be crossed wires, there may be strange and unusual re-routings that had to take place because of the experiences of our lives.

There are places where a shining star of light should be, but instead, there is just darkness.

That is so for everyone. Everyone has their dark spots.

I realised this when a young aspect of mine, many, many years ago, was at a hypnotherapy training. We were asked to do a meditation, to find a problem, and to “bring in the light” in order to heal this problem.

In my group, there was a person who totally freaked out when light was being brought in. On further examination it turned out that this person had the awful experience when you are awake during an operation, you can't move and you can't scream, and the bright light from the theatre operating lamp was shining down on them.

So whenever there was any bright light shining down on them, this poor person would flash back into living in that awful pain and suffering.

I understood at that time that these things are so idiosyncratic, and that it is so dependent on your life's experience what you experience as a Positive, or the worst Negative in the world, hell, in other words.

This is also where I learned that a Positive is only that which makes you stronger and happier, and nothing else – there is no prescription for everyone.

Our poor person proves that the “bright light” that is supposed to be so good for everyone – wasn't.

But what would happen if we could turn that Negative into a Positive for that person?

What would happen if by doing so, we could not just unlock the real “bright light” itself – the true bright light in the Universe, but also the sunshine, and further, every time, every sentence when we refer to the light. For example, “being delighted,” or when someone says, “In love & light.”

That would take so much stress from that person's incarnation, it would be so beneficial for them, it would transform their life.

Just that one thing – to transform a Negative into a Positive.

Now, we work with the energy body, so this “bright light injury” is some massive snafu in the energy system. Our energy bodies strive to repair themselves; they are a natural system just like your skin tries to heal itself, when there is a cut, as best as it can.

We can support the skin's endeavours by making sure we eat well, by keeping the wound nice and clean, but at the end of the day, it's the self healing function of the skin that does the healing.

Our energy bodies, likewise, have this natural healing process, a drive towards repairing itself, and we can support this in many different ways.

The first way in which we can support our energy body's natural healing functions is to become aware that the are even there, and need our support and attention!

Making sure the energy body is well supported with proper energy nutrition and isn't getting too stressed too often is another way to show our love and expedite any self healing.

  • We can go straight to the energy body and find out exactly where this dark spot, this problem is located.

We can ask our bright light person, “When you think about that, where do you feel it in your body? Show me with your hands.”

When asked, she responds by putting both hands to her head and tries to cover her eyes. This shows us where this huge disturbance is located, where it exists.

Now I am going to ask you about a concept that other people think is a Positive, but that is not a Positive for you.

For me, for example, EXERCISE is not a Positive. There are many people who think it is, are really enthusiastic about it and will preach it at you, left, right and centre.

However, when I hear the word EXERCISE, I want to left the building! I don't want to be clad in lycra and jump around like an idiot; I don't want to be sweating, exhausted, having a heart attack, lying on the floor, wishing I was dead! It's a 100% NO!!! to EXERCISE as far as I am concerned!

What concept, idea or thing do you experience as a Negative, but other people think it's a fabulous Positive? Something that when it is being mentioned or brought to you, you put up the shields immediately and say/think/feel, “NO!!! I don't want this! I don't want anything to do with this – make it go away!”

You can observe people putting up their hands to protect themselves from the very idea of that energy, and these are real energy shields. They are designed to block incoming energy, because if that energy came in, it would hit some kind of injury and that would be extremely painful. It would cause physical sensations of nausea, of pain, bring us down on the Energy Chart and make us vulnerable, make us miserable.

This energy does not act as a Positive for us – YET.

Herein lies the greatest magic: to understand that we have the power to turn a Negative into a Positive for ourselves.


It's All About Evolution

I want you to understand that is an extraordinary power. It is natural, it isn't that difficult.

One of our major principles in Modern Energy is that we are not looking for a “miracle cure” that will change you from from one thing into another in a heartbeat – a prince into a frog, or vice versa.

What we are for is an EVOLUTION.

An evolution is a forward movement from a stuck place.

In my own example with EXERCISE, the 100% NO!!! response is a stuck place, frozen in time, probably came about of some trauma, but that doesn't matter.

We are here, we are now, I'm having this NO response and that's the stuck place that feels like I've been stuck there forever.

A step into a better future, in the right direction, a forward movement, would be to make that NO a little bit less of a NO.

If we just get that NO 1% further up so it's not quite as NO as it was before, that is an evolution, that's a forward movement, that is a movement in the right direction.

