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GoE Trainer’s Guide

GoE Trainer’s Guide

Updated: 19th June 2018





© 2015/2018 Guild of Energists Ltd

This document is for the private use of licensed GoE Trainers only. You may print it out for personal use but remember to regularly check online for updates here:

All rights reserved. Please do not show, distribute, duplicate or translate without the written authorisation of Guild of Energists Ltd.

This edition contains prices that are valid from 1st July 2017 till 30th June 2018.

All details, dates and prices are believed to be accurate at of time of publication so if you need clarification please contact us. Likewise, we welcome updates to the text so if you have any feedback then also please contact us:

  • The Guild of Energists, 2 Upperton Gardens, Eastbourne, BN21 2AH, UK
  • +44 (0)1323 700 800
  • Send message online -



Welcome from Alex Kent, CEO GoE


Dear Trainer,man-first-200px.jpg

Welcome to the GoE Trainer’s Guide which we hope gives you the confidence, skills and inspiration to take your GoE training business to the next level.

Everyone starts from somewhere, so we’ve packed this manual full of helpful suggestions that we hope fill your events with an abundance of energists.

The Guild of Energists is proud to be the world’s largest modern energy organisation and GoE trainers do a fabulous job of inspiring people to learn more about living life at the positive end of the SUE scale. Myself, Silvia Hartmann, Zoe Hobden and the rest of the team at GoE HQ are very much focussed on making you shine as we know that’s the best way to help more people live happier lives.

There has never been a better time to be a GoE trainer and I love waking up on a Monday morning and visiting the GoE Members Group to see all the fabulous photos of events that have taken place all round the world.

This manual is your goto guide for how to be successful as a GoE Trainer. Between us all we’ve got centuries of experience running events so make yourself a nice hot drink and soak up the spirit of success as you turn through the pages.

The first part of the manual is called First Steps to Success which is about setting yourself up as a business ready to succeed. We’ve included links to Silvia Hartmann’s Trainer Masterclass video, details about taking advantage of our GoE Trainer Mentoring free service, ideas for Establishing Yourself In Your Community, links to GoE Online Communities for members and of course contact details of our esteemed GoE Global Member Support Manager Zoe Hobden.

The second part of this manual is about practicalities of Organising Your GoE Events and includes the Training Checklist, Certification Procedure and information about Ordering Training Supplies such as manuals and books.

The third part of this manual is our Trainer Frequently Asked Questions.

Finally, we asked our most experienced trainers to answer the question:

“If you could go back in time and give yourself tips and advice on all aspects of event organising, marketing and promotion - what would you say?”

We hope you enjoy reading through What They Said!

I’m very pleased to have all this information in one place for you so please do read through it and contact us if you have any questions or suggestions for making it even better.

Thank you for being a GoE trainer. We are here to support you, so do let us know when we can help.


Alex Kent
CEO, Guild of Energists


Alex Kent






Welcome from Alex Kent, CEO GoE        2

Contents        4

GoE HQ - Meet The Team        9

Silvia Hartmann - President of the Guild of Energists        9

Alex Kent - CEO of the Guild of Energists        9

Zoe Hobden - GoE Global Member Support Manager        10

Cumasiye Ozgur - GoE Turkey Member Support Manager        10

Stephen Kent - GoE Editor of “The Energist”        11

Claire Kenyon - GoE Head of Finance        11

Trainer - Steps to Success        12

Trainer Mentoring        12

List of Trainer Mentors        12

Apply to be a Trainer Mentor        13

Connecting With Other Members, Practitioners & Trainers Online        13

Establishing Yourself In Your Community        14

Who To Contact        14

Printing Flyers        15

Start A Local Meetup Group        15

Run Introductory Trainings        15

Write a GoE Newsletter For Your Region        16

Instructions        16

Make Use Of The GoE Digital Library        17

Setting Yourself Up to Succeed        17

GoE Training Checklist        19

Before Your Event        19

Pre-Event Checklist        19

Finding a Venue        21

Guest Needs        21

Venue Facilities        21

Venue Costs - "Delegate Rate" or "Pay Per Item"        21

Guest Refreshments        21

Hotel Rooms For Guests        22

Deposit, Payment Terms and Negotiation        22

During Your Event        22

After Your Event        23

Collect Feedback and Keep In Touch With Your Participants        23

Email The GoE New Membership Details        24

Social Media Jobs        24

Look Out For Potential New GoE Trainers        24

And Most Importantly...        25

GoE Trainer’s License and IP        26

Licensing Of Proprietary GoE Intellectual Property        26

Licensing Fees For GoE Certified Courses        26

Licensing Fees For Other Activities - The 10% Rule        26

GoE Trainer License        27

Definitions & Terminology        27

Jurisdiction        27

GoE Trainer License FAQ        30

Running Successful GoE Trainings        35

GoE Course Prerequisites        35

Availability of Required Reading Books        35

What To Do If Prerequisite Books Are Not Available        35

Information for Trainers Wishing to Translate Books        35

GoE Course Minimum Pricing        36

GoE Certification Procedure        36

GoE Professional Practitioner Membership        36

GoE Standard Membership        36

Printing Out Certificates        37

How to Submit New Members        37

GoE Certificate Seals        38

GoE Training Manuals - Summary        38

GoE Training Manuals - How (And When) to Order        38

International Network of Printers        38

Shipping Direct to Students or Venue        39

Standard Delivery        39

Expedited Delivery        39

Ordering DragonRising Books - 50% Discount for Trainers        39

GoE Training Manuals - Finding New Printers To Work With The GoE        40

GoE Training Manuals - Turkish Printer        40

Ordering Manuals Within Turkey        40

Procedure for ordering Manuals from Turkish printer        40

GoE Training Manuals - India Printer        41

GoE Training Manuals - Egypt Printer        41

GoE Training Manuals - Providing Translations        41

Translate On Your Own, Or As Part Of A Team        42

How To Get Started        42

GoE Charity Rates        43

GoE Course Summary        44

GoE Courses in Detail        45

GoE Modern Stress Management Foundation - MSM F        45

GoE Modern Energy Tapping Foundation aka Energy EFT Foundation - MET F        46

GoE Modern Energy Healing - HOP        47

GoE Energy Healing for Animals - EHA        48

GoE Energy in Motion Master Practitioner - EMO MP        49

GoE Modern Energy Tapping Professional - MET Pro        50

GoE Energy EFT Master Practitioner - EEFT MP        51

GoE Modern Stress Management Professional - MSM Pro        52

GoE Modern Energy Coach - MEC        53

GoE Modern Energy Dating Coach - MEDC        54

GoE SuperMind Master - SuperMind        55

GoE Modern Energy Trainer - Trainer        56

GoE Trainer’s Course Overview        57

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions        58

Modern Energy Tapping - How Do These New Courses Affect Me?        58

General Overview        58

Modern Energy Tapping Foundation (MET F)        58

Modern Energy Tapping Professional (MET Pro)        59

Why Change Name from AMT to GoE?        59

Why Do Trainers Need To Be Able To Read & Write English?        61

What Trainings May I Teach?        61

Who May I Teach & Certify?        61

Minimum Age To Be Professional Member        62

Foundation Level Course - What Certificate should I award them?        62

Where can I download forms, templates and presentation slides?        62

Who do I contact if I need assistance?        63

Who do I contact if I need assistance teaching in Turkey?        63

Who do I contact about “The Energist” magazine?        63

What promotion material is available to me?        64

What Software Do You Recommend?        65

Graphics (Picture) Software        65

Office Suite        65

Will The GoE advertise my trainings?        66

Premium Promotion Help        66

What is the GoE Rosetta Project?        67

GoE Legal Structure        69

What is the Long Term Plan for the GoE?        69

Information About “Trainer of the Month” Award        70

What to Include in Booking Terms and Conditions        70

How To List Yourself As A Trainer On Facebook        71

Trainer Tips: What the Trainers Say!        72

Document History        81



GoE HQ - Meet The Team

The GoE is a global not-for-profit organisation made up of over 1,800 members, 1,200 professionals, 160 trainers, four trainer mentors and six members of staff. We all work together to facilitate people moving up the SUE scale by practising Modern Energy!

Here are the core team and how to contact them:

Silvia Hartmann - President of the Guild of Energists


Silvia Hartmann is the founder and President of the Guild of Energists.

Silvia Hartmann is the visionary and inspirational leader behind the Guild of Energists.

She is also the course author of almost all GoE trainings including Modern Energy Tapping Foundation, Modern Energy Tapping Professional and Modern Stress Management.

Alex Kent - CEO of the Guild of Energists


Alex Kent is the CEO of the Guild of Energists and is responsible for the day-to-day running of the company.


He is also the GoE lead programmer responsible for many GoE initiatives including the GoE Rosetta project, GoE Digital Library, GoE Local Newsletter project and giving each pro member their own website.




Zoe Hobden - GoE Global Member Support Manager



Zoe Hobden is the GoE Global Member Support Manager and she’s available to help with:

  • Adding your events to the GoE website
  • Help with your online profile
  • Promoting your event through GoE social networks (ie Facebook)
  • Ordering training supplies: seals, manuals, promotional items, banners, etc
  • Sending out a GoE event email announcement to people in your area

After your event, Zoe is the person you email:

  • Details of your new trainees
  • A group photo of you and your new trainees holding up their certificates. This is great promotion for you and your future events

Contact Details:

Cumasiye Ozgur - GoE Turkey Member Support Manager        


Cumasiye Ozgur is the GoE’s local representative in Turkey and is available to answer questions from members, liaise on local matters and help coordinate and promote modern energy in the region.



Stephen Kent - GoE Editor of “The Energist”        


Stephen Kent is editor of “The Energist” magazine which goes out to all subscribers.

Stephen Kent is the GoE’s resident social media expert and has presented on this topic at the GoE Energy Conference.

Claire Kenyon - GoE Head of Finance        


Claire Kenyon is the head of finance of the Guild of Energists and is responsible for accounting, statutory compliance and financial planning.



Trainer - Steps to Success

Trainer Mentoring

The GoE wants to make your trainings a success so we run a free GoE Trainer Mentoring service that you are very much encouraged to take advantage of.

GoE Trainer Mentors are highly experienced members who have been there, done it and got the T-shirt!

If you are new trainer or just starting your training business then they’ll help with:

  • Talk about the GoE system of manuals, seals and certificates
  • Marketing suggestions
  • Help selecting a venue
  • Work with you on any reversals you may have to being successful
  • Work with you on your goals. How many people would you like at your event? What steps can you do to realise your goals?
  • After your event, you can also talk through with them about how it went, what was amazing and what can be improved upon.

List of Trainer Mentors



Sandra Hillawi



Irene Lambert



Michael Millett



Barbara Saph



Apply to be a Trainer Mentor

If you are highly experienced in organising live events and would like to be a volunteer GoE Trainer Mentor then contact Global Member Support Manager Zoe Hobden for information.

Connecting With Other Members, Practitioners & Trainers Online

The GoE uses Facebook to connect energists together online and we have setup four groups that we recommend you join:

  1. GoE Modern Energy Discussion Group - For members and non-members, this is the general public discussion group for the GoE -
  2. GoE Member Group - For all members including students, professionals and trainers -
  3. GoE Professional Group - For discussion about practitioner related topics  -
  4. GoE Trainer Group - For discussion about trainer related topics  -

When you ask to join, we’ll receive a notification, we’ll check our membership listing to ensure you’re an active member and then approve your application.


  • If your name on Facebook is different to what we know you as, please mention this when you apply to join the groups!
  • Please also add your students to the correct groups when they pass a course with you!


Not On Facebook?


We recommend you create an account just for accessing the groups as it’s a great way for energists living miles apart to connect and keep the community spirit going between the annual GoE Energy Conference.

Facebook accounts are free and if you are concerned about privacy then you don’t have to use your real information when creating a Facebook account. However, if you do use an alias then let us know before you join the groups so we can check your membership credentials.


Joining the GoE’s online communities are a great way of keeping in touch,
asking questions, connecting for swap sessions and staying informed.

Establishing Yourself In Your Community

To help you be even more successful, you need lots of people to know about you, your business, your products and your services.

Who To Contact

Here are a few ideas of where to make contact and spread the word about the amazing life changing courses and services you can offer them:

  • Local Business Groups - Networking events allow you to introduce yourself.
  • Accountancy Firms - Tend to be well established in the community and know their clients very well.
  • Wellbeing Centres - Yoga studios, health shops, holistic practices.
  • Trade Shows - Exhibit at local and national trade shows.
  • Schools - If you’re a parent of a schoolchild make sure you join the PTA.
  • Adult Education Centres - Have a look at the course prospectus and see what you can apply to teach. For example, they might be interested in running “One Day Energy EFT Workshops” or an evening class in Stress Management.
  • Driving Schools - Very stressed people fail their driving tests.
  • Hospitals, Doctor's Surgeries, Dentists, Opticians.
  • Join Meetup Groups - See if there is any holistic/healing/therapy based Meetup groups in your local area. Meetup is a website where people with similar interests can arrange gatherings/events. Visit it at 
  • Start Meetup Groups - Become the hub of energy knowledge in your area and grow your tribe with your own GoE Energist Meetup group! See below...
  • Facebook Groups - Similar with the Meetup groups, use the search tool (top of the page on PCs/laptops) at the top of Facebook to search for relevant groups in your local area. “Sussex Councillors”, “Mind Body Spirit Essex”, “Therapy Network Texas” etc. These aren’t actual examples of groups, but there are many groups named similarly to these. Great place to advertise your trainings and your business.

Tip: You might initially find yourself drawn to certain groups and not to others, which may indicate an energetic reversal, blockage or guiding star. Remember you’ve got access to the free Trainer Mentoring Service which is great for widening your comfort zone!BLANK-FLYERS-PREVIEW-444px.jpg

Printing Flyers

The GoE provides flyer templates for you to use to promote your trainings, workshops and services:

Start A Local Meetup Group

Starting a local GoE meetup group that meets regularly is a fabulous way of building up your tribe.

You could choose to meetup once per week, every fortnight or monthly - but just get started ASAP, keep going and you’ll soon establish a following and become the hub of the local energy community.

