Stress Tips From DJ Alex Kent

"The first time you do anything - DJing in front of a live audience, flying a helicopter, dating, or whatever - it is bound to be stressful.

But if you keep going, you start to learn to trust yourself and then it turns from stress to fun."

  • What do you find most stressful in your life?

I find the 24 hours before a live performance stressful as I am preparing myself, and making sure all the tunes play correctly.

Making sure the set on the night is as good as it can possibly be.


  • What are your three favourite ways to de-stress yourself?

1. Cup of tea :-)

2. Good old energy therapy such as EFT or EMO.

3. Swimming and exercise such as sit ups.


  • What is your favourite de-stressing technique?

Probably EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques.


  • What is the one piece of good advice you would give to people who suffer from stress?

Realise that you are getting stressed, realise what is going on on the inside, stop and make an effort to chill out. If you keep on going regardless, you are going to make mistakes you're going to regret later.


  • Any last words?

The first time you do anything - DJing in front of a live audience, flying a helicopter, dating, or whatever - it is bound to be stressful. But if you keep going, you start to learn to trust yourself and then it turns from stress to fun.


DJ Alex Kent

Brighton, UK

Posted Jan 27, 2009
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