This movement brings hope, brings in the possibility of a new future where this problem could be entirely resolved, and why shouldn't it be with the power of love?


> Exercise: A NO Is Also ONLY ENERGY

Join me in a simple exercise to start this process of evolution.

Let's put our hands in the Heart Position and take a deep breath, in and out.

What happens when we do that is that our energy hands are right in the centre of the power field of our sun, star, heart of energy in the centre of our energy system.

Being in this energy field charges our energy hands up; it turns our energy hands into our Hands of Power. Not just “healing hands,” but Hands of Power!

You can know that your Hands of Power have come to life when they start to tingle, and there is a desire building up to touch something, to DO something, to shape energy realities.

Now I am going to ask you about that thing which isn't a Positive for you, when you think about that, where do you feel that in your body?

Show yourself with your hands.

Now we have the place located where there is a disturbance in your energy body.

Place your activated Hands of Power on that place.

Please remember that it is not our hands of flesh which are making a difference, it is our Energy Hands touching our own Energy Body.

Keep your Hands of Power on this place, and remember this is only energy.

Energy wants to flow! Energy loves to flow, it has the drive to flow built into the very structure of its existence.

It really WANTS to flow, it just sometimes needs a little encouragement.

Let your Hands of Power gently move and do what they want to do.

It's ONLY ENERGY and all we want to do is to improve the flow of energy through our energy bodies.

Nothing dramatic, nothing world changing – take a deep breath, in and out.

Now we ask, “Do you remember that thing that wasn't a Positive, that was very negative for you? Think about that now. What do you feel and how has it changed?”

It is perfectly fine to feel a little confused at this point.

Pay attention if there is another energy blockage you can sense somewhere, and use your Hands of Power to encourage better energy flow in that erea.

Say out aloud, say to yourself, “This is ONLY ENERGY!” (… and energy LOVES to flow!).

Follow along with the path the energy naturally wants to take.

Keep breathing throughout.

Now, I am not expecting your to have a miracle experience and that the Negative has turned into a bright shining Positive for you with this simple energy self help exercise.

What I do want you to notice though is that it has produced a change in the stuck state – there has been an evolution.

Perhaps your NO is not quite as NO as it previously was.

That is the convincer you personally need to understand that when we work with energy, we are in a totally different world of potential and possibilities for healing, of possibilities for evolution, which is so much more than just healing.

It is also immensely healing at the same time.

Energy Techniques For Evolution

There are many other energy techniques that can be used to change a Negative to a Positive.

In doing so, we open a portal for the energy related to that to come back to us, to help nourish us, to help protect us and to make us stronger.

Everybody has their “black spots.”

Some people, for example, when you say “FAMILY,” they will explode into joy and love and laughter.

When you say this same word, FAMILY, to other people, they are immediately distraught, depressed, hurt.

Getting an evolution on that concept of FAMILY for such a person, without having to talk about, without any blaming, shaming, accepting responsibility or going into some kind of mental madness, but simply working with the energy body directly is a godsend.

  • When you hear the word, FAMILY, where do you feel that in your body?

  • Show yourself with your hands.

  • This is also ONLY ENERGY – and energy LOVES to flow!

  • Charge up the Hands of Power in the Heart Position.

  • Stroke yourself all over, encourage energy to flow.

  • Move your body in response to your sixth sense sensations.

Return to the Heart Position, take a few deep breaths and think about your word.

How do you feel?

What has changed?

Here is the important message. If there is only a difference of 1% that you can notice, then – congratulations!

That is an EVOLUTION.

That is proof that you can do this.

It is proof that you have the ultimate power – the ability to change a Negative into a Positive.

When we begin to unlock this power, even at the most basic level, the entire universe of energy becomes available to us.

That is truly wonderful, truly beautiful.

The Path Towards The Light

The Power of the Positives is a path that leads us out of darkness. Out of hatred, out of fear, out of confusion. Out of uncertainty into a different state of being.

All we are doing is paying a little bit of attention to our living energy bodies.

The difference this makes to a person's life is literally immeasurable.

The value that represents for improving the quality of a person's life, regardless of their physical circumstances is literally immeasurable.

We need to dance in the Oceans of Energy once more.

We need to really, really embrace our beautiful, powerful, mysterious, awesome living energy bodies – and do something with them! Something exciting, living, dancing, creative, sparkling – alive!

Being a human being in the Oceans of Energy and knowing that this is so is the most wonderful gift of a most wonderful life.

Star Matrix Is The Way!