Some ideas include holding each meeting on a topic, invite guest speakers or just promise a slice of cake!

You can be really creative with it and have a lot of fun. Just remember to promote it in the normal ways (your mailing list, Facebook, flyers, etc) and also take a group photo for uploading to the GoE Members Group.

We’re also happy to send out an email to energists in your area and connect you with other members.

Run Introductory Trainings

Running regular introduction trainings is a great way to teach more people about GoE energy modalities. They are also easier to teach, more fun, only last a day and provide great practice for any novice Energist Trainer.

You can start off small, like meeting in your front room, but the key really is to just get started and set a date!

Remember, you’ve got the network of GoE Trainer Mentors and GoE HQ behind you to assist in anyway we can.

Write a GoE Newsletter For Your Region

If you and the other trainers in a geographic region wish to get together and write a one-off or regular newsletter about your GoE activities and achievements then we’ll format it and send it out to all the people on the GoE database in your area.

For example, we have 2,100 people in Australia and New Zealand who may very well be interested in regional events.


  • Newsletters do not have to be in English
  • A region could be a grouping of countries (eg: Australia & New Zealand), a country (eg: United States), county/state (eg: Texas) or by city (London, UK).
  • We use Google Docs so that multiple trainers can work on the newsletter at once. You’ll need a Google account.
  • You’ll be given a link to an editable document, so you can add your GoE news items. Some ideas for you are:
  • If you’ve just set dates for a new GoE training then include these
  • If you’ve recently been certified in a new GoE training then let people know so they can contact you to register their details to train with you
  • If you’ve got a new website then mention it
  • If you’ve done something newsworthy then promote yourself and your activity. A few examples are:
  • Get Modern Energy Tapping used in a school.
  • Get Modern Energy Tapping mentioned in a newspaper.
  • Released a new book on Modern Energy Tapping.
  • Please add a title and then the text. Please keep it unformatted and in plain text.
  • Should you wish to add an image, please just enter the image hyperlink and a brief description of the image.
  • Please do not include:
  • Links to web pages that include the name, logos and graphics of non-GoE tapping methods or energy training providers.
  • Content that isn’t about GoE activities or supported energy modalities.
  • We do reserve the right to make final edits before sending as ultimately we are responsible for the content people receive.



Make Use Of The GoE Digital Library

Every member of the GoE has access to the GoE Digital Library – a treasure trove full of content for studying or relaxing with Modern Energy.

Perfect for trainers, you'll a good number of videos, articles, books and special reports on all aspects of goal setting, business development, personal development and marketing:

Watch Silvia Hartmann’s Trainer Masterclass Video

All trainers have access to Silvia Hartmann’s fabulous “Trainer Masterclass” 90 minute video, recorded live at the 2018 GoE Trainer Training. Find it in the Trainer Files section of the website here:

Setting Yourself Up to Succeed

Being a GoE Trainer is a business and as any business owner will tell you there is quite a lot to know before you should get started. Unlike many startups, you’ve got the fabulous GoE support network behind you!

Here are a few pointers of essential items:

  • Accountancy - Good record keeping is important and we recommend you talk to a few accountants in the area who can support you as your business grows. It’s important to know basic accountancy in your country and your accountant will make sure you are doing things like keeping receipts that show you’ve incurred an expense and recording your business mileage. Tax laws change as you become more successful so a good working relationship with your accountant is essential.
  • Business Bank Account - Keep your personal income and outgoings separate to your business. Otherwise you’ll probably just end up paying more to your accountants to sort out the mess each year. If you need money in your personal bank account then you just transfer it over. Avoid paying for personal purchases from your business bank account.
  • Client Database/Spreadsheet - Keep a record of all the people who’ve contacted you or bought something from you. If you’ve got important news or an event coming up then you should contact your best users by phone and everyone else either by email or post. Be aware of data protection laws. Create online spreadsheets on Google Drive[2].
  • Email Mailing List - Contacting people by email is cheap and effective. We recommend you start by creating a free account on Mail Chimp[3]
  • Website - Owning a professional website is one thing that you don’t have to worry about as we give you one free of charge as part of your membership with us.
  • Facebook Presence - Have a basic Facebook page set up with contact details and information about your services. Clients/users can contact you through these with the use of messages.
  • Flyers - Let your local community know you are here! We provide you with Flyer Templates[4].
  • Self Promotion - It’s important to “get your name out there.” Some ideas include:
  • Writing articles for magazines including The Energist
  • If you have a lot to say on a subject then consider putting this information into a book or booklet. These help establish your authority on your subject, including if you’d like to….
  • Contact your local paper and radio station to see what topics you could provide comment on, or if you’ve written a press-release
  • Apply to present at international conferences, including the next GoE Energy Conference



GoE Training Checklist

Before Your Event

A good training starts with good organisation. Getting everything you need in place in plenty of time means no last minute panicking that you’re not going to have everything you need.

Set dates for trainings well in advance, give yourself targets to have completed certain tasks by a particular date. Set yourself automated reminders. Be organised, be in control!

Pre-Event Checklist

  • New or Inexperienced Trainer?
  • Contact a GoE Trainer Mentor - chat about your ideas with an experienced trainer. Everyone starts somewhere, but not everyone has such an experienced network of energists behind them.
  • Choose a Business Partner (optional). Some trainers prefer to work with someone else to help bounce ideas of, look at venues, help with admin, help with organising, etc.
  • The Basics
  • Choose a good venue. Make sure it is suitable for your needs, has good travel connections, and is good value for money, but still looks professional.
  • Choose a date and make sure you give yourself enough time to do the marketing, promotion and admin justice. We recommend a month for an Energy EFT Foundation training to three months for an Energy EFT Master Practitioner training.
  • Set a goal, ie: “I want ten people in my training” or “I want to make £2,000 from this training.”
  • Start Marketing & Promoting Your Event
  • Upload your event to the GoE Events Listing[5]. They will be listed, shown on the course page, on the GoE Energy Map, in the magazine “The Energist”, featured in the GoE Local Newsletter and on your own GoE website.
  • see: How to Upload Events[6] or contact GoE office for support
  • Visit the the GoE Course Directory[7] for images and written testimonials that you may use in your advertising.
  • Market your event to your own database of contacts (phone, email, mail, social networks, etc).
  • Consider who might make a good ticket affiliate or reseller and contact them early. Be clear upfront about who gets paid what and when for each ticket sold.
  • Print flyers and posters to be placed in your local community areas such as wellbeing centres, display boards, car/home/office windows, etc. We provide you with Flyer Templates[8].
  • Remember to mention in your promotions that attending your course will give them GoE Membership and all the benefits that come with it including:
  • The Energist Magazine
  • Member Digital Library (aka: “Netflix for Energists”)
  • Member Downloads
  • Member Documents
  • Member Support Groups
  • Look for free events listings in local papers and websites.
  • Consider advertising your event.
  • Pre-training Admin85m_Its-All-About-Energy-SUE-Scale-Pull-Up-Banner-GOE-2016.jpg
  • Make sure you are clear with people signing up for your training about the Terms and Conditions of registering and attending your event. See: What to Include in Terms and Conditions
  • Consider acquiring some professional display material for your event. This could be in the form of a slide show (one is available for the Energy EFT Master Practitioner training in the GoE Trainer Downloads[9] section), or one of our SUE Scale pull up banners.
  • Order any GoE manuals and certificate seals you may need for your trainees. This may take a few weeks to be sent so please don’t leave till last minute. We recommend you keep a stock of these for future events, or unexpected last minute signups. If your training is a language other than English then check to see if a translation for the manuals you need already exist. If they don’t then we have a translation procedure. See: Translating Manuals
  • Purchase beautiful certificate paper and download the correct certificate templates from GoE Trainer Downloads (see footnote below).
  • Print...
  • GoE Certificates in advance of your training on good quality certificate paper which has a printed border, but don’t affix GoE certificate seals until they’ve passed the course.
  • GoE Code of Conduct Forms
  • GoE Privacy Policy Forms
  • These can be downloaded from GoE Trainer Downloads (see footnote below).
  • Ensure that people coming on your training have read the required reading list. All the courses assume a certain prior knowledge, so this is essential in keeping standards high.


Finding a Venue

Here is some useful information and tips for when you are looking for the perfect venue to host your GoE courses and workshops in.

Guest Needs

  • Do the photos of the venue help sell tickets for you, or will they put guests off?
  • Do the trip advisor ratings help sell tickets for you, or will they put guests off?
  • A venue in the middle of nowhere is going to be difficult for guests to get to
  • Consider train, road and air links for people and work out how long it takes them to get here
  • Most venues should accommodate disabled people (for example wheelchairs) but it's always a good idea to check that the venue is accessible
  • Are guests going to be trapped at the venue, or is there entertainment options (shops, bars, restaurants, landmarks, etc) for them to enjoy whilst they are there
  • Does the venue have a garden or outdoors space to relax and unwind during breaks
  • Most guests do not smoke these days but for those that do, they'll appreciate a smoking area that's not too far away from the facilities
  • Delegates really appreciate natural light (so avoid basements if you can), but...
  • If you're on the ground floor it can be highly annoying if people walk past or stare in the windows
  • Free WiFi internet for guests *should* be standard these days but it's worth checking

Venue Facilities

  • Ask about number of chairs in "theatre style" layout but...
  • Venues massively over estimate how many chairs a room can comfortably hold
  • Always make sure you've left space for exercises
  • Check that the we have the room overnight as well as during the day
  • Some venues might try and book an evening event
  • If this happens they'll need our stuff removed and then put back the next day
  • If you need the following, check that the venue has: Projector/laptop/PA system

 Venue Costs - "Delegate Rate" or "Pay Per Item"

  • Delegate Rate" is where you pay a price per guest to the hotel which includes tea/coffee/biscuits and venue hire.
  • "Pay Per Item" is where you pay for the room separately to the tea/coffee/biscuits.
  • It's normally best to "Pay Per Item", so you pay for the venue's facilities (room hire) in one payment rather than opting for a "delegate rate"
  • That way, once you reach a certain number of people coming you're in profit
  • When you pay the "delegate rate" there is much less profit to be made on larger numbers coming
  • Delegate rate gets expensive over an event lasting multiple days

Guest Refreshments

  • The GoE traditionally pays the venue for two servings of tea/coffee/biscuits per day, one in the morning (approx 11am) and one in the afternoon (approx 3pm)
  • It's important to find out during negotiations how much it is "per head" or "per cup" and then negotiate this down
  • Tea & Coffee is a good earner for hotels as it's highly profitable for them and most event organisers probably don't argue whilst in the negotiation phase

Hotel Rooms For Guests

  • Ask what price our guests would pay
  • Ask "how much is this discounted against normal prices"
  • Always negotiate as hard for your guests as you do for your own costs securing the venue. Guests really appreciate it.
  • Ask whether we book them in ourselves, or pass them over to the venue for booking in
  • Ask if there is a special code our guests give to get the discount
  • Make sure you never "guarantee number of guest rooms" as you'll be liable for paying for empty rooms

Deposit, Payment Terms and Negotiation

  • Before negotiating on price ask the venue to hold the dates for you "in pencil" for a number of weeks or months
  • Holding the dates is non-committal on you and gives you time to advertise those dates and get in an income to pay for deposit
  • Your bargaining power is greatest before signing contract and nil once you sign the contract
  • Ask about the deposit to secure the dates you would like, and when the balance would be due
  • Ask about their cancellation policy in case something goes wrong, presenter is unable to make it, dates need to be changed, etc
  • No matter what the venue says their cancellation, deposit, tea/coffee/biscuits, guest room, etc, policy is - it's *all* negotiable
  • An event coming to the venue brings in lots of revenue that you won't see, like guests spending at the bar, eating in the restaurants, liking it so much they think about coming back, etc.
  • Plus you can make it clear that we'll looking for a long term relationship with venues in the area just like theirs. If they don't see you as a one-hit-wonder (like a wedding) then your bargaining power increases.
  • Never underestimate your value to the venue and make it clear you're prepared to walk away if they don't show willingness to negotiate
  • If you have at least two venues then you can play them off against one another

During Your Event

In addition to the following points, the key to a great training is high level energy. Keep your trainees happy, positive and focused by raising their energy levels. If you feel the energy is dipping, get them up, move them about, do a fun exercise..or even take a break and have a cuppa!

Remember to:

  • Give each student their own copy of the GoE course manual.
  • Follow the trainer’s notes for the course.
  • Ask your students to sign a GoE Privacy Policy document stating that they are happy for their details to be passed on to the GoE, the certification body. This is a requirement necessary to comply with GDPR regulations.
  • Ensure that all the key skills are met by your trainees who seek to be GoE Professional Members.
  • You should only sign a Professional Member certificate and attach a GoE certificate seal if you believe the student has fully met the minimum standards required for certification and you are happy for them to be recommended to members of the public. If they haven’t then you may offer them either further training, or ask them to access GoE Standard Membership which is for non-professionals.
  • Ensure that all your course graduates who are receiving Professional Membership understand and sign a copy of the Code of Conduct governing ethical practice and licensing agreement. Form available in GoE Trainer Downloads[10].
  • Take a group photo (high quality if possible) of your successful course graduates holding up their certificates. Make sure everyone’s face is visible, and that the photograph is taken with the camera facing away from a window/strong light source. Preferably we’d like you in the photo, but if no one else is available to take the picture, it’s still wonderful to see your energist graduates.


  • Please talk about the GoE, who we are, what we are about, the benefits ( they’ll get from their membership, the wonderful annual GoE Energy Conference (, and add them to the GoE Member Only Group on Facebook (

After Your Event

Collect Feedback and Keep In Touch With Your Participants

  • Talk about your training with anyone and everyone. Ask the students to do the same, ask them write reviews on Facebook or for your website, video their feedback, talk to them about what they really liked about the course. Tell them what other trainings they can do to continue the experience.
  • This is your chance to get material for future marketing, to recruit for future trainings, to show the world how great the training was and get feedback to make it even better next time.
  • Contact your trainees and thank them for coming. Offer them a discounted price for retaking the training with you in the future or for taking a next-level or advanced energy course such as Modern Stress Management or EMO Master Practitioner.
  • Consider writing a newsletter each month that goes out to your entire email mailing list, promoting upcoming trainings, events, workshops and any special offers you have.

Email The GoE New Membership Details

Email Zoe Hobden (GoE Global Member Support Manager) with:

  • Your list of GoE Professional Members and GoE Standard Members. see: How To Submit New Members
  • Signed GoE Professional Code of Conduct Forms
  • Signed GoE Privacy Policy Forms

Social Media Jobs

  • Post the graduate’s certificate group photo to your Facebook Professional Page (see diagram below), listing the names of the graduates (tagging them when possible) and then share it to:
  1. GoE Member Only Group (
  2. GoE Modern Energy Discussion Group (, if your training has been in Energy EFT
  3. RGS EFT Group[11], if your training has been in Energy EFT or Modern Energy Tapping


  • If you are friends with your trainees on Facebook then add them to the following groups using the “+ Add People To Group” box on the right side of the page:
  1. GoE Member Only Group (
  2. GoE Professional Only Group only if they’ve completed a Pro or Master Practitioner training (

Look Out For Potential New GoE Trainers

  • If any of your students possess the potential to be a great GoE Energist Trainer, then please do commend them to the GoE trainers course.

And Most Importantly...

Start organising and promoting your next GoE training!

Take what you’ve learned onboard from this training and immediately start on the next.

You’ll have more confidence, more skill and better presentation abilities every time you run a training, so keep going and remember to increase your goals for how many people you would like to attend the next one!



GoE Trainer’s License and IP

Licensing Of Proprietary GoE Intellectual Property

The GoE holds the rights to the intellectual property contained in our courses, trainings, manuals, patterns, techniques, logos, images and support material in any medium, including future media. This is unique intellectual property which cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

In order to continue and expand, GoE must receive licensing fees from trainings conducted and from the activities of licensed GoE Trainers.

  • GoE Certified Courses
  • Other activities - 10% rule applies

Our licensing fees are reasonable and of the essence to keep providing the services at the level GoE provides. It is also only just and fair that the license fees should be paid.

Any member who violates their GoE license will have their membership revoked and are also liable to provide compensation to the GoE for loss of earnings.

If you have any questions, are in doubt about anything relating to GoE licensing or materials, contact GoE. We are always happy to help and will do our best to accommodate your individual circumstances.

Licensing Fees For GoE Certified Courses

Licensing fees are included in the cost of manuals and seals for the core GoE courses.

Licensing Fees For Other Activities - The 10% Rule

For training activities which do not use the core courses, such as proprietary trainings, introduction courses and other types of courses without manuals, seals and membership, the 10% rule applies.

The 10% Rule states that if you are taking money for any type of training activity that is based on GoE intellectual property, 10% of the payment goes to GoE as the official licensing fee.

  • Example: 5 dollars for an intro evening received = 50 cents to GoE.
  • Example: 500 dollars received to train one person in an organisation = 50 dollars to GoE.
  • Example: 5,000.00 dollars received for a company staff training = 500 dollars to GoE.

GoE Trainer License

Definitions & Terminology

  • The Guild of Energists Ltd will be subsequently referred to as "The GoE". The GoE is a “not-for-profit” limited company registered in England and Wales with Companies House (#08146219).
  • The GoE Trainer will be referred to as “The Trainer” and is a person who has been awarded that level through The GoE trainer programme, and has an active GoE Professional Trainer level membership of The GoE.
  • GoE IP” refers to all GoE training manuals, trademarks, diagrams, logos and support materials which are the intellectual property of the Guild of Energists Ltd and made available under license to The GoE members. GoE IP includes all mediums (including printed, written and electronic) and refers to both the original language and also any subsequent translations into other languages.
  • GoE Course” refers to a course developed by The GoE where students must complete core skills to be awarded GoE Membership by The Trainer. Each GoE Certified Course includes a training manual that needs to be given to each GoE Student on the course. A GoE Course specifies the medium it may be taught over, which is generally either via live training at a venue, or online via Skype.
  • Other Activities” refers to a training, course, program, meeting or other event that uses GoE IP but isn’t an official GoE Course. These may include “custom stress programs”, “weight loss groups”, “healing circles”, etc.
  • GoE Manual” refers to the official The GoE training manual that accompanies each GoE Course.
  • Trainer Membership” refers to GoE Professional Trainer Level membership. To retain GoE Trainer Membership, a subscription fee is paid to The GoE each year in advance. It may expire if a renewal payment is not made, or if it is revoked for breaking a license agreement.
  • GoE Membership” or “Member” refers to a member of The GoE, which may either be a GoE Standard Member, GoE Professional Practitioner Member or a GoE Professional Trainer Member. To retain GoE Membership, a subscription fee is paid to The GoE each year in advance. It may expire if a renewal payment is not made, or if it is revoked for breaking a license agreement.
  • Student” refers to a person attending a GoE Certified Course for the first time, who on successful completion will be awarded GoE Membership by the Trainer at the appropriate level. A previous course graduate (ie person retaking the course) is not considered a Student.


The GoE Trainer licensing agreement is a contract between The Trainer and The GoE. It is subject to these booking conditions and shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.

1. The Trainer is licensed to use GoE IP whilst their Trainer Membership is active

  • The Trainer has a license to use GoE IP whilst their Trainer Membership is active. If the Trainer’s Membership expires or is revoked, The Trainer must cease all use of GoE IP and may not promote themselves as either a GoE Trainer or a GoE Member.


  • Do not use GoE training manuals, support materials, the GoE logo or any of the GoE proprietary licensed materials if you are not a Member of The GoE.
  • If your GoE Trainer Membership expires you must update your website/s, stationary and business cards to remove GoE IP.

2. The Trainer must respect GoE IP and adhere to copyright regulations

  • The Trainer must not photocopy, re-print, re-publish, copy, share, translate or otherwise replicate GoE IP, unless permission is specifically granted with each individual item of IP.
  • The Trainer must not "share" GoE IP in person, by mail, online, or electronically, in total or in part.


  • You may print out “Energy EFT on a Page” diagrams to hand out, as permission is specifically granted for that purpose.
  • You cannot photocopy a workshop manual, put a different name on it, or use any such copy for trainings of any kind, regardless whether you are receiving money or not.
  • You cannot forward GoE Course units or other GoE IP to your friends, or post them on public websites.

3. The GoE retains copyright of all translated GoE IP

  • All translations of GoE IP into different languages must be provided back to The GoE.
  • The GoE has a translator reward system for providing a translation for each GoE Course through the GoE Rosetta program.
  • The GoE asserts their right to the copyright on all translations of GoE IP

4. For each GoE Course, The Trainer must ensure that each Student is given the appropriate GoE Manual and awarded the appropriate GoE Membership on completion

  • The Trainer must pay the requisite licensing fee for each Student on each GoE Course regardless of whether they graduate.
  • Each GoE Course comes with GoE Membership for each Student who graduates.


  • You cannot have students in the class with second hand manuals or no manuals at all who "don't want a certificate". All students using the materials must pay the license fee.
  • You cannot offer Skype sessions, personal trainings and distance learning sessions "for information only" without paying the proper license fee pertaining to the training.

5. The Trainer must not hide, rebrand, republish or conceal The GoE copyright notices or branding on GoE IP

  • The Trainer may not falsely purport to be the creator, author or originator of GoE IP.
  • The Trainer must ensure that each person using GoE IP must be aware they are using GoE IP.


  • Do not remove GoE branding, logos, authors or copyright information from training manuals and republish them under your own company name, or another organisation's name.

6. The Trainer must not copy any GoE Manual in total, as well as in part.


  • You cannot "make up your own training" out of bits of GoE licensed materials to avoid paying licensing fees. You can however, create custom training programs of any length for individuals, companies and organisations with permission of GoE and adherence to the 10% rule.

7. For each GoE Course, each Student must have an official GoE Manual and receive GoE membership on completion

  • For the core courses, each participant must receive an official manual and standard GoE membership; for proprietary courses without membership, the 10% Rule applies.

8. For each GoE Course, The Trainer must ensure that each Student is of the minimum standard to start the course as specified in the GoE Course Prerequisites.

  • Each GoE Course often assumes a prior level of experience and understanding. The Trainer is responsible for ensuring that each Student has read the prerequisite books (if any), obtained the prerequisite qualifications (if any) and have the required prior experience (if any).

9. For each GoE Course, The Trainer must adhere to minimum or maximum pricing.

  • The Trainer must ensure that the price each Student pays to attend a GoE Course, after any discounts, falls within any minimum and maximum price stipulated by each GoE Course.
  • If the Trainer wishes to charge a fee outside this minimum or maximum price then this must be agreed with The GoE in advance.

10. For each GoE Course, The Trainer must adhere to minimum class sizes.

  • Some GoE Courses require that there should be a minimum number of participants before the event is allowed to run. The Trainer must adhere to these.

11. For each GoE Course, The Trainer must adhere to the required delivery method.

  • Some courses were written and designed to be taught by live training and/or Skype (Online Video).
  • The Trainer is responsible for checking these requirements.
  • In unusual circumstances, The Trainer may apply to The GoE for an exception.

12. Other Activities - The Trainer must adhere to the 10% Rule

  • If the Trainer wishes to use GoE IP (excluding GoE Manuals) in any other way than by offering a GoE Course, then they must adhere to the 10% Rule.
  • The 10% Rule states that if The Trainer takes money for any type of training activity that is based on GoE IP, 10% of the gross payment goes to The GoE as the official licensing fee.

GoE Trainer License FAQ

Q) What is in the letter sent to trainers in June 2017?


All trainers were sent a letter explaining a number of changes including:


  1. New added benefit of being a GoE Trainer which allows you to create custom events (ie: training, presentations, courses, etc) and products (ie: books, videos, audio books, etc) using GoE intellectual property (IP) such as images and diagrams. Until now, the only legal way to use GoE IP was to run GoE courses such as Energy EFT Foundation. Whilst this suits 99% of trainers, there are cases where a trainer might like to create something new - and now they can!
  2. Replacing the separate seal & manual charge with a ‘price per student’. Now that every GoE course comes with a manual and membership, it simplifies the system to have one price instead of two.
  3. Quantity discounts for the “price per student”, so you pay less depending on how many you (or a group of trainers working together) orders. By ordering more student packages at once, you’re saving yourself money on each one, postage, stress from not having enough for last minute signups - and also you’re saving us admin time.
  4. Given all trainers a ‘Course Summary’ matrix (that’s in the Trainer’s Guide) so you can see at a glance all the details for the courses.
  5. Clarifying basic copyright law about GoE IP and what’s ok
  6. Announced the availability of the new GoE Trainer’s Guide

Q) Is MSM Professional still available to be delivered as an online video (Skype) training?


Yes! Apologies for the typo in the ‘Course Summary’ table we emailed out. It’s amazing how much time was spent checking everything, and yet still that basic error was missed!


Q) Why is there a licensing charge for creating custom events and products?


For most trainers, it’s simply much easier to work with GoE courses which already include a license payment when you purchase your manuals.


As we’re adding a new benefit for trainers which allows them to create their own custom courses and products, we’ve created the 10% rule so that the GoE can keep operating.


As a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to promoting Modern Energy and our members, we need to receive an income if you’re using GoE copyrighted materials such as images and diagrams. If you’re purchasing course manuals, then you’re already paying to keep the organisation alive, but if you’d like to create your own custom courses using GoE IP then you’ll also need to contribute to the GoE’s income.


The reason why the GoE needs an income is that without it, the GoE simply would not continue to exist. On a material level everyone’s certificates immediately would become invalidated and your insurance company wouldn’t cover you, plus on the energy level without GoE practitioners and trainers thriving, the world would not benefit from our mission to support people up The SUE Scale.


Your payment to the GoE doesn’t just go towards our efforts to create the material in the first place - it also means we can promote your events, books, etc through our social media, website, newsletters and Energist magazine channels. In other words, you’ll get a lot of promotion for your money.


Q) What is the licensing charge for creating custom events and products?


For most trainers, it’s much easier to use a manual such as Energy EFT Foundation to be the cornerstone of your custom trainings. As such, you don’t need to use the 10% rule as each manual purchased already includes a licensing payment.


But, if you fancy building a custom event or product then the 10% rule applies and we’ve made this as simple as is possible for you and us to administer.


The 10% rule means that for every £1.00 GBP you take in income (not profit) for your custom training or product, you pass back £0.10 GBP back to the GoE.


  • Doing charity work? If you are volunteering your time for free and not receiving payment in any way (either financially or by exchange of goods or services), then you pay nothing back to the GoE.


With your 10% that means we can also help promote your custom events and products through our network of social media, websites, newsletters and magazine.


Q) Does this mean I can give away all GoE IP for free on Youtube, Websites or Social Media?


No. The charity discount implies you're volunteering some work for a charity and not being paid, either in money, goods or services. It has to be for the greater good rather than self-promotion, such as working with a charity helping children with PTSD, etc.


Q) Can I create a competing courses to what is already provided by the GoE?


No as that gets way too confusing for people looking for a course in Modern Energy. If you'd like clarification on a project idea of yours then please get in touch.


Q) How do I pay the licensing charge for custom events and products?


You can either pay us the 10% by bank transfer, PayPal or card payment, either before the event or shortly afterwards, then we’ll issue you a receipt which you can use as a tax deductible expense.


Yes there is an element of trust here we know the vast majority of trainers have a good heart and see the benefit of supporting the GoE so we can keep the system as simple as possible.


Q) How does the 10% licensing payment work in different currencies other than £GBP?


That’s the beauty of the 10% system - it applies to the currency your income is in, eg:


  • £100.00 GBP income = £90.00 GBP (Trainer) and £10.00 GBP (GoE)
  • $100.00 USD income = $90.00 USD (Trainer) and $10.00 USD (GoE)
  • €100.00 EUR income = €90.00 EUR (Trainer) and €10.00 EUR (GoE)


When you transfer the licensing fee to the GoE by PayPal (or most payment methods) then PayPal will automatically calculate the exchange rate into £GBP for us. If you need to do a manual calculation then you can simply Google this.


Q) For custom events or products, is the 10% payable on profit or income?