So here we are at the end of The Power of the Positives. I hope you have enjoyed the journey.

There is still so much more for us to discover and explore, as we are finally starting to understand more about our own living energy bodies and what we can do to make them happier and healthier, so that we are in a much better position to be experiencing many, many more Star Events in the future.

I would love for you to join me and become a member of the GoE, so that our voice grows, and many, many more people find out about their real life energy bodies. It costs very little and has the power to save our fellow human beings from so much unnecessary suffering.

Finally, we come to my personal recommendation for you.

My legacy project, my delight and joy to have found – Star Matrix.

Star Matrix, the key to our life, our own high positive memories.

Star Matrix is the way. It is the best personal development program ever, and absolutely the joy, the pinnacle of my working life. I feel that I have been working towards Star Matrix for over 50 years. I am thrilled to seed this, so it may ripple and ripple.

Star Matrix heals broken lives, shattered self concepts and self esteem; brings families together; it brings people together, and most of all, it helps people understand just how amazing, how marvellous human beings truly are.

Best of all, it finally proves just how amazing YOU are – your own Star Memories are the proof of that.

Start with discovering your very own Star Matrix today. Do not delay. Go to https://StarMatrix.org and begin your own truly life changing, life healing journey of discovery right now.

Star Matrix is the way!


> Our Final Exercise: Love For The Whole World

Let us assume the Heart Position one more time.

Take a deep breath in and out, and twice more, so you can feel your energy body waking up and coming to life, powering up.

Take a deep breath and say out aloud, “I wish the whole world LOVE,” and at the same time, opening up your hands so they are giving this energy to the world.

Move back into the Heart Position, and take another deep breath.

“I wish the whole world JOY.” Make sure to make the gestures that open the Heart of Energy and give from the Hands of Power.

“I wish the whole world ALIVENESS.”

“I wish the whole world LAUGHTER.”

“I wish the whole world THE STARS!”

Give yourself and all the world a big round of applause – well done!


Many congratulations for reaching the end of our journey into the Power of the Positives here.

Well done for doing the exercises and thank you so much for being here with me.

I am giving you a personal round of applause just for you, for your courage to play with the Power of the Positives.

The Powers of the Positives are like the Oceans of Energy themselves – endless, infinite.

So let us not be sad that this is the end, for each end is also always a new beginning.

Let us all really look forward to what other amazing adventures in the wonderworlds of energy await each one of us!

With lots and lots of love to you and all my very best blessings on your journey.

Until we meet again!

Silvia Hartmann

Author, The Power of the Positives

Creator, Modern Energy

President, The Guild of Energists GoE

About The Author

Silvia Hartmann is the creator of Modern Energy and Star Matrix. She is the president of the Guild of Energists GoE and lives in the United Kingdom. Her original work includes:

1993 The Harmony Program

1996 Project Sanctuary

2000 Energy Relationships (incl. Guiding Stars)

2001 HypnoDreams

2002 EMO Energy In Motion

2003 Art Solutions

2004 Living Energy

2004 Energy Magic

2005 HypnoSolutions

2006 The Genius Symbols

2007 Aromatherapy For Your Soul

2008 Events Psychology

2009 Modern Energy Chart & SUE Scale

2010 The Soul Pilots

2012 Modern Energy Meditation

2014 Modern Stress Management

2014 Hands of Power - Modern Energy Healing

2015 Modern Energy Tapping

2016 SuperMind

2017 Modern Energy Art

2018 The Energy r[E]volution

2020 Star Matrix

2022 The Power Of The Positives


Learn more at https://SilviaHartmann.com

1The Energy Mind is the “brain” of the energy body (formally known as the un- or subconscious mind); in Modern Energy, we always address our energy minds as “dear Energy Mind!” to invite co-operation, and create good relationships with the dear Energy Mind, which, in the past, has been mistreated, misunderstood and bitterly neglected!

2If you do not have 10 fingers (any more, or ever) use ten separate places on your body that feel right and natural to touch/stimulate instead. We can also use our toes for this exercise.

3I suggest to sometimes start with the other hand first – just so one side of your body doesn't feel it's always only second in line! :-)

4For more information on the Modern Energy Chart & The SUE Scale, see The Energy r[E]volution https://GoE.ac/revolution

5Guided Meditations, Audio Hypnosis Recordings all have a positive part to play when we need outside help to de-stress and raise energy. You can find my Energy Meditations here: https://dragonrising.com/Modern_Energy_Meditations_Silvia_Hartmann.htm

Posted Apr 19, 2023
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