Remember for most trainers, it’s the best situation to use GoE courses such as Energy EFT Foundation and Energy EFT Master Practitioner to be the cornerstone of their activities. In such case, licensing fees are already included in your per student charge.


For the trainer who does want to create a custom event or product then the 10% rule applies to income rather than profit. This is because profit is highly dubious and it complicates the system to define what exactly is a before profit expense rather than a after profit expense.


Q) MSM Professionals who aren’t trainers


MSM Professionals who aren’t trainers are in an interesting position because they are technically practitioners, but we would very much like them to be able to design custom stress management programs for individuals and organisations.


To help facilitate this (it’s good for the world - we need custom stress programs!), we are also extending the ability to create custom events and products to all MSM Professionals (who are or aren’t trainers). This means they’ve now got three options:


  1. Photocopy the “Useful Forms” in the back of the MSM Professional manual for use with individuals and groups, without including them inside other course manuals, handouts, books, etc. Also it’s important to retain the copyright information when you print out each copy.
  2. Purchase MSM Foundation manuals to be the cornerstone of your custom stress programs. This is a great idea as they look great, are available in several languages, easy to translate into new languages, include GoE membership (if it’s appropriate) and are outside the 10% rule because the GoE receives an income for each one sold.
  3. Create their own stress management presentations, manuals, handouts, books, videos, audio books, etc. They can now do this using the 10% rule so the GoE receives an income from them.


Q) Can practitioners use the 10% rule?


Excluding MSM Professionals (see above) practitioners do not have the option to create custom events and products.


This means that the GoE is not seeking 10% of their income for their practitioner work.


Q) I have already purchased manuals and/or certification seals


Because manuals and seals used to be available separately under the old system, trainers may have an imbalance of each to trainer and certify a student.


To help correct this, we’ll still supply manuals and seals individually until 31st Dec 2017 to help you get these in balance.


Q) My published book contains GoE IP


If we’ve already given you permission in writing to include GoE IP (eg: a diagram) in your book then we’re not going to retrospectively seek a licensing payment.


For future titles (published after 1st July 2017) it makes sense to have a chat with us about exactly how much of your book contains GoE IP and we can come to an arrangement.


Q) My question isn’t answered here


Please contact the GoE.



Running Successful GoE Trainings

GoE Course Prerequisites

So that you certify people to the required standard it’s really important that attendees have:

  • Read the prerequisite books, if any
  • Completed prerequisite courses, if any

As the trainer, take pride in the material you teach and ensure that the standards required to pass the training are met. If someone on your training hasn’t met the prerequisites then they may be offered GoE Standard Membership, along with additional training if required.

Availability of Required Reading Books


Energy EFT by Silvia Hartmann

English (DragonRising Publishing)
German (VAK)
Czech (ANAG)

Turkish (Pegasus) 

EMO by Silvia Hartmann

English (DragonRising Publishing)

German (VAK)

Positive EFT by Silvia Hartmann

English (DragonRising Publishing)
German (VAK)

The Trillion Dollar Stress Solution by Silvia Hartmann

English (DragonRising Publishing)[12]


What To Do If Prerequisite Books Are Not Available

If you are teaching a group and the prerequisite books are not available in their native language then please give yourself an extra day before the course starts to teach them the prerequisite material.

Information for Trainers Wishing to Translate Books

If a book isn’t available in your language then please contact publishers in your country to see if they will publish it for us.

You may offer trainees your own personal notes but you will need to also provide them with a copy of the original English book. This serves a dual purpose of making sure that people have access to the original material, whilst also ensuring that the author receives a royalty payment.

GoE Course Minimum Pricing

For some courses, we ask trainers to not sell tickets to their events below a certain price.


  • The amount the student pays to attend the training must be greater than the minimum price.
  • If you need an exception made to minimum pricing, then please contact the office.
  • There is currently no maximum price you can charge.
  • Trainers are currently in discussion about increasing minimum pricing so if you have an opinion then please contact the office.
  • Minimum pricing does not apply to people wishing to retake a training that they’ve already been certified in.

GoE Certification Procedure

Everyone attending your GoE training will need to be awarded with either GoE Standard Membership or GoE Professional Membership. Our Membership is full of benefits[13], discounts and bonus material so really sell this as part of your training and their energy journey.

As the trainer, it is your responsibility to decide which type of membership your trainee should be offered. The key differences are:

GoE Professional Practitioner Membership

  • Certificate: Depending on the course you would issue a Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner, Professional or Master Practitioner level certificate with a GoE certificate seal attached.
  • Purpose: For professional energists seeking to work with paying clients or in a charitable capacity.
  • Requirements: They must have met the required standards for the course they GoE attended. You must only certify people you believe will make good Professional Members and who will represent the GoE with integrity. They must also sign and agree to adhere to our Code-of-Conduct.
  • The cost of the students first year’s membership is included in the price the trainer pays to the GoE for certification and manual.
  • Price at renewal is currently £60.00.

GoE Standard Membership

  • Certificate: You would issue an attendance certificate only but don’t attach a GoE certificate seal.
  • Purpose: For interested laymen, GoE students and people that do not meet the required standards after taking a GoE professional level training.
  • Requirements: Anyone may become a standard member. Standard Members are not included on our public registers, do not need to adhere to the code-of-conduct and do not have to have received any training.
  • The cost of the students first year’s membership is included in the price the trainer pays to the GoE for certification and manual.
  • Price at renewal is currently £30.00.

Printing Out Certificates

  1. Download certificate templates and the GoE Code-of-Conduct agreement from the Trainer Files[14] section of the website
  2. Print these out in advance of your training on good quality certificate paper which includes a pre-printed border[15]
  3. Attach a GoE certificate seal if this is a professional level course
  4. Hand out to course graduates in a certification ceremony at the end of the course
  5. Remember to take photos of the certification therapy for publishing in the magazine and on social media

How to Submit New Members

As soon after your training as possible, please email over details of your new GoE Standard Members and GoE Professional Members. To set-up their membership profile we need the following information:

  • Typed within the body of the email (so we can copy & paste):
  1. Title, First Name, Surname
  2. Email Address
  3. Postal Address
  4. Phone Number (optional)
  5. Website Link (optional)
  • As an attachment to the email:
  1. Scan of their signed Code of Conduct contract (GoE Professional Member Only). Please send as separate files, one per person.
  2. Scan of their signed Privacy Policy. Please send as separate files, one per person.
  3. Profile Images (optional, JPG file format)

Please note that we need to be able to “copy and paste” details into our database to reduce the chance of setting up someone incorrectly. For this reason, please type member details into the body of an email rather than submitting handwritten notes.

The sooner you get this information to us, the quicker we can get them active on the system and ultimately the more likely they are to complete their online profile, upload their image and to also join the GoE Member group.

GoE Certificate Seals

To validate your Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner, Professional or Master Practitioner certificates, you attach a GoE Certificate Seal. This is for trainees who qualify for GoE Professional Membership.

If your trainee is right for GoE Standard Membership then you’ll present them with an attendance certificate. You do not need to attach a certificate seal to attendance certificates.

Certificate seals are shipped to you once you order your trainer supplies, so please allow plenty of time for postage.

GoE Training Manuals - Summary

Each GoE training has an associated printed training manual, which is essential for students to learn from both during the training and afterwards as a reference guide. These are fantastic for trainers too as they are professional looking and provide a logical structure to your events. If you’re new to teaching then you know you’ll keep on track and run to time.

  • GoE training manuals are usually included in the per student fee you pay to the GoE for licensing.

GoE Training Manuals - How (And When) to Order

Please order at least the required amount of manuals with plenty of time and also consider stocking manuals for your next few events coming up. If you have extra last-minute bookings then everyone gets a manual. This also saves you money in the long run as per-item postage charges will be less and you also may qualify for quantity discounts.

Don’t stress yourself out and increase your costs by leaving it to the last minute. We recommend three weeks prior to your event is the least amount of time you should allocate, to ensure that everything arrives in time and in good condition.

  • Manuals can sometimes be delayed clearing customs

International Network of Printers

By utilising our international network of printers we are able to decrease storage costs, shipping costs, shipping time, customs fees and most importantly our carbon footprint by reducing air miles.

We currently have arrangements for printers in the following countries:

  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • Australia
  • Singapore
  • India - See below
  • Egypt - See below
  • Turkey - See below

Once you’ve placed your order with us for manuals (phone or email), we’ll instruct the nearest printer to produce, package and ship your manuals to you. By default, we ask our printers to ship by the most cost-effective method so if you wish to pay extra for a faster service then let us know when you place your order. Depending on where you are in the world, this will normally take between one and three weeks.

Shipping Direct to Students or Venue

We are happy to print and ship manuals direct to your students, which is useful if you are offering GoE training via Skype or wish students to read up on the material before they come to your training.

We are also happy to print and ship manuals direct to the venue you are running your training at. Please provide a named contact and phone number at the venue for the courier (if applicable).

Standard Delivery

We charge trainers the price that the printers charge us for their most cost-effective delivery service. Please allow up to three weeks for delivery.

Expedited Delivery

We hope that you carry enough manuals in stock to ensure that you can accommodate last minute signups to your events, but if you do need manuals rushed quicker to you than the normal three weeks we recommend then this is sometimes possible. We do not like keeping manuals in stock ourselves, but our printers can sometimes print faster depending on their existing workload. As rushed orders are significantly more work for the office to process we will charge a 20% surcharge on your manuals plus whatever additional costs our printers charge us for using a more expensive courier.

Ordering DragonRising Books - 50% Discount for Trainers

When you order your manuals, do consider also ordering books and other merchandise from DragonRising Publishing. We use the same network of printers.

As a trainer, you are entitled to a 50% discount on all paperbacks that you order in quantities of three and up.



GoE Training Manuals - Finding New Printers To Work With The GoE

If you regularly run events in countries a reasonable distance away from our existing print centres (United Kingdom, United States, Australia and Singapore) then we be interested to work with new companies to reduce postage charges and air miles.

Our requirements are:

  • Capable of printing short run orders
  • Needs to have a customer services representative who speaks English and responds in a timely manner to communications by email
  • Needs to accept payment by card online or via PayPal
  • Good quality printing
  • Economically sensible print charges
  • Can print from industry standard Adobe PDF files

We may also be able to have trainers order direct from these local printers, as long as that printer confirms the order with the GoE before commencing printing so we can check a trainers license and also raise an invoice.

  • If you pay the printers direct (not through the GoE) then we’ll deduct £10.00 GBP per student from your GoE licensing charge to cover your printing costs.

GoE Training Manuals - Turkish Printer

Ordering Manuals Within Turkey

After years of expensive shipping costs from the UK and manuals going missing in the post, we have finally established good links with a printer in Turkey. This not only decreases your shipping costs and shipping time, but also means you can phone up the printer if you have any concerns.

  • You pay the Turkish printer direct for manuals
  • You pay us the normal GoE price per student fee minus £10.00 GBP per student

Procedure for ordering Manuals from Turkish printer

To see which manuals are already available for ordering in Turkey see:

Should you wish to order manuals for print within Turkey please use the following procedure:

  • Email the GoE ( and let us know that you wish to place an order with the Turkish printers
  • We will then raise an order for the royalties on these manual
  • You should then contact the Turkish Printers (details below) to place the order directly with them. You are responsible for payment of the manuals being printed, plus any additional delivery costs.
  • The printer will email the GoE to gain authorisation to print the manuals
  • Providing the royalties have been paid we will authorise the printing
  • Collect the manuals directly from the Printers, or await for delivery.

Printers details are:

Utkan (
Veri Giriş Operatörü
Şahin Ozalit ve Büro Gereçleri Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Tel: 0212 274 74 11 | website:
Lati Lokum Sokak No:9/A Şişli - İstanbul

Note: Should you wish for the manuals to be printed within the UK we can still offer this option and courier them to you.

For any English Language Manuals, these will need to be sent to you from the UK.

GoE Training Manuals - India Printer

We have now established good links with a printers in India, so that manuals can now printed within India and reduce the costs of shipping.

  • You pay the Indian printer direct for manuals
  • You pay us the normal GoE price per student fee minus £10.00 GBP per student

For further details or should you wish you wish to place an order for printing in this country, please contact your Global Member Support Manager Zoe Hobden.

GoE Training Manuals - Egypt Printer

We have now established good links with a printers in Egypt, so that manuals can now printed within the country and reduce the costs of shipping.

  • You pay the Egyptian printer direct for manuals
  • You pay us the normal GoE price per student fee minus £10.00 GBP per student

For further details or should you wish you wish to place an order for printing in this country, please contact your Global Member Support Manager Zoe Hobden.

GoE Training Manuals - Providing Translations

GoE is an international organisation with members in over sixty countries. We are keen to make it easy and accessible for our trainers to operate in their own languages, whilst also upholding GoE copyright and quality control.

We do already hold a number of translations but if a manual is not available in the language you need then the GoE has developed our own GoE Rosetta software for managing translations provided by trainers.

In return for providing a translation for your GoE courses, you will be listed as the translator on the manuals, receive a number of complimentary copies and also a number of annual membership subscriptions for your students. For example:

  1. One Day Course eg Modern Energy Tapping Foundation: 3 x Manuals including annual standard member subscriptions
  2. Two Day Course eg Modern Stress Management Professional: 6 x Manuals including annual standard member subscriptions
  3. Three Day Course eg Modern Energy Tapping Professional: 9 x Manuals including annual professional membership subscriptions

Translate On Your Own, Or As Part Of A Team

As an alternative to doing the translation by yourself, you could offer to lead a community translation effort where a team of energists gets together to work on the translation file at the same time.

We would facilitate this by uploading the Rosetta Translation text file to Google Docs[16]. This is Google’s online word processor which allows you to see what part of the document has yet to be translated, whilst also offering collaborative tools such as commenting and reviewing. It is a great tool for many people working on the same document without worrying about duplicating your work.

  • Note: Collaborators to a translation will have to decide between themselves how the GoE manuals in lieu of payment will be shared out.

How To Get Started

If you would like to provide a translation, or start a community translation effort then the procedure is:

  1. Contact us with your live training dates and let us know you would like to provide a translation. We’ll confirm whether or not to go ahead. For example, if another trainer has already begun the translation then we might encourage you to work together. We will also advise you whether we will be able to meet having manuals published and shipped by your training dates.
  2. We'll generate the Rosetta Translation file which is a simple text document with the English original paragraph on one line, then the next line should be the translation. We will also provide links to any existing translations in your language. It is important that you read existing translations so you use existing GoE terminology for consistency. For example, “Modern Energy Tapping” should be always translated the same, no matter which document it appears on. For editing this text file you’ll use:
  1. If it is just yourself working on the translation, then a simple text editor is all you need. You can also use your email software.
  2. When the translation is a group effort by multiple collaborators then we use Google Docs, which is a cloud based word processor where everyone can see what everyone else is doing in real-time. This means that when you update the translation file, everyone else can instantly see what you’ve written/
  1. Once we get the completed translation file back from you, we'll run the manual through the GoE translation software, output a test PDF file for the new manual for you to check. This test file will not be suitable for printing, but will show you how the text will be laid out.
  2. Once you approve the test file then we'll setup the manual for ordering through our international printer network so we can print and ship either from the UK, Australia or United States. This could take a few weeks so always leave plenty of time.



GoE Rosetta Project


In the 1990s, the GoE helped Classic EFT become truly international by publishing tapping protocols in many languages.


In 2015, the GoE developed their own software called the GoE Rosetta Tool for translating documents, images, diagrams and course manuals into multiple languages.


This is very exciting! See:



GoE Charity Rates

If you are organising a GoE training and volunteering your time and expertise without receiving payment (or for a very low payment), then we’ll do what we can to assist with lowered fees.

Decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis, so please do contact the GoE early.



GoE Course Summary




Membership /
Units /



Cost per Student[19] /

Minimum / Recommended Pricing

Languages Available

Course Page

Modern Stress Management Foundation


1Y Standard /
4 units /
Live, DL or Online



£20.00 to £35.00 /

None /

English, Arabic, German, Portuguese, Russian & Turkish

Modern Energy Tapping Foundation

 (MET F)

--- aka ---

Energy EFT Foundation


1Y Standard /
4 units /

Live, DL or Online



£20.00 to £35.00 /

 None /

English, Arabic, Dutch, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish & Turkish

Modern Energy Healing - Hands of Power


1Y Standard /
8 units /

Live Only


None for self-help

--- OR ---

MET Pro or EEFT MP to be a professional

£25.00 to £40.00 /

£250.00 /

English, Russian & Turkish

Energy in Motion Master Practitioner


1Y Pro /

12 units /

Live Only

EMO by Silvia Hartmann


£40.00 to £55.00 /

per four units /

English, Arabic & Turkish

Modern Energy Tapping Professional

(MET Pro)

1Y Pro /

12 units /

Live, DL or Online

Energy EFT
by Silvia Hartmann

--- OR ---

Modern Energy Tapping by Silvia Hartmann


--- OR ---


£40.00 to £55.00 /

per four units /


Energy EFT Master Practitioner


1Y Pro /

12 units /

Live, DL or Online

Energy EFT by Silvia Hartmann


--- OR ---


£40.00 to £55.00 /

per four units /

English, German, Portuguese & Turkish

Modern Stress Management Professional

(MSM Pro)

1Y Pro /
8 units /
Live or DL

The Trillion Dollar Stress Solution by Silvia Hartmann


--- OR ---


£40.00 to £55.00 /

£400.00 /

English & Turkish

Modern Energy Coach


1Y Pro /
4 units /

Live, DL or Online



--- OR ---


MSM F or MSM Pro

£40.00 to £55.00 /

£400.00 /


English & Turkish

Modern Energy Dating


1Y Standard /

4 units /

Coaching, Live, DL, Online

The Energy of Attraction by Alex Kent


£25.00 to £40.00 /

£250.00 /


SuperMind Master


1Y Pro /
12 units /
Live, DL or Online

Infinite Creativity by Silvia Hartmann

MET F or

MET Pro or




Project Sanctuary Master

£950.00 /


GoE Courses in Detail

GoE Modern Stress Management Foundation - MSM F


Course Page


GoE Modern Stress Management Foundation Attendance Certificate


English, Arabic, German, Portuguese, Russian & Turkish


  • 4 Units
  • Can be taught by:
  • Live training
  • Online via video conferencing
  • GoE distance learning

Who Can Teach

Any current GoE professional member who has completed GoE MSM Professional


None. However we advise students read “Trillion Dollar Stress Solution” by Silvia Hartmann where available.

Recommended Next Step

GoE Modern Energy Tapping Foundation or

GoE Energy EFT Foundation or

GoE Energy in Motion Master Practitioner

Cost per Student

  •   1+ £35.00 per person + postage
  •   5+ £30.00 per person + postage
  • 15+ £25.00 per person + postage
  • 25+ £20.00 per person + postage

Price Includes

Full-Colour Manual in your choice of language plus one year GoE Standard Membership (worth £30) including benefits and entitlements.


  • Minimum Pricing: None
  • Recommend Pricing: £150 GBP
  • Maximum Pricing: None

Trainer Resources

  • Trainer's Notes
  • Four Part Video Series by Silvia Hartmann
  • Certificate Template




GoE Modern Energy Tapping Foundation aka Energy EFT Foundation - MET F


Course Page



  • GoE Modern Energy Tapping Foundation Attendance Certificate
  • GoE Energy EFT Foundation Attendance Certificate


English, Arabic, Dutch, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish & Turkish


  • 4 Units
  • Can be taught by:
  • Live training
  • Online via video conferencing
  • GoE distance learning

Who Can Teach

Any current GoE member who has completed either:

  • GoE Modern Energy Tapping Professional
  • GoE Energy EFT Master Practitioner


None. However we advise students read “Energy EFT” by Silvia Hartmann where available.

Recommended Next Step


  • GoE Modern Energy Tapping Professional
  • GoE Energy EFT Master Practitioner

Cost per Student

  •   1+ £35.00 per person + postage
  •   5+ £30.00 per person + postage
  • 15+ £25.00 per person + postage
  • 25+ £20.00 per person + postage

Price Includes

Full-Colour Manual in your choice of language plus one year GoE Standard Membership (worth £30) including benefits and entitlements.


  • Minimum Pricing: None
  • Recommend Pricing: £150 GBP
  • Maximum Pricing: None

Trainer Resources

  • Trainer's Notes
  • Four Part Video Series by Silvia Hartmann
  • Certificate Template
  • Basic Tapping Slide Show
  • Ready-to-print Flyers

GoE Modern Energy Healing - HOP


Course Page


GoE Modern Energy Healer


English, Russian, Turkish


  • 8 Units
  • Can be taught by live training only

Who Can Teach

Any current GoE trainer who has completed this course.


Anyone may take this course for self-help, but to be listed as a professional then you must also have taken either:


  • GoE Modern Energy Tapping Professional
  • GoE Energy EFT Master Practitioner

Recommended Next Step

  • GoE Modern Stress Management Professional
  • GoE Modern Energy Healer
  • GoE Modern Energy Trainer

Cost per Student

  •   1+ £40.00 per person + postage
  •   5+ £35.00 per person + postage
  • 15+ £30.00 per person + postage
  • 25+ £25.00 per person + postage

Price Includes

Full-Colour Manual in your choice of language plus one year GoE Professional Membership (worth £60) including benefits and entitlements.


  • Minimum Pricing: £200 GBP
  • Recommend Pricing: £297 GBP
  • Maximum Pricing: None

Trainer Resources

  • Eight Part Video Series by Silvia Hartmann
  • Certificate Template
  • Facebook videos to share



GoE Energy Healing for Animals - EHA


Course Page


GoE Animal Energy Healer




  • 8 Units
  • Can be taught by GoE distance learning only

Who Can Teach

GoE Distance Learning Tutor Barbara Saph


To help students communicate via email with their tutor we require them to be able to read and write in English to a good standard.

Recommended Next Steps

  • GoE Modern Stress Management Foundation
  • GoE Modern Energy Tapping Foundation

Cost per Student


Price Includes




Trainer Resources






GoE Energy in Motion Master Practitioner - EMO MP


Course Page


GoE Energy in Motion Master Practitioner


English, Arabic, Turkish


  • 12 Units
  • Can be taught by live training only

Who Can Teach

Any current GoE trainer who has completed EMO Master Practitioner


  • “EMO” book by Silvia Hartmann (if title is available in the language you are teaching the course in)

Recommended Next Step

  • GoE Modern Energy Trainer

Cost per Student

  •   1+ £55.00 per person + postage
  •   5+ £50.00 per person + postage
  • 15+ £45.00 per person + postage
  • 25+ £40.00 per person + postage

Price Includes

Comprehensive manual in your choice of language plus one year GoE Professional Membership (worth £60) or two years GoE Standard Membership (worth £60), including all benefits and entitlements.


  • Minimum Pricing: £133 GBP per four units (£399 GBP)
  • Recommend Pricing: £447 GBP
  • Maximum Pricing: None

Trainer Resources

  • EMO Master Practitioner Trainer’s Manual
  • Certificate Template



GoE Modern Energy Tapping Professional - MET Pro


Course Page



GoE Modern Energy Tapping Professional




  • 12 Units
  • Can be taught by:
  • Live training
  • Online via video conferencing
  • GoE distance learning

Who Can Teach

Any current GoE trainer who has completed this course may teach it from 18th June 2018.

How To Teach

If you weren’t able to attend the pre-release MET Pro with Silvia Hartmann in Nov 2017 and would like to teach the MET Pro before the official launch on the 18th June 2018, please do join us at the Trainer’s Training in Eastbourne, 11-17th June 2018. As soon as you’ve booked you may schedule your events. There is an 80% discount for existing trainers.


  • GoE Energy EFT Foundation Course or GoE Modern Energy Tapping Foundation Course
  • “Modern Energy Tapping” or “Energy EFT” book by Silvia Hartmann (if titles are available in the language you are teaching the course in[21])

Recommended Next Steps

  • GoE Modern Stress Management Professional
  • GoE Modern Energy Coach
  • GoE Modern Energy Healer
  • GoE Modern Energy Trainer

Cost per Student

  •   1+ £55.00 per person + postage
  •   5+ £50.00 per person + postage
  • 15+ £45.00 per person + postage
  • 25+ £40.00 per person + postage

Price Includes

Comprehensive full-colour manual in your choice of language plus one year GoE Professional Membership (worth £60) or two years GoE Standard Membership (worth £60), including all benefits and entitlements.


  • Minimum Pricing: £133 GBP per four units (£399 GBP)
  • Recommend Pricing: £447 GBP
  • Maximum Pricing: None


Upgrade Pricing For Energy EFT Master Practitioners

Until 1st June 2019, an existing Energy EFT MP student who upgrades to the new MET Pro course may receive a 50% reduction on both the minimum pricing (£199.50 after discount) and recommended pricing (£223.50 after discount).

In your advertising, please explain to people upgrading that this isn’t a “retake” or a “refresher” - but a 100% completely new course written by Silvia Hartmann in 2018 which reflects all we’ve learned about Modern Energy since the original course first debuted in 2012.

Trainer Resources

  • 12 part video series by Silvia Hartmann (coming soon)
  • Certificate Template

GoE Energy EFT Master Practitioner - EEFT MP


Course Page


GoE Energy EFT Master Practitioner


English, German, Portuguese, Turkish


  • 12 Units
  • Can be taught by:
  • Live training
  • Online via video conferencing
  • GoE distance learning

Who Can Teach

Any current GoE trainer who has completed this course, however we recommend trainers start teaching the 2018 course Modern Energy Tapping Professional.


  • GoE Energy EFT Foundation Course or GoE Modern Energy Tapping Foundation Course
  • “Energy EFT” book by Silvia Hartmann (if title is available in the language you are teaching the course in[22])

Recommended Next Steps

  • GoE Modern Stress Management Professional
  • GoE Modern Energy Healer
  • GoE Modern Energy Trainer

Cost per Student

  •   1+ £55.00 per person + postage
  •   5+ £50.00 per person + postage
  • 15+ £45.00 per person + postage
  • 25+ £40.00 per person + postage

Price Includes

Comprehensive manual in your choice of language plus one year GoE Professional Membership (worth £60) or two years GoE Standard Membership (worth £60), including all benefits and entitlements.


  • Minimum Pricing: £133 GBP per four units (£399 GBP)
  • Recommend Pricing: £447 GBP
  • Maximum Pricing: None

Trainer Resources

  • Energy EFT Master Practitioner Trainer’s Manual
  • Certificate Template
  • Slide Show (English Only)


GoE Modern Stress Management Professional - MSM Pro


Course Page


GoE Modern Stress Management Professional


English & Turkish


  • 8 Units
  • Can be taught by:
  • Live training
  • Online via video conferencing
  • GoE distance learning

Who Can Teach

Any current GoE trainer who has completed the live version of this course may then teach it.


  • GoE Modern Energy Tapping Professional or GoE Energy EFT Master Practitioner
  • “Trillion Dollar Stress Solution” by Silvia Hartmann where available

Recommended Next Steps

  • GoE EMO Master Practitioner
  • GoE Modern Energy Coach
  • GoE Modern Energy Healer
  • GoE Modern Energy Trainer

Cost per Student

  •   1+ £55.00 per person + postage
  •   5+ £50.00 per person + postage
  • 15+ £45.00 per person + postage
  • 25+ £40.00 per person + postage

Price Includes

Comprehensive manual in your choice of language plus one year GoE Professional Membership (worth £60) or two years GoE Standard Membership (worth £60), including all benefits and entitlements.


  • Minimum Pricing: £400 GBP
  • Recommend Pricing: £447 GBP
  • Maximum Pricing: None

Trainer Resources

  • Certificate Template
  • Slide Show (English Only)
  • Useful Forms & Documents


GoE Modern Energy Coach - MEC


Course Page


GoE Modern Energy Coach


English & Turkish


  • 4 Units
  • Can be taught by:
  • Live training
  • Online via video conferencing
  • GoE distance learning

Who Can Teach

Any current GoE trainer who has completed this course.


See pathway diagram.

Recommended Next Step

  • GoE Modern Stress Management Professional
  • GoE Modern Energy Healer
  • GoE Modern Energy Trainer

Cost per Student

  •   1+ £55.00 per person + postage
  •   5+ £50.00 per person + postage
  • 15+ £45.00 per person + postage
  • 25+ £40.00 per person + postage

Price Includes

Full-Colour Manual in your choice of language plus one year GoE Professional Membership (worth £60) including benefits and entitlements.


  • Minimum Pricing: £400 GBP
  • Recommend Pricing: £447 GBP
  • Maximum Pricing: None

Trainer Resources

  • Four Part Video Series by Silvia Hartmann
  • Certificate Template




GoE Modern Energy Dating Coach - MEDC


Course Page


GoE Modern Energy Dating Coach




Live, Email, Skype, Coaching

Who Can Teach

Any current GoE trainer who has completed this course.


See pathway diagram.

Recommended Next Step

  • GoE Modern Stress Management Professional
  • GoE Modern Energy Healer
  • GoE Modern Energy Trainer

Cost per Student

  • 1+ £40.00 per person + postage
  • 5+ £35.00 per person + postage
  • 10+ £30.00 per person + postage
  • 25+ £25.00 per person + postage

Price Includes

Full-Colour Manual in your choice of language plus one year GoE Standard Membership (worth £30) including benefits and entitlements.


  • Minimum Pricing: £250 GBP
  • Recommend Pricing: £297 GBP
  • Maximum Pricing: None

Trainer Resources

  • Certificate Template


GoE SuperMind Master - SuperMind


Course Page


GoE SuperMind Master




  • 12 Units
  • Can be taught by:
  • Live training
  • Online
  • GoE distance learning

Who Can Teach

Any current GoE trainer who has completed this course.


  • GoE Modern Energy Tapping Foundation or GoE Modern Energy Tapping Professional or GoE Energy EFT Foundation or Energy EFT Master Practitioner or Energy in Motion Master Practitioner or Project Sanctuary Master
  • “Infinite Creativity” by Silvia Hartmann where available

Recommended Next Steps

  • GoE EMO Master Practitioner
  • GoE Modern Energy Trainer

Cost per Student

  •   1+ £100.00 per person + postage
  •   5+ £95.00 per person + postage
  • 15+ £90.00 per person + postage
  • 25+ £85.00 per person + postage

Price Includes

Comprehensive manual in your choice of language plus one year GoE Professional Membership (worth £60) or two years GoE Standard Membership (worth £60), including all benefits and entitlements.


  • Minimum Pricing: £950 GBP
  • Recommend Pricing: £997 GBP
  • Maximum Pricing: None

Trainer Resources

  • Certificate Template




GoE Modern Energy Trainer - Trainer

We ask GoE trainers to keep an eye out for outstanding students who have the potential to become excellent trainers themselves.

For every student who does signup and become a GoE trainer, we’ll pay the recommending trainer a £500 affiliate fee.


Course Page


GoE Modern Energy Trainer plus additional certificates for courses you’ll become certified to teach:

  • Modern Energy Tapping Foundation
  • Modern Energy Tapping Professional
  • Modern Stress Management Foundation
  • Modern Stress Management Professional
  • Energy in Motion Master Practitioner
  • Modern Energy Coach
  • Modern Energy Dating Coach
  • SuperMind Master




  • 7 Days
  • 30 Units
  • Can be taught by live training only

Who Can Teach

Only Silvia Hartmann and Sandra Hillawi

Next Course Dates

  • 3rd to 9th June 2019, Eastbourne, UK
  • Summer 2020, Eastbourne, UK


Modern Energy Trainer assumes you’re already a proficient and experienced GoE Practitioner, and are looking to take your career to the next level.

You also must be able to read and write in English to a reasonable standard.

Price Includes

Comprehensive set of manuals for each of the courses included, one year GoE Trainer Membership, Modern Stress Management products and Saturday night celebration dinner.

Pricing (For booking before 31st Dec 2018)

  • New Trainers: £5,000 GBP (£1,000 GBP deposit secures place)
  • Trainer’s Retake Price: £1,000 GBP or £500 GBP if you’ve already been on the seven day Trainer Training already.

Pricing (For booking in 2019)

  • New Trainers: £5,500 GBP (£1,100 GBP deposit secures place)
  • Trainer’s Retake Price: £1,100 GBP or £550 GBP if you’ve already been on the seven day Trainer Training already.




GoE Trainer’s Course Overview

This is the schedule from the 2018 Trainer Training. The schedule for 2019 is subject to change.



FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

Modern Energy Tapping - How Do These New Courses Affect Me?

General Overview

In 2017/2018, Silvia Hartmann developed her technique Energy EFT (2011) into Modern Energy Tapping which has a predominant focus on future orientation, attaining high-energy states and attaining threshold shifts quicker and more predictably than what was possible before.

Alongside being a better set of techniques, there are also a number of other structural benefits for trainers and practitioners by embracing Modern Energy Tapping:

  • The new professional training is easier, safer and more fun to teach. This is particularly true if you’re just starting out as a trainer.
  • The new professional training manual has been designed for the GoE Rosetta Software, meaning that it’s much easier to translate into any language you work in. With the GoE active in over seventy countries this is becoming more important.
  • Both the foundation and professional training manuals are now printed in full-colour.
  • Practitioners will welcome the new treatment flow the professional course offers.
  • We no longer use the term ‘EFT’ meaning the new course can be taught in countries that are under the threat of litigation, like Germany and the UK.
  • MET Pros no longer need to attend MSM Pro before attending the Modern Energy Coach course.

Modern Energy Tapping will be available in the following formats:

  • Modern Energy Tapping Book which supersedes the book “Energy EFT”.
  • Modern Energy Tapping Foundation which supersedes Energy EFT Foundation.
  • Modern Energy Tapping Professional which supersedes Energy EFT Master Practitioner.

Modern Energy Tapping Foundation (MET F)

This course is mostly a rebranding of Energy EFT Foundation, therefore the two are equal in terms of which trainers can teach it and which students can go on to the more advanced Modern Energy Tapping Professional or Energy EFT Master Practitioner courses.

If you are trained to teach Energy EFT Foundation then you may now start teaching Modern Energy Tapping Foundation or Energy EFT Foundation.

You also have a choice of the two attendance certificates for you to issue.


Modern Energy Tapping Professional (MET Pro)

In Nov 2017, Silvia Hartmann invited GoE members to come preview the new MET Pro training in Eastbourne. It was a really powerful event, with about fifteen trainers in attendance who have already started setting dates for the official course launch on or after the 18th June 2018.

  • If you weren’t able to attend in Nov 2017 but would like to offer the course from the start date of 18th June 2018, then you’ll need to attend the GoE Energist Trainer 2018 course ( Existing trainers are offered an 80% discount on the course fees. As soon as you have booked you’ll be able to get your events into the calendar.

The focus of the Guild of Energists will now be on Modern Energy Tapping, however there is no requirement for any trainer to upgrade. Energy EFT Master Practitioner is still a fabulous course, even if we’ve learned a thing or two about attaining high energy states since the original course came out in 2012!

As an encouragement for all the 1,714 Energy EFT Master Practitioners (Feb 2018) to take the new training, we’re suggesting that a 50% discount on course fees be offered on events taking place up until 1st June 2019. To this effect, we have correspondingly reduced both our minimum and recommended pricing for MET Pro (see: Course Summary) for details.

Taken from Course Summary:

Until 1st June 2019, an existing Energy EFT MP student who upgrades to the new MET Pro course may receive a 50% reduction on both the minimum pricing (£199.50 after discount) and recommended pricing (£223.50 after discount).

In your advertising, please explain to people upgrading that this isn’t a “retake” or a “refresher” - but a 100% completely new course written by Silvia Hartmann in 2018 which reflects all we’ve learned about Modern Energy since the original course first debuted in 2012.

  • This 50% discount is only an option, Trainers are free to charge more and we will make potential clients aware that this is only being offered by participating MET Pro trainers only, and to please check with the individual trainer you are thinking of attending.

Why Change Name from AMT to GoE?

In November 2013, we announced that we would be transitioning over the coming three years from the name “The Association for Meridian & Energy Therapies” (The AMT) to “Guild of Energists” (GoE).

In 2011, Silvia Hartmann put the SUE Scale (-10 to +10) at the heart of the “Energy EFT Master Practitioner” course, which meant that for the first time we were measuring all emotions, instead of just negative emotions which we used to do on the old Classic EFT SUD Scale (-10 to 0).

This gives Energy EFT practitioners a much wider remit in terms of what services they can offer to members of the public, which in turn widens the remit of this organisation.

By placing our members extended activities on the SUE Scale, it became clear that therapy was only a part of what modern energy techniques can be used for.

As people’s natural energy states increase and they move up the SUE Scale, their requirements of a modern energy organisation and their trainer changes and evolves.

We have summarised this into these categories which is each suitable for different people at different stages of their lives:

  • Therapy
  • Self-help
  • Modern Stress Management
  • Inspiration
  • Creativity

What we also noticed was that the “general population” was on a bell-curve with the majority of people living their lives around the -4 to +2 range on the SUE Scale. Whilst these people were surviving day-to-day and probably not heading to see a therapist, this is a huge number of people that would benefit from GoE energy modalities.

  • Note: This is why the GoE Modern Stress Management course is so exciting and a step away from therapy. GoE MSM Professionals are being welcomed into all sorts of places and it’s an easy “foot in the door”.

Whilst we will begin transitioning our marketing materials, websites, certificate templates, manuals and images to the new name by November 2016, if you wish to keep your old AMT logos then that’s fine. We’ll still answer to the name “The AMT” for the foreseeable future and keep it as a trading name.

A few notes:

  • If you have AMT seals you may continue to use them or exchange them for GoE seals up till 1st November 2018.
  • If you or another member requires us to issue you with a new certificate then we can do that, but do charge a small admin fee.

Please do contact us if you have any questions.





Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCP)

The Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCP) in the UK, were originally founded in 1841 as “Association of Medical Officers of Asylums and Hospitals for the Insane”, then changed it to “Medico-Psychological Association” in 1865 and then again to “Royal College of Psychiatrists” in 1961.

GoE isn’t the first organisation to change their name!

Why Do Trainers Need To Be Able To Read & Write English?

GoE Trainers represent the Guild of Energists round the world so it’s important for them to stay up-to-date with policies & procedures.

By making the requirement that all trainers need to be able to read & write in the English language, we are ensuring that GoE head office can communicate effectively with GoE trainers and vice versa.

There is no requirement for GoE Practitioners to read or write English as their local trainer can be their GoE representative.

What Trainings May I Teach?

Your GoE Trainers License gives you the right to teach GoE trainings that you yourself have completed to either “Professional” or “Master Practitioner” level.

Who May I Teach & Certify?

The GoE asks trainers to use their own discretion when deciding whether a potential student is right for the course. We recommend that you only let "energy aware" people on practitioner level or above courses, which is why we ask for certain books to be read as a prerequisite.




Minimum Age To Be Professional Member

Please note that whilst training and GoE Standard Membership are available to everyone, GoE Professional Membership is not available to children as they are not legally able to sign the code-of-conduct. We also will not list contact details of minors on our public membership listings including our website.

In the UK, a person is considered able to sign legal contracts such as the code-of-conduct at the age of 18, however it is up to the trainer to check the laws-of-the-land where the new practitioner-to-be is resident. If the trainer has any doubts over the age of someone they are certifying, then they must check official identification such as passport or driving license.

Foundation Level Course - What Certificate should I award them?

When you purchase the foundation manuals for your students, the price you pay includes the full-colour manual plus a year’s GoE Standard Membership (new members) or the equivalent extension to their current membership:

  • GoE Professional Trainer - They will get 3 months added to their membership
  • GoE Professional Practitioner - They will get 6 months added to their membership
  • GoE Standard Member - They will get 1 year added to their membership

Please award all those attend with an attendance certificate found in the Trainer Files and then submit their details so we can grant them their years GoE Standard Membership, or extend their current membership.


  • Code of Conduct Forms - These are not required as this is not a Professional Level qualification.
  • Privacy Policy Forms - These are required so the GoE can recognise their qualification.
  • Distance Learning Tutors - Please advise the GoE office when the student has passed the training, and we will award them certification on your behalf.

Where can I download forms, templates and presentation slides?

The GoE Trainer Files page is full of everything you need as a trainer, including:

  • Trainer lesson plans and exercises
  • Silvia Hartmann has recorded a number of videos for trainers showing how she envisioned the courses being taught
  • Professional Code of Conduct forms to print out
  • Certificate templates for printing out on certificate paper
  • Logos, Flyers and Flyer Templates
  • Links to Facebook Videos for sharing to your followers
  • Slideshow presentations for use with your courses
  • Support documents, forms and downloads

It’s worth having a look through the trainer files to see what’s on offer soon after you announce your training dates:

Who do I contact if I need assistance?Zoe.jpg

Zoe Hobden is the GoE Global Member Support Manager and one of her main roles is to support, help and advise our Trainers. So if you need assistance get in contact with Zoe!

Who do I contact if I need assistance teaching in Turkey?cumasiye.jpg

Cumasiye Ozgur is the GoE local representative in Turkey.

Who do I contact about “The Energist” magazine?

Contact editor Stephen Kent if you have an article you would like to submit or would like to advertise in the next issue.


What promotion material is available to me?85m_Its-All-About-Energy-SUE-Scale-Pull-Up-Banner-GOE-2016.jpg

We have a range of products available (see: to help you make a great success of your events. Having promotion material for your training gives a professional feel.

At the bare minimum, we recommend you purchase a GoE popup banner for your events.

We offer:

MSM has been designed to give you everything you need to take your training to the masses. If you need extra supplies of tri-fold leaflets, 20-page introduction brochures or SUE Scale wristbands, head to the MSM Store. We also have a pull-up SUE Scale banner specifically for MSM trainings.MSM_Stress_To_Success_2015_Pull_Up_Banner_Lady.jpg

We also have GoE Flyer Templates you can use without charge for making your own flyers and posters. See:


What Software Do You Recommend?

Here are some useful links for you that either ourselves or other members have recommended.

These days, you don’t always need software installed on your computer to get things done as many are available “in the cloud”. This means that the software runs in your web browser. There is expensive software available (ie Adobe or Microsoft products) but we find that the free-to-use programs often work just as well and you’re less likely to get stuck with unsupported out of date software.

  • Note: Yes you can outsource the design and production of your flyers, brochures and leaflets to a designer or printer but if you can learn how to do them yourself then you’ll save money and be able to update details like dates, contact numbers and venues more easily.

Graphics (Picture) Software

  • - Free and online. Trainer Kelly Burch recommends PicMonkey. There is also a great YouTube Video demonstrating how to get started.
  • Xara Designer - This is the software that the GoE has been using for decades. It’s a premium product but we believe worth every penny.

Office Suite

  • Google Docs - Free and online. A really easy to use collection of apps for word processing, spreadsheets and forms. This is a very convenient way of working together with others on the same documents too.
  • Google Docs is what Silvia Hartmann gained worldwide attention by naked writing “The Dragon Lords” in 2012. The books is listed in the British Library’s publication “A History of the Book in 100 Books”.
  • Google Docs is great for creating spreadsheets for events, especially if more than one person is involved in organising them. The GoE has used Google Spreadsheets for organising events as big as the annual GoE Conference before and it’s really useful knowing that all staff can see the up-to-date information.
  • OpenOffice - Free and available for Windows/Macs. OpenOffice is a great suite of programs for word processing, spreadsheets and slideshows. This is the software that the GoE uses for manuals and slideshows.


Will The GoE advertise my trainings?

Yes. The GoE will help you to advertise your trainings/events in a number of ways. Providing you load your events (how to upload events) onto our website we will:

  • List your training online:
  • Your GoE Website
  • GoE Live Events listings
  • GoE Course Information Page
  • On the GoE Interactive Energy Map
  • Articles will be created each month to highlight forthcoming events, these are promoted on the website's homepage and Facebook.
  • All available trainings will be featured in the quarterly magazine “The Energist”
  • GoE Local Newsletter - every month we email the people on our mailing list to let them know practitioners and events near them.
  • GoE Regional Newsletter - if a specialist newsletter is relevant to your location, we will offer you the opportunity to advertise you and your GoE events on the newsletter before it goes out to a target mailing list.
  • Social Media Referrals - The GoE monitors social media for people asking about courses.
  • Telephone Referrals - People phone in and ask the GoE for course recommendations or events happening near them.

Further exposure for and your courses can be gained by writing articles which get published in the Energist, writing post event postings on Facebook which we will like and share with our friends, and any great things you do we can help you shout about.

We love to hear what’s going on with you and your trainings, so please do use the GoE to spread the great work you do!

Premium Promotion Help

The GoE offers premium promotion packages to trainers to advertise their events, products and services.

We offer:

  • Advertising in The Energist - available now
  • Facebook advertising - access to the thousands of people who like our page
  • Press-release writing and distribution
  • Online advertising
  • Postal mailouts
  • Advanced email targeting

Please contact us for more information.


What is the GoE Rosetta Project?Rosetta-Stone-Egyptian-Hieroglyphs-print-china-mug-homeware-cmck30750_productlarge.jpg

When GoE was founded in 1998, it started publishing Classic EFT protocols in many languages and we’re proud that many top international trainers and practitioners today discovered energy modalities through these efforts.

However, translating anything into any language isn’t easy.

It sounds like a simple process but when you have translators arguing over different terms for the same thing, or are given translations in languages you can’t understand, have different outdated versions floating around the online ether, or need to update the original English language files - then life gets very difficult very quickly.

In 2015, Alex Kent and Silvia Hartmann were having a discussion about this and how to further nurture and support our trainers who work in languages other than English.

With members now in about sixty countries, the GoE wishes to provide as many key documents, diagrams, videos and manuals in as many languages as possible.

With that intention in mind, we searched for software that would help us translate documents and keep track of different versions but it was surprising how few off-the-shelf packages were available.

So we set about writing our own whose codename was the GoE Rosetta Software. It’s job was to:

  1. Separate any original document (such as a slide show, course manual, diagram or document) from its text.
  2. Create a translation file containing unique paragraphs in English which we then give to our translators whom manually provide the translation using standard GoE terminology (eg: so “Modern Energy Tappin” is consistently translated on each document).
  3. Finally, the GoE Rosetta Tool takes the source file(s) plus translation file(s) and then outputs a new file (or files) in the target language(s).
  4. With the new translated file we can then export that into different formats, such as creating JPG images, PDF documents and movies.

That sounds simple but the benefits are profound:

  • Translators don’t have to learn to use the original software. All they need is a text editor.
  • Text editors are simple and fast bits of software that load quickly and are fast to scroll through.
  • Translators working together as a team can collaborate about translation files in real-time using Google Docs software. This also allows for peer review and commenting.
  • The original source file can be changed and altered, then the software tool can be run again generating a whole new series of documents. For example, we could easily create several Modern Energy Tapping tapping diagrams featuring different main images suitable for different demographics, ie a lady in a suit, teenager, older gentleman, etc.
  • The software supports slideshows, diagrams, desktop publishing, spreadsheets and more. We’ve got an entire office suite at our disposal. Slideshows are also great for making mini-movies in different languages suitable for YouTube and Facebook.
  • The translation file doesn’t contain repeated paragraphs. For example, translators will only have to replace “Modern Energy Tapping” once. This can cut down the translation work required by upto 25%.
  • We used to have to copy & paste translations ourselves but this was a slow process and often subject to a lot of human error as we don’t have the ability to check the documents in house. The GoE Rosetta Tool is a lot more precise - especially in languages such as Chinese or Arabic!
  • Very much quicker - takes seconds rather than hours. Once the translation files and source documents are ready, the software takes literally seconds to output the new documents. Previously this used to take hours, hence the human error crept in.
  • The translation files become sources of GoE standardised translations. This should hopefully increase the standardisation of terms used between all GoE documents.
  • The software supports latin and not latin texts such as Chinese and Arabic.

Our first test of the GoE Rosetta Tool was to create the Energy EFT Protocol-on-a-Page document into as many languages as possible. We didn’t really know what would happen or if the software would work, but within a month we had the document available in 17 languages: Arabic, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish & Ukrainian.

  • See: Energy EFT on a Page (Member Documents)[23]

Then we made members an Energy EFT powerpoint slideshow in 17 languages using the same translation files that we had previously received. This took just a couple of hours, whereas previously this would have taken weeks to get ready!

What was a much bigger test was the new Energy EFT Foundation course manual, which is highly graphical and in full-colour. It has been designed for GoE Rosetta Tool so should be the easiest manual yet to translate.

This combined with our international network of printers means we can print manuals in the UK, United States and Australia in as many languages as our trainers require.

We are very much at the start of our journey discovering how to best use this software but the initial results are extremely promising. Please do stay tuned to the members group for more information about exciting GoE Rosetta Projects as they are announced!

GoE Legal Structure

Guild of Energists Ltd (GoE) is registered in the UK, is a Learned Society and we are bound by a not-for-profit clause in our company articles to ensure that all profit generated by our activities is invested back into furthering our aims.

GoE financial information is available from Companies House.

  • Company Number: 08146219

What is the Long Term Plan for the GoE?

We absolutely believe that modern energy modalities and their direct effect on emotions is a paradigm shift and deserving to be recognised as its own field, separate to psychology, counselling and other disciplines.

At the moment, we are a Learned Society which means we are nurturing our emergent field and supporting its growth and development through education, development and promotion.

Our long term goal for the GoE is to attain a Royal Charter which is a legal document issued to institutions such as Universities and professional bodies.


Case Studies: GoE - Following a Well Trodden (But Long) Path

  • British Psychological Society (BPS) was founded in 1901 and received their Royal Charter in 1965. In 2012, they had 49,678 members.
  • Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCP) was founded in 1841 and received their Royal Charter in 1926. In 2013, they had 17,014 members.
  • British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) was reorganised into one organisation in 1977 and have yet to receive their Royal Charter. In 2016, they had 41,000 members.
  • Guild of Energists (GoE) was founded in 1998 and have yet to receive their Royal Charter. In 2017, they had 1,819 members.


Information About “Trainer of the Month” Award

Starting February 2017, the GoE gives an award each month to the top three trainers active in the previous month.

Each of the winners will be promoted through social media and on the GoE website.

Trainers who do not wish to take part in “Trainer of the Month” may opt out at their discretion.

What to Include in Booking Terms and Conditions

It is important for both yourself and your users to be clear with one another what both parties are contractually signing up to.

By asking your users to agree to your booking terms and conditions, you are more likely to be protected if something goes wrong so we advise that you take legal advice if you want it to be watertight in the country you operate in.

Also, many countries give consumers a legal minimum set of rights that can’t be overridden by your terms and conditions. Alongside protecting you, it also gives your users assurance about what happens in specific circumstances. Remember, you can always consult a GoE Trainer Mentor. Some ideas for your terms and conditions include:

  • Your refund policy - do you offer any refunds, and if so under what circumstances can someone claim. If someone misses the training, are they allowed to defer to the next and may they roll this over.
  • Your cancellation policy - if you have to cancel the event or change dates, times and location, what happens to people who’ve already booked.
  • Media policy - if you’re planning on taking pictures, video recording or audio recording then let people know and also state how you are going to use it (ie social media, website, promo, etc). This should be open for discussion so if someone doesn’t want to be on film, they can be positioned out of shot and be made aware of camera locations, etc.  Likewise, we recommend you request students not to record audio or video from the training themselves.
  • Database use, security and privacy policy - many countries require you be upfront if you plan to store data, how you secure it and also how you plan to use it afterwards. You should also let people know that their details by default are passed to the GoE for processing their membership.

To give you ideas and sample text for what you might like to include in your terms and conditions see the following link for a training organised by GoE. Please note that we do not promise that it will be valid in the country you are operating in so we advise you seek legal advice:



Case Story: The Icelandic Volcano


In 2010, the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland erupted and European airspace was closed just days before the EmoTrance Conference opened its doors. Approx 30% of delegates were unable to attend but because the terms and conditions were in place we could offer people alternative training options.

How To List Yourself As A Trainer On Facebook

  1. Go to the website and either create a free account, or login using your existing account.
  2. Go to your Facebook profile by clicking your name on the top menu bar.
  3. On your profile, click 'About' then 'Work and education' then 'Add a workplace'.
  4. Here you'll be able to search for "The Guild of Energists" and enter “Modern Energy Trainer” as the "job title"

That's it - your Facebook profile will now list the GoE as your workplace!


Trainer Tips: What the Trainers Say!

When creating this document we asked our current trainers the question:

If you could go back in time and give yourself tips and advice on all aspects of event organising, marketing and promotion - what would you say?”

Silvia Hartmann - GoE President, Founder and Director Of Trainings

Spend far more time and attention on marketing so there's someone there to be teaching/training in the first place.



Silvia Hartmann



Terry Lynch - GoE Trainer since 2009

If I could go back in time and give myself tips and advice on organizing I would say plan ahead!

Order those seals and manuals in advance.

Work Backwards...what do I mean by that? Go to the aspect of yourself who has just finished the course and reflect, 'how do you want her to be feeling?' Work backwards from there. Get the certificates printed up first, don't leave them to the last. Get the joy out of seeing them being handed out. Embrace your aspect. Get testimonials and collect the evaluation sheet.

Than check and see look around at the "breaks". What do you see? Tea & coffee, fruit available for a snack. What does your break look like? That is an important time for your students to connect.

Now go backwards to lunch, are there places in the area to eat or do they need to bring a packed lunch. Go to the beginning of the day, how does the room setup look? Are you doing a powerpoint presentation? Practice and make sure it is working. How are the chairs in the room? Are they spaced for comfort and learning? Step back. What else can you do to the room to bring the energy to the place you want it to be. I love putting up a place where people on the breaks can peruse through all of the other courses I teach as well as books published by DragonRising that I have.

One more step back, you are driving to that you have a crate on wheels that you can easily store and transport your equipment? Do you need an easel and pad? Did you remember your lunch?

It is also really important to know..."What not to do!" i.e. I emphasize at the beginning that this is a training and education to become a practitioner, not a personal healing weekend. It is about personal healing, but pick the small stuff. This has been real key, because even when the big stuff does show up, I can bring them back with this reminder so we can complete the course requirements and exercises.



Terry Lynch



Lorna Firth - GoE Trainer since 2009

I like to be organised with everything at the ready. What I do have to watch one of my aspects with - and I have addressed this now- is that I get so carried away with the training, I forget to have small breaks during the day. This is really important to give the students time to start assimilating what they have learned so far. The up to date training I did with Sandra in Istanbul helped me to see training from a new perspective.

The treats and gifts were a brilliant idea by Sandra Hillawi. It's a great idea to give a GoE gift ...................... a wrist band, an "I love EFT" mug, bag etc. I have my morning coffee in the mug Sandra gave me. It keeps the connection between us strong. So it would be with our students.


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Lorna Firth



Aisling Killoran - GoE Trainer since 2007

Advertise at least 3 months before each training.


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Aisling Killoran




Sandra Hillawi - GoE Trainer and Trainer Mentor

Write up and publish healing stories...They will inspire people for years and help build your public profile . Plan a campaign of awareness for your events 3 months in advance....not everyone responds on the first announcement, they often need to see it 2 or 3 times before acting. Good early registration offers and clear call to action in your communications work. Think how you can make it personal ...words that touch people and make them feel something are good ...In other words ...from the heart, moving stories, honesty, and don't be afraid to pick up the phone and connect. Build real relationships with new and old clients .... they will come back on future events. Love your clients before during and after your events and be passionate about what you do and be generous in spirit. Publicizing good news, giving recognition to others helps build your public profile. Think of little things that will make people happy and feel good at your events.... I learned well from my turkish friends treats and surprise gifts make people happy as a bonus at your event.

Some people will be curious about the magic of EFT but many will be interested in solving a particular problem or getting something that they want so show examples of this in your communications so people can focus and recognise it's for them. Being too general even though we can help so many problems doesn't always help so target specific audiences through their common problems or needs. Really turn your attention and put your heart into helping people in these areas and you will reach your audience and have success. Collect testimonials from attendees and if you are just starting out use the course feedback collected on the GoE website.

About advertising ....The only paid advertising that ever worked for me was placed beside an article in a magazine with a targeted audience or professional publication. But finding out how to use Google adwords could be a good idea for targeted Internet advertising. Joint ventures with other trainers or influencers in other communities are good ways to reach new audiences.... Make them a champion for the project by giving them a good personal experience of eft showing how their community can benefit and make it a win win project.

Finally .... just get your first date in the diary ...even if it's a few therapist friends at a special rate for your first event ...and just do it. The energy and happiness you will get from doing and completing your first training will give you great motivation for the next ones.


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Sandra Hillawi





Barbara Saph - Trainer and Trainer Mentor

My first tip would be to always be yourself, you are unique remember you are an Energist and raise your own energy levels first and maintain them throughout.

Secondly have a personal support system in place so you can fully focus on the training and students and forget about domestic/ other concerns.

Thirdly if you are new to training then pace yourself, challenging yourself is good, stepping outside your comfort zone is good but over-facing yourself so much that you are put off ever training again is best avoided.

Finally build on your good experiences, develop your style and confidence get feedback from the workshop and lastly release any negative judgemental comments that say more about the student than the trainer.


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Barbara Saph


Wendy Birse - Trainer since 2013

My tip would be to have complete confidence in the material and to concentrate on energizing the group bubble so that all participants, including you, want to contribute to ensuring that everyone has wonderful experiences on the programme. The learning comes through the experiences, ideally +10s, not from memorizing the manual.

Another really practical tip that I did for Energy EFT MP and then MSM. Particularly if you don't remember all you want to: copy and laminate the trainer summary notes and core skills pages so you have them readily accessible for quick reference. I laminate 2 to a pouch, back to back. They're sturdy and you've always got them.


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Wendy Birse



Karen Aquinas - Trainer since 2013

The material is excellent. Knowing it well and outlining a plan for presentation and breaks helps things move smoothly along (and ensures all core skills are covered). As others have mentioned, the content is supercharged when you include your own case studies (where appropriate) and, of course, present, lead and interact with complete authenticity.

I think it would be good to make clear, especially for first time trainers, they are not alone. The GoE team is approachable and very helpful. Everyone in the trainers’ group shares the same basic goal. They should reach out if they need help.

For me, it was especially helpful to know that Silvia/GoE really doesn’t mind if we “create our own masterpiece”. The flexibility to infuse the successes I had experienced based on Sylvia’s teachings from my own private practice allowed me to show up with transparency and poise. I used the course content to ensure all trainees could demonstrate the core skills, but my added case studies of my own that helped keep everyone engaged and eager to learn. It was a really big deal for me to know this was “okay”. (That might come from decades as an educator in the United States public school system, perhaps it’s a “no duh” concept for most.)



Karen Aquinas


Stephen Carter - Trainer since 2013

Key actions for my classes beyond marketing include:

  1. Prepare and email an initial "Thank You for Registering" message that includes my phone number and invitation to call with any questions.
  2. Send a second email as the formal confirmation within two or three days of their registration that includes all relevant class details (address, date(s), times, dress, come unscented, etc.). This confirmation includes links to any required or recommended readings, videos, audios, or other resources.
  3. At least once during the class, I speak with each delegate personally and privately to get feedback about their experiences. This allows them to ask questions they may be reluctant to ask during class.
  4. I provide snacks and water each day of class. (note: check with delegates to ensure no one has a nut or other food allergy as part of the confirmation email and in the first morning of class before setting out snacks). I also provide a list of area restaurants / eateries to each delegate as part of their class packets.
  5. Within a week after class, I send a "Thank You" message and include the class roster with email addresses only (no phone numbers) for those delegates who chose to share their addresses with other attendees.
  6. Keeping in touch with delegates in the weeks and months following a given class with periodic "just checking to see how you're doing" type messages lets them know you care. By sending two or three non-advertising messages in the months after class, they are far more likely to open your email message announcements of future events.
  7. I often offer special incentives to previous class delegates to register for future classes as a way to say "Thank You" for attending those previous classes.
  8. I use testimonials from delegates to promote future classes.



Stephen Carter



Gulcan Arpacioglu - Trainer since 2012

  1. Improve public speaking and storytelling skills
  2. Improve your presentation skills and tools
  3. Have clients and use all kinds of techniques with them, write all of them down and share them in class
  4. Be prepared to give a demo on camera
  5. Hold monthly meetings with your students
  6. Send bi-monthly newsletters with stories and testimonials, photos and monthly training calendar
  7. Have a great website with a signup form
  8. Learn about SEO (search engine optimization)
  9. Learn how to use Adwords
  10. Use social media for business and share nothing personal life (family, travel etc) on that account
  11. Respect everyone's training style, experience and skills
  12. Do not gossip, undermine or complain about any other trainer or practitioner
  13. Do not manipulate any prospect or practitioner
  14. Stay loyal to your ethical values and remind your students to do the same
  15. Don't take yourself too seriously
  16. Have fun!



Gulcan Arpacioglu


Kym Lawn - Trainer Since 2013

Morning of event I have a “registration time” more a meet and greet to start the rapport process with everyone, offer a warm beverage, begin the energy dance together. I usually have a music playlist – a cue song to come back from breaks to.

Encourage movement and dancing.

When planning content for course, I look at the outcomes and work around that.

I don’t teach or do every exercise in the training manual – my goal is to have them proficient in the 4 learning outcomes for each unit.

I have a “fine jar” that I charge people if they are late for class, use their mobile in class, late back from breaks... At the end of the class I donate it to a charity of choice.

I have coloured pens, stickers, diamanté’s, toys, squeeze balls on the tables for them to play with, and encourage it.

I incorporate other modalities into the training – one training I bought in someone who plays the dige to tap along to. I have a medicine drum that I used on the weekend to tap to.

Plan a break every 1 ½ hours for comfort stop – am flexible with my times, as long as it works for everyone in the group.

I allow anyone who has done my training to come back for no charge. They then “crew” for me and share their stories.

I use facebook chat groups for each group to stay in touch leading up to the course, and have a larger group that I have people (don’t use that nearly as much as I could)




Kym Lawn


Jorge Vence - Trainer since 2015

My tips are:

  1. Pick the trainer's brains out, ask them what has worked for them and what hasn't. Make a very thorough list of their successes and mistakes.
  2. To be very proactive and speak to people about the trainings available and what's in it for people, etc.
  3. Be very clear as to why you want to be a trainer.
  4. Be patient (and keep working), Rome wasn't built in one day, things take time.
  5. Use the skills we have, on ourselves and be the evidence of the work we do.
  6. Just don't give up and keep an open mind and heart.



Jorge Vence


Ray Manning - Trainer since 2007

  1. As soon as or even before your Trainer Training put in dates for your first workshop, otherwise the longer you leave it after the training the less lightly you are at running one.
  2. Remember to de-stress if things get uncomfortable and then tap on whatever comes up through the heart.
  3. Have 2 or 3 ways of covering each of the core skill in each of the units, so as to keep the energy up in the group, as each group, each unit, each workshop will be different.
  4. Feedback is good, but only use it as a guide and make you changes fixable.
  5. Enjoy evolving before, during and after each workshop and allow your workshop to do the same and as other Trainers have said you are not alone, please ask for help.
  6. Enjoy that every time you read and present each unit you are seeing it differently, learning it differently, I am a much better one to one practitioner now, then when I was not running workshops.



Ray Manning


Philip Gowler - Trainer since 2015

So much to write here, so here goes:

  • Delegates should do 70% of the work, that way they learn more.
  • Allow for different learning styles- visual, auditory, kinaesthetic by providing a variety of learning tools and activities.
  • Always have plenty of water on the tables, no sweets, fruit is better.
  • Don't rely on technology, always have a low tech option
  • Check flipchart pens are working
  • Make your invitation process interesting and reassuring (removes fear factor)
  • Have a lesson plan but be flexible
  • Have handouts, preferably as professional looking as possible
  • For large groups use nameplates or badges
  • Plenty of breaks, we learn best in 20 minute chunks
  • The brain works best when active, simple toys on tables aren't a distraction, they keep the brain ticking over
  • Use a pleasant scent in the room
  • Music is excellent as a background when breaking into groups
  • Fresh air is important as is natural light
  • Practice, practice, practice
  • Use Energy EFT to get you in a positive state
  • Use checklists
  • Always get feedback and tweak as required
  • Always directly acknowledge delegates contributions
  • Never criticise answers or questions
  • Be yourself, allow time for fun, smile
  • Establish objectives at the start and ask at the end if they have been met
  • Watch the group and encourage quiet delegates to participate
  • Don't have your break with the delegates, give them the chance to talk amongst themselves
  • Match your training style to your delegates to build rapport
  • Use open questions


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Philip Gowler



Document History

  • 31st December 2015
  • Original Document
  • 26th January 2016
  • New Course: Energy EFT Foundation
  • Updated: Information on Translating Manuals
  • New FAQ: Information on Name Change from AMT -> GoE
  • New FAQ: What is GoE Rosetta Project?
  • New FAQ: GoE Legal Structure
  • New FAQ: GoE Long-term Plan
  • 15th February 2016
  • New Document: Links to GoE Flyer Templates
  • New Section: Ideas for starting GoE Meetup Group
  • New FAQ: What Software Do You Recommend?
  • Update Section: Training Manuals. Include information on GoE printing and shipping manuals direct to students for trainers who do Skype sessions.
  • Update Section: UK training manual printers decrease their print turnaround times from five working days to three working days.
  • Update FAQ: Long-term plan - added case study on British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).
  • 10th May 2016
  • Update Section: Training Manuals. Faster print times at all international printers.
  • Update Section: Training Manuals. Added new international printer in Singapore.
  • Update Section: Training Manuals. Request for help finding a short-run printer in Turkey.
  • Update Section: Training Manuals. Energy EFT Foundation manual now available in English, Turkish and Dutch with French, Spanish and Portuguese on the way.
  • Replace course badges with GoE 2016 logos
  • New FAQ: Do I Have To Upgrade My Trainers License?
  • GoE Merchandise: New “It’s all about Energy!” popup banner
  • 26th July 2016
  • New Section: Legalities regarding your trainer license
  • Printing Manuals in India
  • Energy EFT Foundation Manual now available in Portuguese & French
  • New Course: Modern Stress Management Foundation
  • 22nd June 2017
  • EEFT MP manual is now available in German language (2012 edition)
  • EEFT MP manual is now available in Portuguese language
  • MSM Foundation manual is now available in Turkish
  • EEFT F manual is now available in Spanish
  • EEFT F manual is now available in French
  • New Course: SuperMind Master
  • New Course: Modern Energy Coach
  • New Course: Modern Energy Healer
  • New GoE Course Matrix
  • Added information about the GoE Digital Library
  • Made Trainer’s Guide print friendly by writing out web links
  • Added information and contact details for members of GoE Staff
  • 28th June 2017
  • Corrected typo in course matrix. MSM Pro can be taught by online video training
  • Added extra FAQ regarding creating custom trainings and events
  • 3rd November 2017
  • New Section: “Finding a Venue” added to the GoE Training Checklist.
  • Modern Energy Healer and Modern Energy Coach now available in Turkish
  • New Courses: Modern Energy Tapping Foundation, Modern Energy Tapping Professional and Modern Energy Dating Coach
  • Updated course matrix
  • Detailed Information On Each Course plus Course Pathway Diagrams
  • Information on GoE Trainer’s Course
  • 6th February 2018
  • Clarified 50% discount that can be offered to EEFT MPs upgrading to MET Pro.
  • 19th June 2018
  • MSM Pro. Clarification on who may teach this course.
  • Lowered price for Modern Energy Dating Coach.
  • Updated Address.
  • Added “How To List Yourself As A Trainer On Facebook” FAQ.
  • Updated Trainer Training 2019 details.
  • Current Version
  • Added link to Silvia Hartmann’s Trainer Masterclass video

[1] GoE Flyer Templates (login to download): 

[2] Google Drive (Spreadsheets and Documents) - 

[3] Mail Chimp (Email Newsletters) - 

[4] GoE Flyer Templates (Login to Download):

[5] GoE Events Listing: 

[7] GoE Course Directory:

[8] GoE Flyer Templates (Login to Download):

[9] GoE Trainer Downloads (Login to Download):

[10]  GoE Trainer Downloads (Login to Download):

[11] RGS EFT Group on Facebook - 

[12] Trillion Dollar Stress Solution by Silvia Hartmann - 

[13] For a list of GoE membership benefits at each level see: 

[14] Download certificate templates, code-of-conduct forms and trainer files from: 

[15] Certificates need to be printed out on certificate paper which comes with a pre-printed border. For more information and links to ordering see: 

[17] Membership Types For Each Course: 1Y Pro - On completion of this course and depending on their existing membership level, students will receive either one year of GoE Professional Practitioner Membership, Two years of GoE Standard Membership, or Six months of GoE Professional Trainer membership. 1Y Standard -  On completion of this course and depending on their existing membership level, students will receive either: One year of GoE Standard Membership, Six months of GoE Professional Practitioner Membership, or Three months of GoE Professional Trainer membership.

[18] If a Prerequisite Book is not available in the language you are teaching in then you may still teach and certify students but please spend an extra day going through the material so that they are of the right standard when they start the course

[19] Price Per Student: Trainers receive a discount for ordering in quantities of 5+, 15+ or 25+. For orders greater than 50, contact us for a custom quote. Prices shown exclude postage but include a manual and GoE membership for each student. You may also apply for Charity Rates.

[20] Energy EFT MP to MET Pro Upgrades: Until 1st June 2019, an existing Energy EFT MP who upgrades to the new MET Pro course may receive a 50% reduction on both the minimum pricing (£199.50 after discount) and recommended pricing (£223.50 after discount).

[21] Energy EFT by Silvia Hartmann is available in the following languages: English (DragonRising Publishing), German (VAK), Czech (ANAG) & Turkish (Pegasus) 

[22] Energy EFT by Silvia Hartmann is available in the following languages: English (DragonRising Publishing), German (VAK), Czech (ANAG) & Turkish (Pegasus) 

[23] Member Documents:

Posted Aug 21, 2018
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